Complete list of surveys and statistical programs
The labour market activities of the Canadian population, including: how many people are employed or unemployed; the unemployment rate; which industries or occupations people work in; the hours they work; commuting patterns; wage and non-wage benefits; job training; labour mobility; work absences; unionization; unpaid work; and other topics. Also includes geographic and demographic characteristics.
45 active survey(s) and statistical program(s)
- Apprenticeship Survey, National
- Business Payrolls Survey
- Canadian Income Survey
- Canadians at Work and Home, General Social Survey
- Canadian Survey on Business Conditions
- Canadian Survey on Working Conditions
- Canadian Veteran Health Survey
- Census of Population
- Construction Union Wage Rate Index
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- Employment Insurance Coverage Survey
- Employment Insurance Statistics
- Employment, Payrolls and Hours, Survey of
- ESDC Employee Wellness Survey
- Federal Jurisdiction Workplace Survey
- Gender Statistics
- Giving, Volunteering and Participating, Survey on
- Graduates Survey, National
- Human Resources Module of the Canadian Economy
- Indigenous Peoples Economic Account
- Indigenous Peoples Survey
- Indigenous Peoples Survey-Nunavut Inuit Supplement
- Job Vacancy and Wage Survey
- Labour Force Survey
- Labour Income, Estimates of
- Labour Market and Socio-economic Indicators
- Labour Market Indicators
- Labour Productivity Measures - Provinces and Territories (Annual)
- Longitudinal Employment Analysis Program
- Monthly Business Openings and Closures
- Nunavut Government Employee Survey
- Pension Plans in Canada
- Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
- Public Service Employee Survey
- Pulse Survey on COVID-19 and its Impacts on Public Service Employees
- Resuming Economic and Social Activities During COVID-19
- Survey of Employees under Federal Jurisdiction
- Survey of Postsecondary Faculty and Researchers
- Survey of the Canada Emergency Business Account
- Survey on Quality of Employment
- Survey on Sexual Misconduct at Work
- Trusteed Pension Funds, Census of
- Trusteed Pension Funds, Quarterly Estimates of
- United States Statistics
- Youth Community Involvement Survey
62 inactive survey(s) and statistical program(s) no longer conducted
- 1995 Graduates Who Moved to the United States, Survey of
- Aboriginal Entrepreneurs Survey
- Absence from Work Survey
- Alberta Apprentices and Journeymen, Survey of
- Annual Work Patterns, Survey of
- Canada Revenue Agency Employee Survey
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency Employee Survey
- Changes in Employment Survey
- Community Employment Innovation Project
- Compensation Sector Survey
- Compensation Survey, National
- Construction Industry Wage Rate Survey, National
- Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act, Part 2 - Labour Unions
- Displaced Workers, Survey of
- Educational Attainment (Alberta), Survey of
- Education, Work and Retirement, General Social Survey
- Employment Dynamics
- Employment, Payrolls and Man-hours, Survey of
- Federal Employees, Tracking Study of
- Help Wanted Index Survey
- Impacts of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers: Infection Prevention and Control
- Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on postsecondary students
- Indian Claims Commission Employee Survey
- Information Technology Occupations, National Survey of
- Job Opportunities, Survey of
- Job Vacancy Statistics
- Labour and Income Dynamics, Survey of
- Labour Cost Survey
- Labour Market Activity Survey
- Language of Work Survey
- Life After Service Survey
- Longitudinal and International Study of Adults
- Maternity Leave, Survey of
- National Energy Board Employee Survey
- National Household Survey
- Older Workers, Survey of
- Ontario Employment Benefits and Support Measures Survey
- Parks Canada Employee Survey
- Persons Not in the Labour Force, Survey of
- Public Sector Employment
- Public Service Financial Community Survey
- School Leavers Survey
- Security Intelligence Review Committee Employee Survey
- Self-employment, Survey of
- Self-Sufficiency Project
- Survey on Health Care Workers' Experiences During the Pandemic
- Travel Activities and Motivation Survey
- Travel to Work Survey
- Unemployment Insurance Statistics
- Union Membership, Survey of
- Volunteer Activity, Survey of
- Volunteer Workers, Survey of
- Wage and Salary Survey, Provincial
- Wage Rates for Hired Farm Labour
- Wage Survey of Seasonal Workers in the Horticultural Sector
- Work and Health of Nurses, National Survey of the
- Work Arrangements, Survey of
- Work History, Survey of
- Work Injuries Statistics Program, National
- Workplace and Employee Survey
- Workplace Survey
- Work Reduction, Survey on
Total number of records: 107
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