Employment insurance, social assistance and other transfers
Employment Insurance (EI) program information includes the number of beneficiaries, the type of benefits received, the number of people covered by province, the number of weeks paid, the average weekly EI payments, the duration of EI receipts, and the extent to which workers are repeat users of the program.
Also includes social assistance and other government transfers (e.g., workers' compensation and child tax benefits) as well as their impact on workers' behaviour.
List of questionnaires
- ARCHIVED - Canadian Out of Employment Panel Survey - Wave 2
- ARCHIVED - Changes in Employment Survey - First Interview Questionnaire (Cohorts 5 through 10)
- ARCHIVED - Community Employment Innovation Project - Information Session Follow-up Survey - Employment Insurance Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Community Employment Innovation Project - Information Session Follow-up Survey - Income Assistance Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Community Employment Innovation Project - Questionnaire to Non-Volunteers
- ARCHIVED - Community Employment Innovation Project Survey - 40-Month Follow-up
- ARCHIVED - Ontario Employment Benefits and Support Measures Survey (EBSM) 2004 Questionnaire
- ARCHIVED - Self Suffiency Project: Survey Instruments for 72 month Applicant Follow Up Survey
- ARCHIVED - Survey of Maternity Leave
Total number of records: 9
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