Surveys and statistical programs
List of surveys and statistical programs by record number
List of surveys and statistical programs beginning with the letterF
40 active survey(s) and statistical program(s)
(A list of inactive surveys and statistical programs follows)
- Family Transitions, Survey on (SFT)
- Farm Capital, Value of
- Farm Cash Receipts (FCR)
- Farm Debt Outstanding
- Farm Financial Survey (FFS)
- Farm Income in Kind, by Item
- Farm Input Price Index (FIPI)
- Farm Management Survey (FMS)
- Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciation Charges
- Farm Product Price Index (FPPI)
- Farm Product Prices Survey (FPPS)
- Federal Government Expenditures in Support of Education, Survey of (FEDEX)
- Federal Jurisdiction Workplace Survey (FJWS)
- Federal Patents, Licences and Royalties Survey (FPLR)
- Federal Science Expenditures and Personnel, Activities in the Social Sciences and Natural Sciences
- Feed Grain Purchases Survey (FGPS)
- Fertilizer Shipments Survey (FSS)
- Field Crop Reporting Series
- Film and Video Distribution, Survey of Service Industries (DIST)
- Film, Television and Video Post-production, Survey of Service Industries
- Film, Television and Video Production, Survey of Service Industries (PROD)
- Financial and Taxation Statistics for Enterprises (AFTS)
- Financial Flow Accounts
- Financial Information of Colleges (FINCOL)
- Financial Information of Elementary and Secondary Schools (FINESS)
- Financial Information of Universities Survey (FINUNI)
- Financial Performance Data (FPD)
- Financial Security, Survey of (SFS)
- Financial Statements, Quarterly Survey of (QSFS)
- Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, Survey on
- Food Availability (per person)
- Food Services and Drinking Places, Annual Survey of Service Industries (FOOD)
- Food Services and Drinking Places, Monthly Survey of (MSFSDP)
- Forage Seed Usage Survey, Annual
- For-hire Motor Carrier Freight Services Price Index (FHMCFSPI)
- Freight Rail Services Price Index (FRSPI)
- Frontier Counts (FC)
- Frozen and Chilled Meats Survey, Quarterly Stocks of (FRMT)
- Fruits and Vegetables Survey (FV)
- Fur Farm Report - Mink and Foxes
32 inactive survey(s) and statistical program(s) no longer conducted
- Fabricated Structural Steel Price Indexes (FSSPI)
- Family Expenditures, Survey of (Famex)
- Fare Basis Survey (FBS)
- Farm Business Cash Flows
- Farm Inputs Management Survey
- Farm Survey, National (NFS)
- Federal Employees, Tracking Study of
- Federal Government Expenditures on Culture, Survey of
- Federal Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Program
- Federal Science Expenditures Intended to Benefit Developing Countries
- Finances of Government Business Enterprises
- Financial Capability Survey, Canadian (CFCS)
- Financial Institutions, Quarterly Survey of
- Financial market statistics from the Toronto Stock Exchange
- Financial Statistics of Private Elementary and Secondary Schools, Survey of (FinPESS)
- Financing of Co-operatives, Survey on
- Floor Tiles
- Fluid Power Products Manufactured in Canada, Survey on
- Food Expenditure Survey (FES)
- Footwear Statistics
- Forestry, Annual Survey of
- For-Hire Trucking Survey, Annual (AFHTS)
- Frame Service - Global Positioning System (GPS) and digital mapping pilot test, Household Survey
- Fraud Against Businesses,Survey of
- Freight Trucking Statistics (FTS)
- Freshwater Quality Indicator
- Frozen Fruit and Vegetables, Stocks of
- Frozen Vegetables Intended for Re-manufacture, Processors Supplementary Report of
- Fuel Consumption
- Fuel Consumption Survey (FCS)
- Functional Foods and Natural Health Products Survey
- Future to Discover Project (FTD)
Total number of records: 72
- Date modified: