List of questionnaires beginning with the letterS
- ARCHIVED - S.4 Shipping Report - Towboat and Ferry Operators
- ARCHIVED - Salaries Paid to Teachers and Instructors in Reform and Correctional Institutions
- Sales of Short-term Securities to non-residents of Canada (BP-30A)
- ARCHIVED - Sawmills - 2021
- Sawmills - 2024
- ARCHIVED - Schedule II - Ownership
- Schedule I - Ownership Corporations Returns Act
- ARCHIVED - Schedule IV - Annual Return of Corporations Transfer of Technology
- ARCHIVED - School Leavers Survey - 1991
- Scientific Activities of Provincial Research Organizations, 2018 Survey
- ARCHIVED - Secondary School Graduates Survey 2002-2003
- ARCHIVED - Second Follow-Up to the Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS2000) - Demographic Questionnaire - OCHS 1
- ARCHIVED - Second Follow-Up to the Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS2000) - Out-Migrant Questionnaire - OCHS 6
- ARCHIVED - Second Follow-Up to the Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS2000) - Partner Self-Complete Questionnaire - OCHS 4
- ARCHIVED - Second Follow-Up to the Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS2000) - Respondent Questionnaire - OCHS 2
- ARCHIVED - Second Follow-Up to the Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS2000) - Respondent Self-Complete Questionnaire - OCHS 3
- ARCHIVED - Security Intelligence Review Committee Employee Survey (2005)
- ARCHIVED - Seed Corn Trade Survey - 2009
- ARCHIVED - Self Suffiency Project: Survey Instruments for 72 month Applicant Follow Up Survey
- ARCHIVED - September 2015 Farm Survey - Quebec and Ontario
- ARCHIVED - September 2016 Farm Survey - Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
- ARCHIVED - Shipments of office furniture products
- ARCHIVED - Shipments of Solid Fuel Burning Heating Products
- ARCHIVED - Sound Recording Survey - Record Companies, 2003
- Staffing and Non-Partisanship Survey
- ARCHIVED - Statistical Survey Operations - Employee Opinion Survey - 2002
- ARCHIVED - Steel Pipe and Tubing
- ARCHIVED - Steel, Primary Forms, Steel Castings and Pig Iron
- ARCHIVED - Steel Wire and Specified Wire Products
- Structure of Canadian companies in the reporting enterprise, 2021 (BP-STRUC)
- Study on International Money Transfers: English
- ARCHIVED - Study on Respondent Selection - 2011
- ARCHIVED - Sun Exposure Survey - 1996
- Supplemental Police Administration Survey, 2017
- ARCHIVED - Supplementary questions for the public service employee survey - An addendum to the 2005 Public Service Employee Survey
- ARCHIVED - Supplementary questions for the public service employee survey - Service Canada - An addendum to the 2005 Public Service Employee Survey
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Activity with International Financial Institutions (IFI): Canadian knowledge-based services and products abroad
- Survey of Advanced Technology
- Survey of Advanced Technology, 2014
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Adventure Travel Operations in Canada, 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Annual Work Patterns - 1985
- Survey of Approaches to Educational Planning - 2020
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Biotechnology Use in Canadian Industries - 1996
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Book Publishers and Exclusive Agents - 2000
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Book Publishers and Exclusive Agents - 2000 (#31.1)
- Survey of Broadcasting Distribution, 2008 - Class 2 and 3 systems, Exempted and Non-Exempted
- Survey of Broadcasting Distribution Systems, 2009 (Short Form)
- Survey of Businesses under Federal Jurisdiction
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Business Incubation, 2007
- Survey of Canada Portfolio Investment, 2021 (BP-54)
- Survey of Canadian Attitudes toward Learning, 2008 - Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Colleges and Institutes (2003-2004 and 2004-2005)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use, 2019 (Building)
- Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use, 2019 (Building worksheet)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use, 2019 (Establishment)
- Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use, 2019 (Establishment worksheet)
- Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use, 2019 (Hybrid)
- Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use, 2019 (Warehouse Supplement)
- Survey of Commercial and Institutional Energy Use : Post-secondary institutions and hospitals - 2019
- Survey of Commercial Rents
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans (Country elevators and feed mills) - August 31, 2013
- Survey of Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans (Country elevators and feed mills) - March 31, 2013
- Survey of Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans (Industrial users) - August 31, 2014
- Survey of Commercial Stocks of Corn and Soybeans - (Industrial Users) - March 31, 2014
- Survey of Commercial Stocks of the Major Special Crops (July 31, 2012)
- Survey of Commercial Stocks of the Major Special Crops (March 31, 2012)
- Survey of Deposit-accepting Intermediaries: Chartered Banks, Trust Companies, Caisses Populaires and Credit Unions - 2007
- Survey of Digital Technology and Internet Use - 2023
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Displaced Workers
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Earned Doctorates - July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Emergency Preparedness and Resilience
- Survey of Employees under Federal Jurisdiction
- Survey of Employers on Workers' Skills
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Energy Consumption of Arenas, 2014 (Halifax)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Energy Consumption of Arenas, 2014 (Sherbrooke)
- Survey of Environmental Goods and Services, 2023
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Environmental Protection Expenditures, 2004 (Short Form)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Family Expenditures in 1996 - FEX2
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Federal Government Expenditures on Culture (by Type and Function) - 2009-2010
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Federal Government Expenditures on Culture (by Type and Province or Territory) - 2009-2010
- Survey of Financial Security - 2023
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Fraud Against Businesses, 2007-2008 - Form-Banking
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Fraud Against Businesses, 2007-2008 - Form-Health or Disability Insurance
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Fraud Against Businesses, 2007-2008 - Form-Property and Casualty Insurance
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Fraud Against Businesses, 2007-2008 - Form-Retail
- Survey of Health Care Clinics in Canada - 2023
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Heritage Institutions, 2002 (Including museums, art galleries, archives, historic sites, nature parks, aquariums, zoos, planetariums and other related institutions)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Household Energy Use (2003)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Household Spending 2012 Redesign - Interview
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Household Spending 2012 (Territories)
- Survey of Household Spending 2021 - Diary
- Survey of Household Spending 2023
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Industrial Processes - Gas Stations (Marinas)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Industrial Processes - Retail Gas Stations
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Information Technology Occupations, 2000: Employer Survey
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Information Technology Occupations, 2002: Employee Survey
- Survey of Innovation 2005
- Survey of Innovation and Business Strategy, 2022
- Survey of Intellectual Property Awareness and Use
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Intellectual Property Commercialization in the Higher Education Sector, 2006 - Hospital Preface
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Intellectual Property Commercialization in the Higher Education Sector, 2009
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Intellectual Property Management 2010
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Job Opportunities - 1994
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), Entry Exit Component Interview Questionnaire for Reference Year 2011
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID): Income Interview Questionnaire - May 2004 (reference year 2003)
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID): January 2004 labour interview questionnaire (reference year 2003)
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID): Preliminary interview questionnaire (reference year 2004)
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID): Preliminary, Labour and Income Interview Questionnaire for Reference Year 2011
- Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID): Questionnaire for Demographics and Contact : 1999 (reference year 1998)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Livestock Slaughter - January - June 2008
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Livestock Slaughter - July - December 2007
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Maternity Leave
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Neurological Conditions in Institutions in Canada
- Survey of Non-Bank Mortgage Lenders
- Survey of Non-Bank Mortgage Lenders 2022
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Older Workers - 2008
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Payday Loan Services 2005
- ARCHIVED - Survey of People Living in First Nations Communities (Pilot 2009)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Persons Not in the Labour Force - 1992
- Survey of Postsecondary Faculty and Researchers 2019
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Principals
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Provincial/Territorial Government Expenditures on Culture - Fiscal Year 2009-2010
- Survey of Regulatory Compliance Costs, 2016
- Survey of Regulatory Compliance Costs - Service Providers 2016
- Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse 2017-2018
- Survey of Residential Facilities for Victims of Abuse 2022-2023 (snapshot day: April 13, 2023)
- Survey of Safety in Public and Private Spaces
- Survey of Sales and Inventories of Alcoholic Beverages
- Survey of Securities Brokerage Services
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Selected Leisure Activities (1975)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Self-Employment
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Accounting and Bookkeeping - 1999 - Part lll
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Accounting and Bookkeeping (long form) - 2001
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Accounting Services, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Accounting Services, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Advertising and Related Services, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Advertising and Related Services, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Amusement and Recreation, 2012- Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Amusement and Recreation, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Architecture, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Architecture, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Book Publishers - Short Questionnaire - 2016
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Consulting Services, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Consulting Services, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Consumer Goods Rental, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Consumer Goods Rental, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Database, Directory and Specialty Publishers, 2012
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Employment Services - 2000 - Part II.V
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Employment Services, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Employment Services, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Engineering, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Engineering, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Film and Video Distribution, 2011
- Survey of Service Industries: Film and Video Distribution - Short Questionnaire - 2015
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Film, Television and Video Post-production, 2010
- Survey of Service Industries: Film, Television and Video Post-production - Short Questionnaire - 2015
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Film, Television and Video Production, 2011
- Survey of Service Industries: Film, Television and Video Production - Short Questionnaire - 2015
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Food Services and Drinking Places, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Food Services and Drinking Places, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Heritage Institutions, 2010
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Management, Scientific and Technical Consulting - 1998 - Part III
- Survey of Service Industries: Motion Pictures Theatres - 2022
- Survey of Service Industries: Motion Picture Theatres - Short Questionnaire - 2018
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Newspaper Publishers - 1999 -
Part III
- Survey of Service Industries: Newspaper Publishers - 2022
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Newspaper Publishers - Short Questionnaire - 2016
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Performing Arts - Short Questionnaire - 2016
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Periodical Publishers, 2011
- Survey of Service Industries: Periodical Publishers - Short Questionnaire - 2015
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Personal Services, 2010
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Real Estate Brokers, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Real Estate Brokers, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Real Estate Rental and Leasing and Property Management, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Real Estate Rental and Leasing and Property Management, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Repair and Maintenance Services, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Repair and Maintenance Services, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Software Development and Computer Services, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Software Development and Computer Services, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Sound Recording and Music Publishing, 2011
- Survey of Service Industries: Sound Recording and Music Publishing - Short Questionnaire - 2015
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Specialized Design, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Specialized Design, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Spectator Sports, Event Promoters, Artists and Related Industries, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Spectator Sports, Event Promoters, Artists and Related Industries, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Surveying and Mapping, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Surveying and Mapping, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- Survey of Service Industries: Translation and Interpretation - 1999 - Part III
- Survey of Service Industries: Translation and Interpretation - 2001
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Travel Arrangements, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Travel Arrangements, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Traveller Accommodation, 2012 - Characteristics Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Service Industries: Traveller Accommodation, 2012 - Full Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Smoking Habits, 1986
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Staffing - Managers
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Suppliers of Business Financing - 2008 (short form)
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Suppliers of Business Financing - 2010
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Aquaculture Industry - 2000 - Part III
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Aquaculture Industry, 2009 - Supplement
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Aquaculture Industry - 2012
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Construction Industry - 1997
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Construction Industry - Construction Management - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Construction Industry - Electrical Contractors, Mechanical Contractors and Associated Trades - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Construction Industry - Highway, Street, Bridge, Sewer, Watermain, Pipeline and Other Heavy Engineering Construction - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the construction Industry - Land Subdivision and Land Development - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Construction Industry - Other Special Trades (Fencing, Residential paving, etc.) - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Construction Industry - Site Preparation - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the construction Industry - Structural Work, Exterior and Interior Finishing Work (Framing, Concrete, Pouring, Masonry, Roofing, Drywall, Painting, etc.) - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Couriers and Local Messengers Industry - 2008
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Food Services and Drinking Places (Part III) - 2000
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Non-Residential Construction Industry - Developers and General Contractors - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Appraisers and Other Real Estate Activities Services Industries - 1999 - Part III
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Real Estate Rental & Leasing and Property Management Industries - 1999 - Part III
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Residential Construction Industry - Builders, General Contractors and Renovators - 1999
- ARCHIVED - Survey of the Taxi and Limousine Service Industry - 2005
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Union Membership
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Volunteer Activity - 1987 - Form 06
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Volunteer Activity - 1987 - Form 08
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Volunteer Workers
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Work Arrangements, 1995 - Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Work History - 1981
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Young Canadians - Child
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Young Canadians - PMK
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Young Canadians - Spouse of PMK
- Survey on Accessibility in Federal Sector Organizations
- Survey on Accessible Print Materials
- Survey on Access to Health Care and Pharmaceuticals During the Pandemic
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Ageing and Independence
- Survey on Before and After School Care in Canada (SBASCC)
- Survey on COVID-19 and Mental Health - Cycle 3
- Survey on Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements
- Survey on Early Learning and Child Care Arrangements - Children with Long-term Conditions and Disabilities
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Emerging Technologies 2005 (Pre-contact)
- Survey on Family transitions
- Survey on Financing and Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises, 2023
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Financing of Co-operatives, 2007 - Draft specifications for collection over the telephone
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises 2000 Part 1 - (Specifications for CATI Application)
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Financing of Small and Medium Enterprises - 2004 (Part 2)
- Survey on Giving, Volunteering and Participating 2023
- Survey on Global Supply, Production and Distribution Chain Activities - 2022
- Survey on Health Care Access and Experiences - Primary and Specialist Care
- Survey on Health Care Workers' Experiences During the Pandemic
- Survey on Health Research Priorities
- Survey on Individual Safety in the Postsecondary Student Population
- Survey on Innovation in the Food Processing Industry 2023
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada - 2014
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada - Arthritis Component - 2009
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada - Hypertension Component - 2009
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in Canada (SLCDC)- Diabetes Component
- ARCHIVED - Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases i