Commuting vehicle occupancy of person with recent work experience

Status: This standard was replaced by 'Commuting vehicle occupancy of employed person' as of March 16, 2021.


Commuting vehicle occupancy refers to the usual number of commuters in a car, truck, or van used by the person to travel to work.

Person with recent work experience refers to persons 15 years and over who were employed at some point during a reference period such as a year or more, regardless of labour force status during the survey's reference week or reference day.


This concept allows users to assess carpool arrangements among people using a car, truck or van to travel to work.

Conformity to relevant internationally recognized standards

There are no relevant internationally recognized standards.


Additional information


Relation to previous version

  • Commuting vehicle occupancy of person with recent work experience June 15, 2015 to March 15, 2021

    This standard was replaced by 'Commuting vehicle occupancy of employed person' as of March 16, 2021.

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