List of questionnaires beginning with the letterT
- Termination/Transfer/Miscellaneous Return
- ARCHIVED - The Human Genetic Material Survey
- ARCHIVED - The Workplace Survey - Workplace Practices
- Time Use Survey - 2022
- ARCHIVED - Tourism Attitude and Motivation Study
- ARCHIVED - Transaction Prices Paid by Farmers
- Transactions between Canada and other countries, 2010 - (BP-21)
- Transactions between Canadian branches of foreign insurance companies in Canada and head or other offices, companies or persons outside Canada, 2021 - (BP-28)
- Transactions between Canadian incorporated insurance companies and their foreign affiliates, agencies and bank accounts and other companies or persons outside Canada, 2021 - (BP-27)
- Transactions of foreign airlines with residents of Canada, 2021 (BP-58)
- ARCHIVED - Travel Activities and Motivation Survey, 2006
- ARCHIVED - Travel Activities and Motivation Survey, 2006 - CAI - Codebook
- ARCHIVED - Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (2010 abridged version)
- Travel Survey of Residents of Canada - 2017
- Triennial Return (for defined benefit plans only)
- Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination - Control Form
- Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination Pre-Contact
- Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination - Profiles
- Trucking Commodity Origin and Destination - Transcription
- Tuition and Living Accommodation Costs (TLAC), Academic year 2025/2026
Total number of records: 20
- Date modified: