Variant of CIP 2016 - Alternative primary groupings
Additional information
The variant is used for the presentation and analysis of highly aggregated data when the Primary groupings variant is too detailed at the second level for smaller geographic areas.
The variant has the same thirteen 'primary groupings' as the Primary groupings variant at the first level which are a convenient and useful basis for summarizing and analyzing more detailed classes.
The second level is comprised of entire CIP 2016 series, with one exception: CIP series 30. Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary studies has been split into its constituent subseries, and each subseries has been grouped with its closest equivalent CIP series.
In order to facilitate the dissemination of information at smaller geographies, the variant collapses the seventy-six subgroupings of the Primary groupings variant at the second level into fifty-six subgroupings.
Each of the collapsed categories at the second level in the Alternative primary groupings variant has an explanatory footnote stating which of the CIP 2016 series 30. Multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary subseries it includes.
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