List of surveys and statistical programs by record number
462 active survey(s) and statistical program(s)
(A list of inactive surveys and statistical programs follows)
- Record number:1105 Business Register (BR)
- Record number:1209 Environmental Goods and Services, Survey of (SEGS)
- Record number:1301 Gross Domestic Product by Industry - National (Monthly) (GDP)
- Record number:1303 Gross Domestic Product by Industry - Provincial and Territorial (Annual)
- Record number:1401 Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables
- Record number:1402 Productivity Measures and Related Variables - National and Provincial (Annual) (MFP)
- Record number:1534 Canada's Balance of International Payments
- Record number:1535 Canada's International Transactions in Securities
- Record number:1536 Canada's International Transactions in Services
- Record number:1537 Canada's International Investment Position (IIP)
- Record number:1539 Canadian Multinational Enterprises Abroad, Activities of
- Record number:1726 Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages and Cannabis (CSABC)
- Record number:1804 Financial Flow Accounts
- Record number:1806 National Balance Sheet Accounts
- Record number:1901 National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Income and by Expenditure Accounts
- Record number:1902 Provincial and Territorial Gross Domestic Product by Income and by Expenditure Accounts
- Record number:1903 Environmental Protection Expenditures Survey, Annual (EPES)
- Record number:1910 National Tourism Indicators (NTI)
- Record number:2001 Electric Utility Financial Report Annual (AEUF)
- Record number:2003 Coke Supply and Disposition Survey, Monthly (MCOK)
- Record number:2008 Retail Commodity Survey (RCS)
- Record number:2009 Waste Management Survey, Annual
- Record number:2101 Manufacturing, Monthly Survey of (MSM)
- Record number:2103 Manufactures and Logging Industries, Annual Survey of (ASML)
- Record number:2134 Sawmills
- Record number:2142 Tobacco Products, Production and Disposition of
- Record number:2147 Coal Supply and Disposition Survey, Monthly (MCOL)
- Record number:2148 Oil and Other Liquid Petroleum Products Pipeline Survey, Monthly (MOPS)
- Record number:2149 Natural Gas Transmission Survey, Monthly (MNGT)
- Record number:2150 Refined Petroleum Products, Monthly (MRPP)
- Record number:2151 Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey, Monthly (MELE)
- Record number:2167 End-Use of Natural Gas Survey, Annual (AGSD)
- Record number:2168 End-Use of Refined Petroleum Products, Annual Survey on (AEND)
- Record number:2177 Coal Mines Survey, Annual (ACMS)
- Record number:2178 Oil and Gas Extraction Survey, Annual (OGEX)
- Record number:2179 Oil Pipeline Financial Survey, Annual (OPFS)
- Record number:2180 Natural Gas Financial Survey, Annual
- Record number:2183 Industrial Chemicals and Synthetic Resins
- Record number:2193 Electric Power Generating Stations Survey, Annual (EPGS)
- Record number:2194 Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey, Annual (AELE)
- Record number:2196 Electric Power Thermal Generating Station Fuel Consumption, Annual Survey of (EPTG)
- Record number:2198 Crude Oil and Natural Gas (MCONG)
- Record number:2201 Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Customs Basis)
- Record number:2202 Canadian International Merchandise Trade (Balance of Payments Basis)
- Record number:2203 International Merchandise Trade Price Index (IMTPI)
- Record number:2301 Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- Record number:2305 Farm Input Price Index (FIPI)
- Record number:2306 Raw Materials Price Index (RMPI)
- Record number:2307 Construction Union Wage Rate Index
- Record number:2310 New Housing Price Index (NHPI)
- Record number:2312 Machinery and Equipment Price Index (MEPI)
- Record number:2317 Building Construction Price Index (BCPI)
- Record number:2318 Industrial Product Price Index (IPPI)
- Record number:2321 Isolated Posts Allowance Indexes (Living Cost Differential Indexes) (LCD)
- Record number:2322 Canadian Foreign Post Indexes
- Record number:2325 Electric Power Selling Price Indexes for Non-residential Customers (EPSPI)
- Record number:2333 Informatics professional services price indexes (IPSPI)
- Record number:2334 Accounting Services Price Index (ASPI)
- Record number:2401 Wholesale Trade Survey, Monthly (MWTS)
- Record number:2402 New Motor Vehicle Sales Survey, Monthly (NMVS)
- Record number:2406 Retail Trade Survey (Monthly) (MRTS)
- Record number:2410 Software Development and Computer Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (COMP)
- Record number:2413 Film, Television and Video Production, Survey of Service Industries (PROD)
- Record number:2414 Film and Video Distribution, Survey of Service Industries (DIST)
- Record number:2415 Film, Television and Video Post-production, Survey of Service Industries
- Record number:2416 Motion Picture Theatres, Survey of Service Industries (THEA)
- Record number:2418 Accommodation Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (ACCO)
- Record number:2419 Food Services and Drinking Places, Monthly Survey of (MSFSDP)
- Record number:2420 Architectural Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (ARCH)
- Record number:2423 Travel Arrangement Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (TRAV)
- Record number:2425 Amusement and Recreation, Annual Survey of Service Industries (AMUS)
- Record number:2434 Consumer Goods Rental, Annual Survey of Service Industries (GOOD)
- Record number:2437 Advertising and Related Services, Survey of Service Industries (ADVT)
- Record number:2439 Engineering Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (ENGI)
- Record number:2441 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing, Annual Survey of Service Industries (CIME)
- Record number:2442 Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing, Annual Survey of Service Industries (AERL)
- Record number:2445 Wholesale Trade Survey, Annual (AWTS)
- Record number:2447 Retail Trade Survey, Annual (RETR)
- Record number:2501 Financial Statements, Quarterly Survey of (QSFS)
- Record number:2503 Corporations Returns Act (CRA)
- Record number:2510 Financial and Taxation Statistics for Enterprises (AFTS)
- Record number:2514 Suppliers of Business Financing, Biannual Survey of (BSSBF)
- Record number:2602 Labour Income, Estimates of (ELI)
- Record number:2604 Employment Insurance Statistics (EIS)
- Record number:2607 Trusteed Pension Funds, Quarterly Estimates of (QTPF)
- Record number:2608 Trusteed Pension Funds, Census of
- Record number:2609 Pension Plans in Canada
- Record number:2612 Employment, Payrolls and Hours, Survey of (SEPH)
- Record number:2614 Business Payrolls Survey (BPS)
- Record number:2620 Financial Security, Survey of (SFS)
- Record number:2701 Airport Activity Survey
- Record number:2712 Civil Aviation Survey, Quarterly (QCAS)
- Record number:2713 Civil Aviation Survey, Annual (ACAS)
- Record number:2715 Aircraft Movement Statistics
- Record number:2721 Telecommunications, Quarterly Survey of (QST)
- Record number:2722 Telecommunications, Annual Survey of (AST)
- Record number:2724 Radio and Television Broadcasting Survey (RTBS)
- Record number:2732 Railway Carloadings Survey, Monthly
- Record number:2734 Rail Transportation, Annual Survey on (AR)
- Record number:2736 Rail Commodity Origin and Destination Statistics (RailOD)
- Record number:2745 Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Survey, Monthly (MBUS)
- Record number:2746 Gasoline and Other Petroleum Fuels Sold
- Record number:2747 Vehicle Registrations
- Record number:2753 Marine Vessel Operators, Survey of
- Record number:2798 Passenger Bus and Urban Transit Survey, Annual (PBUT)
- Record number:2802 Building Permits (BPER)
- Record number:2803 Capital Expenditures Survey, Annual: Actual, Preliminary Estimate and Intentions (CAPEX)
- Record number:2820 Stock and Consumption of Fixed Non-residential Capital (SCFNRC)
- Record number:2821 Capacity Utilization Rates (CUR)
- Record number:2933 Canadian Defence, Aerospace, Marine and Cybersecurity Industries Survey
- Record number:2941 Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, Survey on
- Record number:3101 University and College Academic Staff System - Full-time Staff (FT-UCASS)
- Record number:3105 Book Publishers, Survey of Service Industries (BOOK)
- Record number:3108 Performing Arts, Survey of Service Industries (PART)
- Record number:3115 Sound Recording and Music Publishing, Survey of Service Industries
- Record number:3119 Financial Information of Elementary and Secondary Schools (FINESS)
- Record number:3121 Financial Information of Universities Survey (FINUNI)
- Record number:3123 Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs (TLAC)
- Record number:3140 Federal Government Expenditures in Support of Education, Survey of (FEDEX)
- Record number:3146 Financial Information of Colleges (FINCOL)
- Record number:3154 Registered Apprenticeship Information System (RAIS)
- Record number:3160 Apprenticeship Survey, National (NAS)
- Record number:3207 Canadian Cancer Registry (CCR)
- Record number:3210 Private nursing and residential care facilities (NRCF)
- Record number:3226 Canadian Community Health Survey - Annual Component (CCHS)
- Record number:3231 Canadian Vital Statistics - Birth database, Statistics Canada (CVSB)
- Record number:3232 Canadian Vital Statistics - Marriage Database
- Record number:3233 Vital Statistics - Death Database (CVSD)
- Record number:3234 Vital Statistics - Stillbirth Database (CVSS)
- Record number:3235 Canadian Vital Statistics - Divorce Database
- Record number:3250 Indigenous Peoples Survey (IPS)
- Record number:3251 Disability, Canadian Survey on (CSD)
- Record number:3301 Police Administration Survey (PAS)
- Record number:3302 Uniform Crime Reporting Survey (UCR)
- Record number:3306 Adult Correctional Services (ACS)
- Record number:3312 Criminal Court Survey, Integrated (ICCS)
- Record number:3313 Corrections Key Indicator Report for Adults and Youth (CKIR)
- Record number:3315 Homicide Survey
- Record number:3323 Youth Custody and Community Services Survey (YCCS)
- Record number:3324 Maintenance Enforcement Programs, Survey of (SMEP)
- Record number:3328 Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse, Survey of (SRFVA)
- Record number:3401 Field Crop Reporting Series
- Record number:3403 Miller's Survey, Monthly
- Record number:3404 Crushing Operations Survey, Monthly
- Record number:3407 Fruits and Vegetables Survey (FV)
- Record number:3411 Mushroom Growers' Survey (MUSH)
- Record number:3414 Maple Products (MAPL)
- Record number:3416 Greenhouse, Sod and Nursery Survey, Annual (GSNA)
- Record number:3419 Honey Production, Value and Colonies
- Record number:3423 Stocks of Frozen and Chilled Meats Survey (FRMT)
- Record number:3425 Inventory Statement of Frozen Eggs, Poultry and Edible Dried Egg Products (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Data)
- Record number:3426 Fur Farm Report - Mink and Foxes
- Record number:3430 Dairy Factory Production and Stocks Survey, Monthly (DAIR)
- Record number:3431 Inventory Statement of Butter and Cheese, Monthly (BUCH)
- Record number:3432 Milk Sold Off Farms and Cash Receipts from the Sale of Milk
- Record number:3435 Wool Price Survey, Annual
- Record number:3436 Farm Product Prices Survey (FPPS)
- Record number:3437 Farm Cash Receipts (FCR)
- Record number:3438 Census of Agriculture
- Record number:3442 Forage Seed Usage Survey, Annual
- Record number:3443 Miller's Survey, Annual
- Record number:3446 Potato Area and Yield Survey, Biannual (PAYS)
- Record number:3447 Agriculture Taxation Data Program (ATDP)
- Record number:3450 Farm Financial Survey (FFS)
- Record number:3460 Livestock Survey-Biannual
- Record number:3464 Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans Survey (CSCS)
- Record number:3471 Farm Capital, Value of
- Record number:3472 Farm Debt Outstanding
- Record number:3473 Net Farm Income
- Record number:3474 Farm Income in Kind, by Item
- Record number:3475 Food Availability (per person)
- Record number:3476 Commercial Stocks of the Major Special Crops Survey (CSMS)
- Record number:3479 Aquaculture, production and value, Annual
- Record number:3508 Household Spending, Survey of (SHS)
- Record number:3601 Demographic Estimates, Quarterly (QDE)
- Record number:3602 Population Projections for Canada, Provinces and Territories
- Record number:3604 Demographic Estimates: Canada, Provinces and Territories, Annual
- Record number:3605 Estimates of population, by marital status or legal marital Status, age and sex for July 1, Canada, provinces and territories
- Record number:3606 Estimates of the number of census families for July 1st, Canada, provinces and territories
- Record number:3608 Demographic Estimates : Subprovincial Areas, Annual
- Record number:3701 Labour Force Survey (LFS)
- Record number:3824 Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS)
- Record number:3881 Households and the Environment Survey (HES)
- Record number:3901 Census of Population
- Record number:3902 Reverse Record Check (CUS)
- Record number:3903 Census of Population - Dwelling Classification Survey (DCS)
- Record number:4105 Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File), Annual
- Record number:4106 Income and Financial Data of Individuals, Preliminary T1 Family File
- Record number:4107 Longitudinal Administrative Databank (LAD)
- Record number:4201 Research and Development in Canadian Industry, Annual Survey of (RDCI)
- Record number:4204 Research and Development of Canadian Private Non-profit Organizations (RDNP)
- Record number:4205 Energy Research and Development Expenditures by Area of Technology
- Record number:4208 Scientific Activities of Provincial Research Organizations (PRO)
- Record number:4212 Federal Science Expenditures and Personnel, Activities in the Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
- Record number:4223 Advanced Technology, Survey of (SAT)
- Record number:4225 Digital Technology and Internet Use, Survey of (SDTIU)
- Record number:4406 Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)
- Record number:4428 Employment Insurance Coverage Survey (EICS)
- Record number:4430 Giving, Volunteering and Participating, Survey on (SGVP)
- Record number:4432 Internet Use Survey, Canadian (CIUS)
- Record number:4438 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES)
- Record number:4442 Approaches to Educational Planning, Survey of (SAEP)
- Record number:4501 Family Transitions, Survey on (SFT)
- Record number:4502 Caregiving and Care Receiving, General Social Survey (GSS)
- Record number:4503 Time Use, General Social Survey
- Record number:4504 General Social Survey - Canadians' Safety (GSS)
- Record number:4701 Aquaculture Industry, Annual Survey of the (AQUA)
- Record number:4704 Food Services and Drinking Places, Annual Survey of Service Industries (FOOD)
- Record number:4705 Real Estate Rental and Leasing and Property Management, Annual Survey of Service Industries (LESS)
- Record number:4706 Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers and Other Real Estate Activities, Annual Survey of Service Industries (REAL)
- Record number:4710 Newspaper Publishers, Survey of Service Industries (NEWS)
- Record number:4711 Database, Directory and Specialty Publishers, Annual Survey of Service Industries (DDSP)
- Record number:4715 Surveying and Mapping, Annual Survey of Service Industries (SMAP)
- Record number:4716 Accounting Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (ACCT)
- Record number:4717 Consulting Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (CONS)
- Record number:4718 Employment Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (EMPL)
- Record number:4719 Specialized Design, Annual Survey of Service Industries (DESG)
- Record number:4720 Repair and Maintenance Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (REPR)
- Record number:5005 Frontier Counts (FC)
- Record number:5012 Graduates Survey, National (NGS)
- Record number:5014 Investment in Building Construction
- Record number:5015 Mental Health and Access to Care Survey (MHACS)
- Record number:5017 Postsecondary Student Information System (PSIS)
- Record number:5024 Social Identity, General Social Survey (SI)
- Record number:5026 Civil Aviation Survey, Monthly (MCAS)
- Record number:5028 Financial Performance Data (FPD)
- Record number:5029 Balance Sheet of the Agricultural Sector at December 31
- Record number:5030 Agriculture Value Added Account
- Record number:5034 Commercial and Institutional Energy Use, Survey on (SCIEU)
- Record number:5039 Poultry and Eggs, Production of
- Record number:5040 Farm Product Price Index (FPPI)
- Record number:5041 Telecommunications services price indexes (TSPPI)
- Record number:5042 Labour Productivity Measures - National (Quarterly (LPM)
- Record number:5044 Farm Management Survey (FMS)
- Record number:5046 Feed Grain Purchases Survey (FGPS)
- Record number:5047 Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey, Annual (ICE)
- Record number:5052 Civil Court Survey (CCS)
- Record number:5057 Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB)
- Record number:5064 Couriers and Messengers Services Price Index (CMSPI)
- Record number:5071 Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS)
- Record number:5072 Innovation in the Food Processing Industry Survey
- Record number:5073 Bioproducts Production and Development Survey (BPDS)
- Record number:5076 Federal Jurisdiction Workplace Survey (FJWS)
- Record number:5084 Canadian Armed Forces Members and Veterans Mental Health Follow-up Survey (CAFVMHS)
- Record number:5089 Head Office Survey, Annual (HEAD)
- Record number:5091 Periodical Publishers, Survey of Service Industries (PERI)
- Record number:5093 Regulatory Compliance Cost, Survey of
- Record number:5102 Elementary-Secondary Education Survey (ESES)
- Record number:5103 Labour Productivity Measures - Provinces and Territories (Annual)
- Record number:5106 Wholesale Services Price Index (WSPI)
- Record number:5109 Higher Education Research and Development Estimates (HERD)
- Record number:5110 Satellite Account of Non-profit Institutions and Volunteering
- Record number:5114 Canadian System of Environmental - Economic Accounts - Natural Resource Asset Accounts (NRAA)
- Record number:5115 Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Physical Flow Accounts (PFA)
- Record number:5120 Industrial Water Survey, Biennial (IWS)
- Record number:5123 Commercial Rents Services Price Index (CRSPI)
- Record number:5124 Trade by Exporter Characteristics - Goods (TEC)
- Record number:5125 Canadian Coroner and Medical Examiner Database (CCMED)
- Record number:5126 Population projections on immigration and diversity for Canada and its regions
- Record number:5131 Projections of the Indigenous populations and households in Canada
- Record number:5132 Spectator Sports, Event Promoters, Artists and Related Industries, Annual Survey of Service Industries (ARRE)
- Record number:5135 Retail Services Price Index (RSPI)
- Record number:5136 For-hire Motor Carrier Freight Services Price Index (FHMCFSPI)
- Record number:5137 Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing Services Price Index (CIMERLSPI)
- Record number:5142 Export Import Price Report
- Record number:5145 Agricultural Water Survey, Biennial (AWS)
- Record number:5147 Staffing and Non-partisanship Survey (SNPS)
- Record number:5148 Fertilizer Shipments Survey (FSS)
- Record number:5149 Biennial Drinking Water Plants Survey (DKWP)
- Record number:5153 Grain Used for Industrial Purposes Survey (GUIP)
- Record number:5156 Agriculture Frame Update Survey (AFUS)
- Record number:5157 Entrepreneurship Indicators Database
- Record number:5168 Secondary Distributors of Refined Petroleum Products, Annual Survey of (SRPP)
- Record number:5169 Stock and Consumption of Fixed Residential Capital (SCFRC)
- Record number:5171 Innovation and Business Strategy, Survey of
- Record number:5173 Canada's Core Public Infrastructure Survey (CCPI)
- Record number:5174 Government Finance Statistics (GFS)
- Record number:5175 Prepared Food and Beverage Sales Survey (PFBSS)
- Record number:5177 Crop Condition Assessment Program (CCAP)
- Record number:5185 Childhood National Immunization Coverage Survey (CNICS)
- Record number:5186 Capital Expenditures: Oil and Gas Activities, Quarterly Survey of
- Record number:5188 Federal Patents, Licences and Royalties Survey (FPLR)
- Record number:5191 Residential and Non-Residential Property Assessment Values at Current Prices
- Record number:5193 Research and Development Personnel
- Record number:5194 Consulting Services Price Index (COSPI)
- Record number:5196 Architectural, Engineering and Related Services Price Index (AESPI)
- Record number:5198 Gross Domestic Expenditures on Research and Development (GERD)
- Record number:5200 Canadian Income Survey (CIS)
- Record number:5205 Ontario First Nations Point-of-Sale Exemption Survey (OFNPSES)
- Record number:5207 New Lending Services Price Index (NLSPI)
- Record number:5210 Natural Gas Storage Survey, Monthly (MNGS)
- Record number:5213 Residential Property Values
- Record number:5214 Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciation Charges
- Record number:5215 Natural Gas Distribution Survey, Monthly (MNGD)
- Record number:5217 Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS)
- Record number:5218 Canadian Government Finance Statistics
- Record number:5221 Canadians at Work and Home, General Social Survey (GSS)
- Record number:5223 Grains in Canada, Supply and Disposition of
- Record number:5224 Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI)
- Record number:5225 Principal Field Crop Estimates, Model-based
- Record number:5226 Nunavut Government Employee Survey (NGES)
- Record number:5227 Value of Inventory Change (VIC)
- Record number:5228 Canadian Employer-Employee Dynamics Database (CEEDD)
- Record number:5229 Direct Payments to Agriculture Producers
- Record number:5230 Multinational Enterprises in Canada, Activities of
- Record number:5232 National Travel Survey (NTS)
- Record number:5233 Children and Youth, Canadian Health Survey on (CHSCY)
- Record number:5235 Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces, Survey on (SSMCAF)
- Record number:5236 New Condominium Apartment Price Index (NCAPI)
- Record number:5237 Trade by Importer Characteristics - Goods (TIC)
- Record number:5238 Smelters and Metal Refineries, Monthly Survey of (MSMR)
- Record number:5239 Investment Banking Services Price Index (IBSPI)
- Record number:5242 Canadian Armed Forces Transition and Well-being Survey (CAFTWS)
- Record number:5244 Canadian Survey of Cyber Security and Cybercrime (CSCSC)
- Record number:5246 Mineral Production Survey, Annual
- Record number:5247 Mineral Production Survey, Monthly
- Record number:5248 National Fire Information Database (NFID)
- Record number:5249 Non-Bank Mortgage Lenders, Survey of (SNBML)
- Record number:5250 Global Supply, Production and Distribution Chain Activities, Survey on
- Record number:5251 Canadian Correctional Services Survey (CCSS)
- Record number:5252 Licensed Cannabis Producers Survey
- Record number:5255 Public Nursing and Residential Care Facilities
- Record number:5256 Safety in Public and Private Spaces, Survey of (SSPPS)
- Record number:5257 Canadian Housing Statistics Program (CHSP)
- Record number:5258 International Money Transfers, Study on (SIMT)
- Record number:5259 Canadian Armed Forces Health Survey (CAFHS)
- Record number:5260 Canadian Victim Services Indicators (CVSI)
- Record number:5261 Visitor Travel Survey (VTS)
- Record number:5262 National Cannabis Survey
- Record number:5263 Crowdsourcing - Cannabis
- Record number:5264 Canadian Freight Analysis Framework (CFAF)
- Record number:5269 Canadian Housing Survey
- Record number:5270 Indigenous Peoples Survey-Nunavut Inuit Supplement (IPS-NIS)
- Record number:5271 Home Health Care and Related Services, Survey of (SHHCRS)
- Record number:5273 Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)
- Record number:5274 Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation, The (CIMD)
- Record number:5275 Producer Deliveries of Major Grains, Canada and selected provinces
- Record number:5276 Alberta Retail Price Survey (ARPS)
- Record number:5277 Businesses under Federal Jurisdiction, Survey of (SBFJ)
- Record number:5279 Survey on Individual Safety in the Postsecondary Student Population (SISPSP)
- Record number:5280 Canadian Wastewater Survey (CWS)
- Record number:5282 Calls for Police Services in Saskatchewan (Pilot Project)
- Record number:5284 Rail Performance Indicators, Transport Canada, Weekly
- Record number:5285 Securities Statistics
- Record number:5286 The Open Database of Buildings (ODB)
- Record number:5287 Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements, Survey on (SELCCA)
- Record number:5288 Municipal Wastewater Systems in Canada (MWSC)
- Record number:5290 Survey on Sexual Misconduct at Work (SSMW)
- Record number:5291 Survey of Intellectual Property Awareness and Use (IPAU)
- Record number:5292 Transport Canada in brief
- Record number:5294 Monthly Renewable Fuel Survey (MRFS)
- Record number:5295 Canadian international merchandise trade by industry for all countries
- Record number:5298 Gender Statistics (GS)
- Record number:5299 Survey of Postsecondary Faculty and Researchers (SPFR)
- Record number:5300 Energy Transportation and Storage Survey, Monthly (METSS)
- Record number:5301 Open Database of Educational Facilities, The (ODEF)
- Record number:5302 Resale Residential Property Price Index (RRPPI)
- Record number:5304 Business Innovation and Growth Support (BIGS)
- Record number:5305 Canadian Tobacco and Nicotine Survey (CTNS)
- Record number:5307 New Motor Vehicle Registration Survey (NMVRS)
- Record number:5308 Annual Mineral Production Survey - Contract Drilling Operations
- Record number:5309 Youth Community Involvement Survey (YCIS)
- Record number:5310 Address Register (AR)
- Record number:5312 Survey of Employees under Federal Jurisdiction (SEFJ)
- Record number:5313 Survey on Quality of Employment (SQE)
- Record number:5314 Canada's external trade classified by Broad Economic Categories
- Record number:5315 Survey on Savings for Persons with Disabilities (SSPD)
- Record number:5317 Survey of Employers on Workers' Skills (SEWS)
- Record number:5318 Canadian Survey on Business Conditions (CSBC)
- Record number:5323 Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadians: Data Collection Series
- Record number:5325 Aircraft Movements, Weekly
- Record number:5326 Pulse Survey on COVID-19 and its Impacts on Public Service Employees (PSCIPSE)
- Record number:5327 Survey of the Canada Emergency Business Account
- Record number:5328 Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian Victim Services (ICCVS)
- Record number:5329 Resuming Economic and Social Activities During COVID-19
- Record number:5330 Survey on COVID-19 and Mental Health (SCMH)
- Record number:5331 Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Ecosystem Accounts
- Record number:5332 Personal Protective Equipment Survey (PPES)
- Record number:5333 Pilot Study on Everyday Well-being (PSEW)
- Record number:5334 Survey of Monthly Credit Aggregates
- Record number:5335 Lending Services Price Index (LSPI)
- Record number:5336 Survey of Loan Deferrals (SLD)
- Record number:5337 Canadian Legal Problems Survey (CLPS)
- Record number:5338 Provision of Child Care Services, Canadian Survey on the (CSPCCS)
- Record number:5339 Canadian COVID-19 Antibody and Health Survey (CCAHS)
- Record number:5341 Mental Health and Stressful Events, Survey on (SMHSE)
- Record number:5342 Nursing and Residential Care Facility Survey (NRCFS)
- Record number:5343 Before and After School Care in Canada, Survey on (SBASCC)
- Record number:5344 Diversity of Charity and Non-profit Boards (DCNB)
- Record number:5345 Accessibility in Federal Sector Organizations, Survey on (SAFSO)
- Record number:5347 COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Survey (CVCS)
- Record number:5348 House of Commons Canada
- Record number:5349 Northern Canada Internet Use Survey (NCIUS)
- Record number:5350 Executive Work and Health Survey (EWHS)
- Record number:5353 Agriculture and Agri-Food Labour Statistics Program
- Record number:5354 Canadian Social Survey (CSS)
- Record number:5355 Official Language Minority Population, Survey on the (SOLMP)
- Record number:5356 Emergency and recovery benefits (ERB)
- Record number:5357 Canadian Tourism Activity Tracker (CTAT)
- Record number:5361 Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Overdose Cohort (SMOOC)
- Record number:5364 Provincial and Territorial Culture Indicators
- Record number:5369 Distributions of Household Economic Accounts for Wealth (DHEA - W)
- Record number:5370 Distributions of Household Economic Accounts for Income, Consumption and Saving (DHEA - ICS)
- Record number:5371 Canadian Survey on Early Learning and Child Care (CSELCC)
- Record number:5373 Covid 19 Restrictions indexes; Daily
- Record number:5374 Covid 19 Restrictions indexes; Monthly
- Record number:5375 Labour Market Indicators
- Record number:5376 Canadian System of Environmental-Economic Accounts - Environmental tax statistics (ETS)
- Record number:5377 Labour Market and Socio-economic Indicators
- Record number:5378 Survey Series on People and their Communities
- Record number:5379 ESDC Employee Wellness Survey (ESDC EWS)
- Record number:5380 Statistical Building Register (SBgR)
- Record number:5382 Municipal Land Use and Regulation (MLUR)
- Record number:5383 Canadian Veteran Health Survey (CVHS)
- Record number:5384 Administrative Personal Income Masterfile (APIM)
- Record number:5385 Local Food and Beneficial Management Practices, Survey on (SLFBMP)
- Record number:5386 Trade by Exporter and Importer Characteristics - Services (STEC)
- Record number:5387 Accessible Print Materials, Survey on (SAPM)
- Record number:5389 Canadian Health and COVID-19 Survey (CHCS)
- Record number:5390 Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements - Children with Long-term Conditions and Disabilities, Survey on (SELCCA - CLCD)
- Record number:5391 Health Care Access and Experiences - Primary and Specialist Care, Survey on (SHCAE-PSC)
- Record number:5392 Real-Time Grain Movement by Rail
- Record number:5393 Research Activities and Commercialization of Intellectual Property in Higher Education, Survey on (SRACIPHE)
- Record number:5394 Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Survey (CAPS)
- Record number:5396 Proximity Measures Database 2021
- Record number:5397 Oral Health Care Providers, Survey of (SOHCP)
- Record number:5399 Canadian Oral Health Survey (COHS)
- Record number:5401 Monthly Business Openings and Closures (MBOC)
- Record number:5402 Health Care Clinics in Canada, Survey of (SHCCC)
- Record number:5403 Human Resources Module of the Canadian Economy
- Record number:5404 Screened traffic at Canadian airports
- Record number:5405 Unpaid Time, Survey on (SUT)
- Record number:5406 Parental Experiences Survey (PES)
- Record number:5407 Canadian Survey on Interprovincial Trade (CSIT)
- Record number:5408 Canadian Sexual and Reproductive Health Survey (CSRHS)
- Record number:5410 First Nations People, Métis and Inuit, Survey Series on (SSFNPMI)
- Record number:5411 Canadian Survey on Working Conditions (CSWC)
- Record number:5412 Indigenous Peoples Economic Account (IPEA)
- Record number:5413 Residential Renovation Price Index (RRPI)
- Record number:5414 Survey Series on Accessibility
- Record number:5416 Living with a Life-limiting Illness: Access to Care and Related Experiences (LLLI-ACRE)
- Record number:5417 Survey on Health Care Access and Experiences - Virtual Care and Pharmaceuticals (SHCAE-VCP)
- Record number:6000 Business - Linkable File Environment (B-LFE)
- Record number:7502 Bank of Canada
- Record number:7503 Dangerous Goods Accident Information System - Transport Canada (DGAIS)
- Record number:7504 Employment and Social Development Canada
- Record number:7505 Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
- Record number:7506 Stock Exchange Statistics
- Record number:7507 Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association Inc.
- Record number:7508 Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada
- Record number:7512 Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association
- Record number:7514 Department of Finance
- Record number:7516 Canadian Petroleum and Marketable Natural Gas Reserves
- Record number:7519 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
- Record number:7520 Council of Ministers of Education, Canada
- Record number:7522 United States Statistics
- Record number:7526 United States Department of Agriculture
- Record number:7528 Geography 1971 - 2006
- Record number:7529 Agri-Food and Fisheries Information Service (Servicio de Información Agroalimentaria y Pesquera)
- Record number:7538 Employment and Social Development Canada, Homeless Shelters
- Record number:8009 Business Activity, Expenditure and Output Survey (BAEO)
- Record number:8013 Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program (LEAP)
423 inactive survey(s) and statistical program(s) no longer conducted
- Record number:1141 Average Fair Market Value/Purchase Price for New Homes in Canada - Data from GST Administrative Records
- Record number:1302 Gross Domestic Product by Industry - Annual
- Record number:1529 Capital Invested Abroad by Canadian Enterprises
- Record number:1530 Capital Invested in secondary foreign companies by Canadian Enterprises
- Record number:1531 Canadian Investment in Non-Canadian Corporations (BP-60)
- Record number:1532 Investment in Canada of Non-Canadian Partnerships
- Record number:1538 Canadian Portfolio Investment Abroad (BP-54)
- Record number:1601 Canadian Composite Leading Indicator (CI)
- Record number:1651 Advanced Technology in the Canadian Food Processing Industry, Survey of
- Record number:1702 Local Government Assets and Liabilities
- Record number:1709 Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities
- Record number:1711 Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Program
- Record number:1713 Public Sector Employment
- Record number:1720 Provincial Government Revenue and Expenditure - Estimates and Actual Data
- Record number:1723 Provincial Government Assets, Liabilities, Sources and Application of Funds
- Record number:1725 Provincial Government Business Enterprise Finance
- Record number:1728 Provincial and Territorial Government Employment and Payroll Survey
- Record number:1730 Finances of Government Business Enterprises
- Record number:1731 Local Government Revenue and Expenditure - Financial Management System Basis - Actual Data
- Record number:1735 Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures
- Record number:1736 Waste Management Industry Survey: Government Sector
- Record number:1739 Local Government Revenue and Expenditure - Financial Management System Basis - Estimates Data
- Record number:1803 Travel Survey, Official Canadian Government
- Record number:2014 Contract Drilling and Services to Oil and Gas Extraction Industry
- Record number:2105 Steel Pipe and Tubing
- Record number:2106 Steel Wire and Specified Wire Products
- Record number:2107 Forestry, Annual Survey of
- Record number:2108 Paints, Varnishes and Lacquers, Sales of
- Record number:2109 Gypsum Products
- Record number:2110 Mineral Wool Including Fibrous Glass Insulation
- Record number:2112 Appliances, Production, Sales and Stocks of Major
- Record number:2113 Domestic Washing Machines and Clothes Dryers
- Record number:2114 Domestic Electrical Appliances
- Record number:2115 Pig Iron
- Record number:2116 Steel Primary Forms, Steel Castings and Pig Iron
- Record number:2117 Electric Lamps (Light Sources)
- Record number:2118 Soft Drinks, Annual Production of
- Record number:2119 Footwear Statistics
- Record number:2121 Oils and Fats
- Record number:2122 Hardboard
- Record number:2123 Asphalt Roofing
- Record number:2124 Rigid Insulating Board
- Record number:2125 Floor Tiles
- Record number:2126 Process Cheese
- Record number:2130 Phonograph Records and Pre-Recorded Tapes in Canada, Production and Sales of
- Record number:2131 Steel Primary Forms Weekly
- Record number:2135 Sawmills in British Columbia, Production, Shipments and Stocks on Hand of
- Record number:2136 Pulpwood and Wood Residue
- Record number:2138 Construction Type Plywood
- Record number:2140 Cement Survey
- Record number:2141 Particleboard, Oriented Strandboard and Fibreboard
- Record number:2143 Sugar - Situation
- Record number:2152 Business Conditions Survey for the Manufacturing Industries (BCS)
- Record number:2154 Biscuits, Production of Selected
- Record number:2156 Tea and Coffee
- Record number:2161 Office Furniture Products, Semi-annual Shipments of
- Record number:2166 Industrial Consumption of Energy Survey, Quarterly
- Record number:2181 Electric Power Capability and Load
- Record number:2184 Disposition of Shipments of Ingots and Rolled Steel Products
- Record number:2187 Confectionery
- Record number:2189 Solid Fuel Burning Heating Products, Shipments of
- Record number:2191 Oil Pipeline Statement, Monthly
- Record number:2192 High Pressure Decorative Laminate Sheet, Factory Shipments of
- Record number:2303 Precast Concrete Price Indexes (PCPI)
- Record number:2304 Fabricated Structural Steel Price Indexes (FSSPI)
- Record number:2308 Residential Building Construction Input Price Indexes
- Record number:2311 Highway Construction Price Indexes
- Record number:2314 Chemical and Mineral Process Plant Price Indexes
- Record number:2315 Chemical and Petrochemical Process Plant Price Index
- Record number:2316 Electric Utility Construction Price Index (EUCPI)
- Record number:2319 Telecommunications Plant Price Index (CTPPI)
- Record number:2324 Construction Building Materials Price Index
- Record number:2328 Consulting Engineering Services Price Index (CESPI)
- Record number:2329 Selected Financial Indexes
- Record number:2330 Apartment Building Construction Price Index (ABCPI)
- Record number:2336 Traveller Accommodation Services Price Index (TASPI)
- Record number:2404 Vending Machine Operators
- Record number:2405 Direct Selling in Canada
- Record number:2408 Retail Trade Survey (Department Store Organizations), Monthly
- Record number:2409 Retail Chains and Department Stores
- Record number:2422 Retail Trade Survey (Annual)
- Record number:2424 Personal Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
- Record number:2430 Professional Accountants, Annual Survey of
- Record number:2433 Retail and Wholesale Trade Survey, Annual
- Record number:2435 Services to Buildings and Dwellings, Annual Survey of
- Record number:2436 Investigation and Security Services, Annual Survey of
- Record number:2446 Retail Store Survey (Annual)
- Record number:2448 Retail Non-Store Survey, Annual (RTNS)
- Record number:2502 Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act, Part 2 - Labour Unions (CALURA)
- Record number:2504 Financial Institutions, Quarterly Survey of
- Record number:2505 Credit Unions
- Record number:2506 Corporation Financial Statistics
- Record number:2507 Corporation Taxation Statistics
- Record number:2513 Deposit-accepting Intermediaries: Chartered Banks, Trust Companies, Caisses Populaires and Credit Unions
- Record number:2601 Labour Cost Survey
- Record number:2603 Employment, Payrolls and Man-hours, Survey of (ES1A)
- Record number:2605 Work Injuries Statistics Program, National (NWISP)
- Record number:2606 Help Wanted Index Survey
- Record number:2610 Unemployment Insurance Statistics
- Record number:2615 Workplace and Employee Survey (WES)
- Record number:2702 Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Domestic Journeys (POD)
- Record number:2703 Air Passenger Origin and Destination, Canada-U.S.A. (POD)
- Record number:2704 Coupon Passenger Origin and Destination Report - Other Unit Toll Services
- Record number:2705 Air Charter Statistics
- Record number:2708 Fare Basis Survey (FBS)
- Record number:2728 Cable Television Survey, Annual (ACTS)
- Record number:2735 Railway Operating Statistics Survey
- Record number:2741 Freight Trucking Statistics (FTS)
- Record number:2742 For-Hire Trucking Survey, Annual (AFHTS)
- Record number:2743 Passenger Bus Statistics
- Record number:2744 Intercity and Rural Passenger Bus Survey
- Record number:2748 Trucking Survey, Quarterly (QTS)
- Record number:2749 Fuel Consumption Survey (FCS)
- Record number:2751 Coastwise Shipping Survey
- Record number:2791 Marine International Freight Origin and Destination Survey
- Record number:2797 Passenger Bus/Urban Transit Survey - Quarterly
- Record number:2800 Small For-Hire Carriers of Freight and Owner-Operators, Annual Survey of
- Record number:2917 Fluid Power Products Manufactured in Canada, Survey on
- Record number:2920 Wage and Salary Survey, Provincial
- Record number:2925 Canada's Tourist Attractions, Survey of
- Record number:2927 Canadian Aquaculture Industry Survey
- Record number:2935 Construction Industry Wage Rate Survey, National
- Record number:2936 Growing Innovative Firms
- Record number:2939 Information Technology Occupations, National Survey of
- Record number:2943 Commercial and Institutional Buildings Energy Use Survey (CIBEUS)
- Record number:2944 Adventure Travel Operations in Canada, Survey of
- Record number:2946 Employment Dynamics
- Record number:2947 Medical Devices Industry, Survey of the
- Record number:3107 Heritage Institutions, Annual Survey of Service Industries
- Record number:3114 Television Viewing Databank
- Record number:3116 Provincial/Territorial Government Expenditures on Culture, Survey of
- Record number:3117 Federal Government Expenditures on Culture, Survey of
- Record number:3120 Financial Statistics of Private Elementary and Secondary Schools, Survey of (FinPESS)
- Record number:3122 Community College Student Information System (CCSIS)
- Record number:3124 University Student Information System (USIS)
- Record number:3125 College and Related Institutions Educational Staff Survey, Annual (ACCESS)
- Record number:3126 Earned Doctorates, Survey of (SED)
- Record number:3127 Elementary/Secondary Education Staff Survey (ESESS)
- Record number:3128 Elementary/Secondary School Enrolment (ESSE)
- Record number:3129 Minority and Second Language Education, Elementary and Secondary Independent Schools
- Record number:3131 Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates Granted by Universities
- Record number:3139 Periodical Publishing Survey
- Record number:3141 Provincial Expenditures on Education in Reform and Correctional Institutions
- Record number:3142 Trade/Vocational Enrolment Survey (TVOC)
- Record number:3144 Education Price Index (EPI)
- Record number:3147 Continuing Education Survey (COED)
- Record number:3152 International Travel Survey (ITS)
- Record number:3153 Radio Listening Databank
- Record number:3156 School Leavers Survey
- Record number:3161 University and College Academic Staff System - Part-time Staff (PT-UCASS)
- Record number:3163 Providers of Training in English or French as a Second Language, Survey of
- Record number:3166 Education in the Minority-Language and Second-Language at the Postsecondary Level, Survey on
- Record number:3167 Activity with International Financial Institutions, Survey of (IFI)
- Record number:3203 Hospital Morbidity Database (HMDB)
- Record number:3204 Mental Health Statistics
- Record number:3208 Health Care Facilities - Hospitals, Annual Return of
- Record number:3209 Therapeutic Abortion Survey
- Record number:3217 Canada Health Survey (CHS)
- Record number:3225 National Population Health Survey: Household Component, Longitudinal (NPHS)
- Record number:3236 National Population Health Survey: Household Component, Cross-sectional (NPHS)
- Record number:3252 Health and Activity Limitation Survey : Institutional Component (HALS)
- Record number:3308 Legal Aid Survey (LAS)
- Record number:3309 Youth Court Survey (YCS)
- Record number:3310 Courts Resources, Expenditures and Personnel Survey (REP)
- Record number:3322 Prosecutorial Services in Canada
- Record number:3325 Alternative Measures Survey for Youth
- Record number:3326 A One Day Snapshot in Canada's Correctional Facilities
- Record number:3327 Adult and Youth Recidivism in Canada Special Study
- Record number:3405 Leaf Tobacco Area, Production and Value
- Record number:3421 Egg Producers Survey
- Record number:3422 Frozen Fruit and Vegetables, Stocks of
- Record number:3428 Census of Wildlife Pelt Production
- Record number:3434 Livestock Slaughter
- Record number:3439 Farm Survey, National (NFS)
- Record number:3441 Frozen Vegetables Intended for Re-manufacture, Processors Supplementary Report of
- Record number:3449 Wage Rates for Hired Farm Labour
- Record number:3451 Seed Corn Trade Survey
- Record number:3461 Farm Inputs Management Survey
- Record number:3465 Atlantic Agriculture Survey
- Record number:3501 Consumer Finances (Small Sample), Survey of
- Record number:3502 Consumer Finances, Survey of (SCF)
- Record number:3503 Food Expenditure Survey (FES)
- Record number:3504 Family Expenditures, Survey of (Famex)
- Record number:3505 Household Facilities and Equipment Survey (HFE)
- Record number:3506 Household Facilities by Income and Other Characteristics (HIFE)
- Record number:3507 Shelter Cost Survey
- Record number:3603 Canada, the Provinces and the Territories, Estimates of Total Population for
- Record number:3607 Population for Census Divisions and Census Metropolitan Areas (Regression method), Preliminary Estimates of
- Record number:3801 Annual Work Patterns, Survey of
- Record number:3802 Fuel Consumption
- Record number:3803 Crime Survey
- Record number:3804 Work History, Survey of
- Record number:3805 Absence from Work Survey
- Record number:3806 Volunteer Workers, Survey of
- Record number:3807 Child Care, Survey of
- Record number:3808 Importance of Nature to Canadians, Survey on the
- Record number:3810 Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (TSRC)
- Record number:3812 Travel to Work Survey
- Record number:3813 Smoking Habits, Survey of
- Record number:3814 Population Profile, Current
- Record number:3815 Leisure Time Activities and Reading Habits
- Record number:3821 Job Opportunities, Survey of
- Record number:3822 Tourism Attitude and Motivation Study
- Record number:3823 Postsecondary Student Survey
- Record number:3828 Health Promotion Survey (HPS)
- Record number:3830 Union Membership, Survey of
- Record number:3831 Work Reduction, Survey on
- Record number:3837 Victims of Crimes Survey - Edmonton
- Record number:3842 Alberta Apprentices and Journeymen, Survey of
- Record number:3845 Displaced Workers, Survey of
- Record number:3848 Child Care Survey, National
- Record number:3850 Self-employment, Survey of (SSE)
- Record number:3851 Maternity Leave, Survey of
- Record number:3852 Educational Attainment (Alberta), Survey of
- Record number:3853 Labour Market Activity Survey (LMAS)
- Record number:3862 Education Survey
- Record number:3865 Volunteer Activity, Survey of
- Record number:3869 Drinking and Driving, National Survey on
- Record number:3873 Alcohol and Drug Survey, National
- Record number:3874 Literacy Skills Used in Daily Activities, Survey of
- Record number:3879 Adult Education and Training Survey (AETS)
- Record number:3884 Work Arrangements, Survey of
- Record number:3885 Ageing and Independence, Survey on
- Record number:3886 Homeowner Repair and Renovation Survey (HRRS)
- Record number:3889 Labour and Income Dynamics, Survey of (SLID)
- Record number:3894 Health, General Social Survey (GSS)
- Record number:3896 Violence Against Women Survey (VAWS)
- Record number:3898 Self-Sufficiency Project (SSP)
- Record number:4101 Migration Estimates by Census Division/Census Metropolitan Area, Annual
- Record number:4206 Energy Research and Development Expenditures - Petroleum Firms
- Record number:4209 Provincial Government Activities in the Natural Sciences
- Record number:4210 Scientific and Technological Activities of Provincial Governments
- Record number:4218 Innovation, Survey of
- Record number:4221 Biotechnology Use in Canadian Industries, Survey of
- Record number:4222 Intellectual Property Commercialization in the Higher Education Sector, Survey of
- Record number:4224 Innovation, Advanced Technologies and Practices in the Construction and Related Industries, Survey of
- Record number:4226 Biotechnology Use and Development Survey
- Record number:4301 Income Estimates for Subprovincial Areas
- Record number:4303 Internet Service Providers and Related Services, Annual Survey of
- Record number:4400 Persons Not in the Labour Force, Survey of
- Record number:4401 Youth Smoking Survey (YSS)
- Record number:4403 Household Energy Use, Survey of (SHEU)
- Record number:4404 Rental Repair and Renovation Expenditure Survey
- Record number:4407 Private Vehicle Use Survey, National (NPVUS)
- Record number:4408 Alcohol and Other Drugs Survey, Canada's
- Record number:4409 Smoking in Canada, Survey on
- Record number:4410 Federal Employees, Tracking Study of
- Record number:4412 RCMP Public Complaints Commission (PCC) Survey
- Record number:4419 Sun Exposure Survey
- Record number:4422 Immigrants to Canada, Longitudinal Survey of (LSIC)
- Record number:4423 Changes in Employment Survey (CIES)
- Record number:4424 Electronic Media Use Survey, National
- Record number:4426 Residential Telephone Service Survey (RTSS)
- Record number:4433 Ontario Adult Literacy Survey (OALS)
- Record number:4435 Youth in Transition Survey (YITS)
- Record number:4436 1995 Graduates Who Moved to the United States, Survey of (SGMUS)
- Record number:4439 Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS)
- Record number:4440 Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, Canadian (CTADS)
- Record number:4441 P.E.I. Community Access Points Survey
- Record number:4445 Community Employment Innovation Project (CEIP)
- Record number:4446 Post-Secondary Education Participation Survey (PEPS)
- Record number:4449 Compensation Sector Survey
- Record number:4450 Children and Youth, National Longitudinal Survey of (NLSCY)
- Record number:4500 Education, Work and Retirement, General Social Survey (GSS)
- Record number:4505 Access to and Use of Information Communication Technology, General Social Survey (GSS)
- Record number:4508 Ethnic Diversity Survey (EDS)
- Record number:4702 Construction Industry, Survey of the
- Record number:4703 Couriers and Local Messengers Industry, Survey of
- Record number:4707 Taxi and Limousine Services Industry, Survey of
- Record number:4714 Translation and Interpretation Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
- Record number:4721 Automotive Repair and Maintenance Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries
- Record number:4722 Repair and Maintenance Services Excluding Automotive, Annual Survey of Service Industries
- Record number:5000 Tenant Satisfaction Survey, National (NTSS)
- Record number:5001 Knowledge Management Practices, Survey of
- Record number:5002 Health Services Access Survey (HSAS)
- Record number:5003 National Population Health Survey: Health Institutions Component, Longitudinal (NPHS)
- Record number:5004 National Population Health Survey: North Component (NPHS)
- Record number:5010 Improvement and Innovation in Construction Investments
- Record number:5013 Retirement Savings Data
- Record number:5016 Residential Construction Investment
- Record number:5019 Maternity Experiences Survey (MES)
- Record number:5020 Health, Joint Canada/United States Survey of (JCUSH)
- Record number:5021 Human Genetic Material Survey
- Record number:5023 Community Sector Organizations, National Survey of
- Record number:5027 Large Retailers, Monthly Survey of (LMR)
- Record number:5031 Farm Business Cash Flows
- Record number:5032 Computer and peripherals price indexes (CPPI)
- Record number:5035 Victim Services Survey (VSS)
- Record number:5036 Compensation Survey, National
- Record number:5037 Police-Reported Hate Crimes, Pilot Survey on
- Record number:5038 Functional Foods and Natural Health Products Survey
- Record number:5045 Culture Services Trade
- Record number:5048 Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Survey (AES)
- Record number:5049 Canadian Community Health Survey - Nutrition (CCHS)
- Record number:5050 Business Conditions Survey for the Traveller Accommodation Industry (BCS-TA)
- Record number:5051 Information and Communications Technologies in Schools Survey (ICTSS)
- Record number:5053 Ontario Employment Benefits and Support Measures Survey (EBSM)
- Record number:5054 Natural Health Products Survey
- Record number:5055 Official Languages Demand for Services Survey (OLDSS)
- Record number:5056 Characteristics of Growth Firms
- Record number:5058 Youth in Transition Survey, 15 year-olds (Reading Cohort) (YITS)
- Record number:5059 Youth in Transition Survey, 15 year-olds (Mathematics Cohort) (YITS)
- Record number:5060 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
- Record number:5061 Wholesale Trade Commodity Survey by Origin and Destination
- Record number:5062 Wage Survey of Seasonal Workers in the Horticultural Sector
- Record number:5063 Price Survey of Assistive Devices For Persons With Disabilities
- Record number:5065 Principals, Survey of (SOP)
- Record number:5066 Future to Discover Project (FTD)
- Record number:5067 Communities Survey
- Record number:5068 Commercial Software Price Index (CSPI)
- Record number:5069 People Living On Reserves, Survey of (SPLOR)
- Record number:5070 Reading Skills, International Survey of (ISRS)
- Record number:5075 Register of Postsecondary and Adult Education Institutions
- Record number:5077 Cattle Survey, April
- Record number:5080 Work and Health of Nurses, National Survey of the (NSWHN)
- Record number:5081 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report
- Record number:5082 Secondary School Graduates Survey (SSGS)
- Record number:5083 Security Intelligence Review Committee Employee Survey
- Record number:5085 National Energy Board Employee Survey
- Record number:5086 Canadian Food Inspection Agency Employee Survey
- Record number:5087 Canada Revenue Agency Employee Survey
- Record number:5088 Culture Trade - Goods
- Record number:5090 Language Industry Survey
- Record number:5092 Geomatics Industry Survey
- Record number:5095 Business Incubation, Survey of
- Record number:5096 Federal Science Expenditures Intended to Benefit Developing Countries
- Record number:5097 Research and Development in Canadian Industry Intended to Directly Benefit Developing Countries
- Record number:5099 Vitality of Official-Language Minorities, Survey on the (SVOLM)
- Record number:5100 Crop Protection Survey
- Record number:5101 British Columbia Smoking Survey (BCSS)
- Record number:5104 Industry Revenue Indices, Quarterly (QIRI)
- Record number:5105 Payday Loan Services, Survey of (PDLSS)
- Record number:5107 Livestock Farm Practices Survey
- Record number:5108 Aboriginal Children's Survey (ACS)
- Record number:5113 Health Research and Development Expenditures by Therapeutic Class
- Record number:5117 Youth Survey, International (IYS)
- Record number:5119 Youth Shelter Pilot Survey
- Record number:5121 Business Conditions Survey for Heritage Institutions, Performing Arts, and Recreation and Entertainment Industries
- Record number:5122 Canadian Attitudes toward Learning, Survey of (SCAL)
- Record number:5127 Air Quality Indicators
- Record number:5128 Freshwater Quality Indicator
- Record number:5129 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Indicator (GHG)
- Record number:5133 Fraud Against Businesses,Survey of
- Record number:5134 Language of Work Survey
- Record number:5138 Experiences with Primary Health Care, Canadian Survey of (CSE-PHC)
- Record number:5139 Indian Claims Commission Employee Survey
- Record number:5140 Commercialisation of Innovation, Survey on the
- Record number:5141 Property & Casualty Insurance Services Price Index (PCISPI)
- Record number:5143 Colleges and Institutes, Survey of (SCI)
- Record number:5144 Longitudinal and International Study of Adults (LISA)
- Record number:5146 Canadian Community Health Survey - Healthy Aging (CCHS)
- Record number:5150 Financing of Co-operatives, Survey on
- Record number:5151 Access and Support to Education and Training Survey (ASETS)
- Record number:5152 Canadian Community Health Survey: Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination Content Module - Test (CCHS)
- Record number:5154 Small R&D Performers, Survey of
- Record number:5155 Investment in New Housing Construction
- Record number:5158 Older Workers, Survey of
- Record number:5159 Financial Capability Survey, Canadian (CFCS)
- Record number:5160 Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada (SLCDC)
- Record number:5161 Ontario Material Deprivation Survey (OMDS)
- Record number:5162 Nunavut Housing Needs Survey
- Record number:5163 Industrial Processes, Survey of (SIP)
- Record number:5164 Parks Canada Employee Survey
- Record number:5165 Public Service Financial Community Survey
- Record number:5166 Canada-United States Border Survey (CUBS)
- Record number:5167 People Living in First Nations Communities, Survey of
- Record number:5170 Logistics Service Industries Border Survey
- Record number:5172 Life After Service Survey (LASS)
- Record number:5178 National Household Survey (NHS)
- Record number:5179 Young Canadians, Survey of (SYC)
- Record number:5180 Workplace Survey
- Record number:5181 Electricity Disposition - Quarterly Residential Sector
- Record number:5182 Living with Neurological Conditions in Canada, Survey on (SLNCC)
- Record number:5183 Intellectual Property Management, Survey of (SIPM)
- Record number:5184 Tobacco Use, Pilot Survey on
- Record number:5187 Neurological Conditions in Institutions in Canada (SNCIC)
- Record number:5189 Barriers to Care for People with Chronic Health Conditions (BCPCHC)
- Record number:5190 Data Inventory Project (DIP)
- Record number:5192 Caregiving, Internet Pilot Survey on (GSS)
- Record number:5195 End Use of Refined Petroleum Products - Quarterly
- Record number:5199 Hazardous Waste Management Industry Survey
- Record number:5201 Community Noise and Health Study (CNHS)
- Record number:5202 Job Vacancy Statistics (JVS)
- Record number:5203 Long-term Care Facilities Survey (LTCFS)
- Record number:5204 Use of Published Material, Survey on the (SUPM)
- Record number:5206 Canadian Survey of Economic Well-being (CSEW)
- Record number:5208 Emergency Preparedness and Resilience in Canada, Survey of (SEPR)
- Record number:5209 Passenger Air Services Price Index (PASPI)
- Record number:5211 Securities Brokerage Services Price Index (SBSPI)
- Record number:5212 Infrastructure Construction Price Index (ICPI)
- Record number:5216 Research and Development in the Higher Education Sector (RDHES)
- Record number:5220 Pension Fund Services Price Index (PFSPI)
- Record number:5222 Energy Consumption of Arenas, Survey of (SECA)
- Record number:5231 Canadian National Health Survey (CNHS)
- Record number:5241 Frame Service - Global Positioning System (GPS) and digital mapping pilot test, Household Survey
- Record number:5253 Opioid Awareness, Survey on (SOA)
- Record number:5254 Mineral Production Survey - Preliminary Estimates, Annual
- Record number:5265 Digital Economy Survey
- Record number:5267 Canadian Health Survey on Seniors (CHSS)
- Record number:5268 Financial market statistics from the Toronto Stock Exchange
- Record number:5281 Nova Scotia re-contact analytical file (NS)
- Record number:5283 Maternal Health, Survey on (SMH)
- Record number:5296 Survey on Health Research Priorities
- Record number:5303 Residential Property Price Index (RPPI)
- Record number:5306 Ontario re-contact analytical file
- Record number:5311 Canadian Perspectives Survey Series (CPSS)
- Record number:5319 COVID-19 epidemiological reports
- Record number:5320 Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postsecondary students (ICPPS)
- Record number:5340 Impacts of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers: Infection Prevention and Control (ICHCWIPC)
- Record number:5346 Access to Health Care and Pharmaceuticals During the Pandemic, Survey on (SAHCPDP)
- Record number:5352 Portrait of Canadian Society (PCS)
- Record number:5362 Survey on Health Care Workers' Experiences During the Pandemic (SHCWEP)
- Record number:7510 ScotiaMcLeod
- Record number:7517 International Energy Production and Reserves
- Record number:7518 Canadian Pulp and Paper Association
- Record number:7524 Natural Resources Canada
- Record number:7525 Land Cover Statistics from Natural Resources Canada
- Record number:7527 Business Integrated Database
- Record number:7530 Natural Resources Canada (Glaciers)
- Record number:7531 Environment Canada - Temperature and Precipitation
- Record number:8011 General Social Survey Historical Database
- Record number:8012 Census of Agriculture: Environmental Geography Aggregations of Census Farm Units
- Record number:8014 Respondent Selection Study for the General Social Survey
Total number of records: 885
- Date modified: