Variant of CIP Canada 2016 - Cannabis groupings
Additional information
In the past, the standard classification of CIP Canada did not have any classes for cannabis-related educational programs. With the recent legalization of cannabis, there is now a need to be able to classify the new cannabis-related educational programs that are now being offered at postsecondary institutions. A regrouping and horizontal extension variant for cannabis-related educational programs has been developed to meet this need.
This variant is a horizontal extension variant, adding an additional series, series 71 Cannabis-related instructional programs, to the existing standard CIP Canada 2016. This variant is also a regrouping variant, and includes all the standard CIP Canada 2016 classes.
Series 71 consists of one subseries, indicated by the four-digit code 71.01, which is further divided into twelve instructional program classes, each with a six-digit code.
The standard CIP Canada 2016 contains forty-nine series, of which only five (01, 12, 44, 51, and 52) have classes that are counterparts to the cannabis-related classes in this variant's series 71.
The scope of some of the standard CIP Canada 2016 series, subseries and instructional program classes included in this variant has been modified, as indicated by the addition of "(except cannabis)" in their titles and descriptions. E.g., standard CIP class 01.0401 Agricultural and food products processing was changed to 01.0401c Agricultural and food products processing (except cannabis) for this variant. 01.0401c is the counterpart to 71.0101 Cannabis product processing and inspection.
See "Hierarchical structure" for a detailed presentation of the levels and code structures of the variant.
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