Surveys and statistical programs
List of surveys and statistical programs by record number
List of surveys and statistical programs beginning with the letterS
38 active survey(s) and statistical program(s)
(A list of inactive surveys and statistical programs follows)
- Safety in Public and Private Spaces, Survey of (SSPPS)
- Satellite Account of Non-profit Institutions and Volunteering
- Sawmills
- Scientific Activities of Provincial Research Organizations (PRO)
- Screened traffic at Canadian airports
- Secondary Distributors of Refined Petroleum Products, Annual Survey of (SRPP)
- Securities Statistics
- Sexual Misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces, Survey on (SSMCAF)
- Simcoe Muskoka Opioid Overdose Cohort (SMOOC)
- Smelters and Metal Refineries, Monthly Survey of (MSMR)
- Social Identity, General Social Survey (SI)
- Software Development and Computer Services, Annual Survey of Service Industries (COMP)
- Sound Recording and Music Publishing, Survey of Service Industries
- Specialized Design, Annual Survey of Service Industries (DESG)
- Spectator Sports, Event Promoters, Artists and Related Industries, Annual Survey of Service Industries (ARRE)
- Staffing and Non-partisanship Survey (SNPS)
- Statistical Building Register (SBgR)
- Stock and Consumption of Fixed Non-residential Capital (SCFNRC)
- Stock and Consumption of Fixed Residential Capital (SCFRC)
- Stock Exchange Statistics
- Stocks of Frozen and Chilled Meats Survey (FRMT)
- Suppliers of Business Financing, Biannual Survey of (BSSBF)
- Supply, Use and Input-Output Tables
- Surveying and Mapping, Annual Survey of Service Industries (SMAP)
- Survey of Employees under Federal Jurisdiction (SEFJ)
- Survey of Employers on Workers' Skills (SEWS)
- Survey of Intellectual Property Awareness and Use (IPAU)
- Survey of Loan Deferrals (SLD)
- Survey of Monthly Credit Aggregates
- Survey of Postsecondary Faculty and Researchers (SPFR)
- Survey of the Canada Emergency Business Account
- Survey on COVID-19 and Mental Health (SCMH)
- Survey on Individual Safety in the Postsecondary Student Population (SISPSP)
- Survey on Quality of Employment (SQE)
- Survey on Savings for Persons with Disabilities (SSPD)
- Survey on Sexual Misconduct at Work (SSMW)
- Survey Series on Accessibility
- Survey Series on People and their Communities
27 inactive survey(s) and statistical program(s) no longer conducted
- Sawmills in British Columbia, Production, Shipments and Stocks on Hand of
- School Leavers Survey
- Scientific and Technological Activities of Provincial Governments
- ScotiaMcLeod
- Secondary School Graduates Survey (SSGS)
- Securities Brokerage Services Price Index (SBSPI)
- Security Intelligence Review Committee Employee Survey
- Seed Corn Trade Survey
- Selected Financial Indexes
- Self-employment, Survey of (SSE)
- Self-Sufficiency Project (SSP)
- Services to Buildings and Dwellings, Annual Survey of
- Shelter Cost Survey
- Small For-Hire Carriers of Freight and Owner-Operators, Annual Survey of
- Small R&D Performers, Survey of
- Smoking Habits, Survey of
- Smoking in Canada, Survey on
- Soft Drinks, Annual Production of
- Solid Fuel Burning Heating Products, Shipments of
- Steel Pipe and Tubing
- Steel Primary Forms, Steel Castings and Pig Iron
- Steel Primary Forms Weekly
- Steel Wire and Specified Wire Products
- Sugar - Situation
- Sun Exposure Survey
- Survey on Health Care Workers' Experiences During the Pandemic (SHCWEP)
- Survey on Health Research Priorities
Total number of records: 65
- Date modified: