Régions économiques - CGT 1996
- 35 - Ontario
- 3510 - Ottawa
- 3509 - Lanark County
- 3509031 - Almonte
- 3509016 - Bathurst
- 3509024 - Beckwith
- 3509028 - Carleton Place
- 3509044 - Darling
- 3509019 - Drummond
- 3509034 - Lanark
- 3509036 - Lanark
- 3509040 - Lavant, Dalhousie, and North Sherbrooke
- 3509001 - Montague
- 3509011 - North Burgess
- 3509008 - North Elmsley
- 3509046 - Pakenham
- 3509021 - Perth
- 3509029 - Ramsay
- 3509004 - Smiths Falls
- 3509014 - South Sherbrooke
- 3507 - Leeds and Grenville United Counties
- 3507043 - Athens
- 3507006 - Augusta
- 3507039 - Bastard and South Burgess
- 3507015 - Brockville
- 3507002 - Cardinal
- 3507001 - Edwardsburgh
- 3507012 - Elizabethtown
- 3507020 - Front of Escott
- 3507022 - Front of Leeds and Lansdowne
- 3507017 - Front of Yonge
- 3507024 - Gananoque
- 3507058 - Kemptville
- 3507046 - Kitley
- 3507053 - Merrickville
- 3507035 - Newboro
- 3507031 - North Crosby
- 3507056 - Oxford-on-Rideau
- 3507008 - Prescott
- 3507027 - Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne
- 3507041 - Rear of Yonge and Escott
- 3507029 - South Crosby
- 3507049 - South Elmsley
- 3507061 - South Gower
- 3507033 - Westport
- 3507051 - Wolford
- 3506 - Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality
- 3506004 - Cumberland
- 3506006 - Gloucester
- 3506027 - Goulbourn
- 3506030 - Kanata
- 3506012 - Nepean
- 3506001 - Osgoode
- 3506014 - Ottawa
- 3506018 - Rideau
- 3506011 - Rockcliffe Park
- 3506009 - Vanier
- 3506042 - West Carleton
- 3502 - Prescott and Russell United Counties
- 3502021 - Alfred
- 3502024 - Alfred
- 3502012 - Caledonia
- 3502042 - Cambridge
- 3502044 - Casselman
- 3502037 - Clarence
- 3502001 - East Hawkesbury
- 3502008 - Hawkesbury
- 3502016 - Longueuil
- 3502018 - L'Orignal
- 3502031 - North Plantagenet
- 3502034 - Plantagenet
- 3502039 - Rockland
- 3502048 - Russell
- 3502026 - South Plantagenet
- 3502027 - St. Isidore
- 3502009 - Vankleek Hill
- 3502006 - West Hawkesbury
- 3501 - Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties
- 3501007 - Akwesasne (part)
- 3501055 - Alexandria
- 3501006 - Charlottenburgh
- 3501035 - Chesterville
- 3501010 - Cornwall
- 3501012 - Cornwall
- 3501038 - Finch
- 3501041 - Finch
- 3501024 - Iroquois
- 3501048 - Kenyon
- 3501001 - Lancaster
- 3501003 - Lancaster
- 3501053 - Lochiel
- 3501022 - Matilda
- 3501051 - Maxville
- 3501019 - Morrisburg
- 3501027 - Mountain
- 3501015 - Osnabruck
- 3501045 - Roxborough
- 3501017 - Williamsburgh
- 3501031 - Winchester
- 3501033 - Winchester
- 3515 - Kingston - Pembroke
- 3510 - Frontenac County
- 3510042 - Barrie
- 3510029 - Bedford
- 3510046 - Clarendon and Miller
- 3510026 - Hinchinbrooke
- 3510004 - Howe Island
- 3510039 - Kennebec
- 3510009 - Kingston
- 3510011 - Kingston
- 3510018 - Loughborough
- 3510036 - Olden
- 3510032 - Oso
- 3510049 - Palmerston and North and South Canonto
- 3510006 - Pittsburgh
- 3510022 - Portland
- 3510014 - Storrington
- 3510001 - Wolfe Island
- 3512 - Hastings County
- 3512062 - Bancroft
- 3512091 - Bangor, Wicklow and McClure
- 3512008 - Belleville
- 3512071 - Carlow
- 3512044 - Deloro
- 3512002 - Deseronto
- 3512064 - Dungannon
- 3512032 - Elzevir and Grimsthorpe
- 3512058 - Faraday
- 3512014 - Frankford
- 3512078 - Herschel
- 3512028 - Hungerford
- 3512024 - Huntingdon
- 3512051 - Limerick
- 3512036 - Madoc
- 3512038 - Madoc
- 3512041 - Marmora and Lake
- 3512042 - Marmora
- 3512068 - Mayo
- 3512074 - Monteagle
- 3512019 - Rawdon
- 3512011 - Sidney
- 3512018 - Stirling
- 3512006 - Thurlow
- 3512012 - Trenton
- 3512048 - Tudor and Cashel
- 3512031 - Tweed
- 3512004 - Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
- 3512001 - Tyendinaga
- 3512054 - Wollaston
- 3511 - Lennox and Addington County
- 3511014 - Adolphustown
- 3511001 - Amherst Island
- 3511008 - Bath
- 3511024 - Camden East
- 3511038 - Denbigh, Abinger and Ashby
- 3511004 - Ernestown
- 3511034 - Kaladar, Anglesea and Effingham
- 3511021 - Napanee
- 3511026 - Newburgh
- 3511016 - North Fredericksburgh
- 3511019 - Richmond
- 3511031 - Sheffield
- 3511011 - South Fredericksburgh
- 3513 - Prince Edward County
- 3513028 - Ameliasburgh
- 3513008 - Athol
- 3513012 - Bloomfield
- 3513011 - Hallowell
- 3513022 - Hillier
- 3513001 - North Marysburgh
- 3513016 - Picton
- 3513018 - Sophiasburgh
- 3513004 - South Marysburgh
- 3513024 - Wellington
- 3547 - Renfrew County
- 3547042 - Admaston
- 3547074 - Alice and Fraser
- 3547002 - Arnprior
- 3547006 - Bagot and Blythfield
- 3547028 - Barry's Bay
- 3547059 - Beachburg
- 3547004 - Braeside
- 3547054 - Bromley
- 3547009 - Brougham
- 3547019 - Brudenell and Lyndoch
- 3547094 - Chalk River
- 3547051 - Cobden
- 3547096 - Deep River
- 3547039 - Eganville
- 3547037 - Golden Lake 39
- 3547038 - Grattan
- 3547012 - Griffith and Matawatchan
- 3547031 - Hagarty and Richards
- 3547098 - Head, Clara and Maria
- 3547046 - Horton
- 3547034 - Killaloe
- 3547001 - McNab
- 3547072 - North Algona
- 3547062 - Pembroke
- 3547064 - Pembroke
- 3547078 - Petawawa
- 3547079 - Petawawa
- 3547024 - Radcliffe
- 3547022 - Raglan
- 3547048 - Renfrew
- 3547092 - Rolph, Buchanan, Wylie and McKay
- 3547049 - Ross
- 3547016 - Sebastopol
- 3547026 - Sherwood, Jones and Burns
- 3547036 - South Algona
- 3547066 - Stafford
- 3547058 - Westmeath
- 3547069 - Wilberforce
- 3520 - Muskoka - Kawarthas
- 3546 - Haliburton County
- 3546016 - Anson, Hindon and Minden
- 3546004 - Bicroft
- 3546001 - Cardiff
- 3546024 - Dysart and Others
- 3546009 - Glamorgan
- 3546014 - Lutterworth
- 3546006 - Monmouth
- 3546034 - Sherborne and Others
- 3546012 - Snowdon
- 3546021 - Stanhope
- 3544 - Muskoka District Municipality
- 3544018 - Bracebridge
- 3544065 - Georgian Bay
- 3544002 - Gravenhurst
- 3544042 - Huntsville
- 3544027 - Lake of Bays
- 3544073 - Moose Point 79
- 3544053 - Muskoka Lakes
- 3544071 - Wahta Mohawk Territory
- 3514 - Northumberland County
- 3514027 - Alderville 37
- 3514026 - Alnwick
- 3514006 - Brighton
- 3514008 - Brighton
- 3514036 - Campbellford
- 3514021 - Cobourg
- 3514012 - Colborne
- 3514011 - Cramahe
- 3514016 - Haldimand
- 3514019 - Hamilton
- 3514032 - Hastings
- 3514023 - Hope
- 3514001 - Murray
- 3514029 - Percy
- 3514025 - Port Hope
- 3514034 - Seymour
- 3515 - Peterborough County
- 3515001 - Asphodel
- 3515031 - Belmont and Methuen
- 3515038 - Burleigh and Anstruther
- 3515009 - Cavan
- 3515036 - Chandos
- 3515019 - Curve Lake First Nation 35
- 3515022 - Douro
- 3515026 - Dummer
- 3515016 - Ennismore
- 3515046 - Galway and Cavendish
- 3515042 - Harvey
- 3515032 - Havelock
- 3515008 - Hiawatha First Nation 36
- 3515024 - Lakefield
- 3515010 - Millbrook
- 3515011 - North Monaghan
- 3515004 - Norwood
- 3515006 - Otonabee
- 3515014 - Peterborough
- 3515018 - Smith
- 3515007 - South Monaghan
- 3516 - Victoria County
- 3516034 - Bexley
- 3516028 - Bobcaygeon
- 3516036 - Carden
- 3516039 - Dalton
- 3516016 - Eldon
- 3516001 - Emily
- 3516024 - Fenelon Falls
- 3516021 - Fenelon
- 3516042 - Laxton, Digby and Longford
- 3516009 - Lindsay
- 3516008 - Manvers
- 3516011 - Mariposa
- 3516004 - Omemee
- 3516006 - Ops
- 3516031 - Somerville
- 3516022 - Sturgeon Point
- 3516026 - Verulam
- 3516014 - Woodville
- 3530 - Toronto
- 3518 - Durham Regional Municipality
- 3518005 - Ajax
- 3518039 - Brock
- 3518017 - Clarington
- 3518013 - Oshawa
- 3518001 - Pickering
- 3518022 - Scugog 34
- 3518020 - Scugog
- 3518029 - Uxbridge
- 3518009 - Whitby
- 3524a - Halton Regional Municipality
- 3524015 - Halton Hills
- 3524009 - Milton
- 3524001 - Oakville
- 3521 - Peel Regional Municipality
- 3521010 - Brampton
- 3521024 - Caledon
- 3521005 - Mississauga
- 3520 - Toronto Metropolitan Municipality
- 3520006 - East York
- 3520019 - Etobicoke
- 3520008 - North York
- 3520001 - Scarborough
- 3520004 - Toronto
- 3520014 - York
- 3519 - York Regional Municipality
- 3519046 - Aurora
- 3519054 - East Gwillimbury
- 3519076 - Georgina Island 33
- 3519070 - Georgina
- 3519049 - King
- 3519036 - Markham
- 3519048 - Newmarket
- 3519038 - Richmond Hill
- 3519028 - Vaughan
- 3519044 - Whitchurch-Stouffville
- 3540 - Kitchener - Waterloo - Barrie
- 3522 - Dufferin County
- 3522008 - Amaranth
- 3522001 - East Garafraxa
- 3522010 - East Luther Grand Valley
- 3522019 - Melancthon
- 3522012 - Mono
- 3522016 - Mulmur
- 3522014 - Orangeville
- 3522021 - Shelburne
- 3543 - Simcoe County
- 3543003 - Adjala-Tosorontio
- 3543042 - Barrie
- 3543014 - Bradford West Gwillimbury
- 3543069 - Christian Island 30
- 3543070 - Christian Island 30A
- 3543005 - Clearview
- 3543031 - Collingwood
- 3543021 - Essa
- 3543017 - Innisfil
- 3543074 - Midland
- 3543007 - New Tecumseth
- 3543052 - Orillia
- 3543023 - Oro-Medonte
- 3543072 - Penetanguishene
- 3543050 - Rama First Nation 32
- 3543019 - Ramara
- 3543015 - Severn
- 3543009 - Springwater
- 3543071 - Tay
- 3543068 - Tiny
- 3543064 - Wasaga Beach
- 3530 - Waterloo Regional Municipality
- 3530010 - Cambridge
- 3530013 - Kitchener
- 3530004 - North Dumfries
- 3530016 - Waterloo
- 3530027 - Wellesley
- 3530020 - Wilmot
- 3530035 - Woolwich
- 3523 - Wellington County
- 3523048 - Arthur
- 3523052 - Arthur
- 3523042 - Clifford
- 3523038 - Drayton
- 3523028 - Elora
- 3523011 - Eramosa
- 3523016 - Erin
- 3523018 - Erin
- 3523026 - Fergus
- 3523006 - Guelph
- 3523008 - Guelph
- 3523044 - Harriston
- 3523036 - Maryborough
- 3523041 - Minto
- 3523049 - Mount Forest
- 3523024 - Nichol
- 3523046 - Palmerston
- 3523032 - Peel
- 3523029 - Pilkington
- 3523001 - Puslinch
- 3523021 - West Garafraxa
- 3523054 - West Luther
- 3550 - Hamilton - Niagara Peninsula
- 3529 - Brant County
- 3529004 - Brantford
- 3529006 - Brantford
- 3529011 - Burford
- 3529021 - New Credit (Part) 40A
- 3529009 - Oakland
- 3529001 - Onondaga
- 3529018 - Paris
- 3529020 - Six Nations (Part) 40
- 3529016 - South Dumfries
- 3528 - Haldimand-Norfolk Regional Municipality
- 3528049 - Delhi
- 3528002 - Dunnville
- 3528015 - Haldimand
- 3528033 - Nanticoke
- 3528035 - New Credit (Part) 40A
- 3528054 - Norfolk
- 3528040 - Simcoe
- 3528037 - Six Nations (Part) 40
- 3524b - Halton Regional Municipality
- 3524002 - Burlington
- 3525 - Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality
- 3525014 - Ancaster
- 3525026 - Dundas
- 3525030 - Flamborough
- 3525009 - Glanbrook
- 3525018 - Hamilton
- 3525003 - Stoney Creek
- 3526 - Niagara Regional Municipality
- 3526003 - Fort Erie
- 3526065 - Grimsby
- 3526057 - Lincoln
- 3526043 - Niagara Falls
- 3526047 - Niagara-on-the-Lake
- 3526028 - Pelham
- 3526011 - Port Colborne
- 3526053 - St. Catharines
- 3526037 - Thorold
- 3526014 - Wainfleet
- 3526032 - Welland
- 3526021 - West Lincoln
- 3560 - London
- 3534 - Elgin County
- 3534040 - Aldborough
- 3534011 - Aylmer
- 3534001 - Bayham
- 3534016 - Belmont
- 3534029 - Dunwich
- 3534032 - Dutton
- 3534008 - Malahide
- 3534002 - Port Burwell
- 3534026 - Port Stanley
- 3534014 - South Dorchester
- 3534024 - Southwold
- 3534012 - Springfield
- 3534021 - St. Thomas
- 3534004 - Vienna
- 3534036 - West Lorne
- 3534018 - Yarmouth
- 3539 - Middlesex County
- 3539046 - Adelaide
- 3539044 - Ailsa Craig
- 3539058 - Biddulph
- 3539014 - Caradoc
- 3539017 - Chippewa of the Thames First Nation
- 3539019 - Delaware
- 3539042 - East Williams
- 3539006 - Ekfrid
- 3539008 - Glencoe
- 3539039 - Lobo
- 3539034 - London
- 3539036 - London
- 3539059 - Lucan
- 3539054 - McGillivray
- 3539011 - Metcalfe
- 3539001 - Mosa
- 3539018 - Munsee-Delaware Nation 1
- 3539002 - Newbury
- 3539026 - North Dorchester
- 3539021 - Oneida 41
- 3539052 - Parkhill
- 3539016 - Strathroy
- 3539004 - Wardsville
- 3539031 - West Nissouri
- 3539049 - West Williams
- 3532 - Oxford County
- 3532045 - Blandford-Blenheim
- 3532038 - East Zorra-Tavistock
- 3532018 - Ingersoll
- 3532002 - Norwich
- 3532012 - South-West Oxford
- 3532004 - Tillsonburg
- 3532042 - Woodstock
- 3532027 - Zorra
- 3570 - Windsor - Sarnia
- 3537 - Essex County
- 3537029 - Amherstburg
- 3537031 - Anderdon
- 3537059 - Belle River
- 3537018 - Colchester North
- 3537021 - Colchester South
- 3537054 - Essex
- 3537014 - Gosfield North
- 3537009 - Gosfield South
- 3537022 - Harrow
- 3537011 - Kingsville
- 3537034 - LaSalle
- 3537006 - Leamington
- 3537051 - Maidstone
- 3537026 - Malden
- 3537004 - Mersea
- 3537001 - Pelee
- 3537058 - Rochester
- 3537046 - Sandwich South
- 3537052 - St. Clair Beach
- 3537044 - Tecumseh
- 3537066 - Tilbury North
- 3537062 - Tilbury West
- 3537039 - Windsor
- 3536 - Kent County
- 3536016 - Blenheim
- 3536032 - Bothwell
- 3536036 - Camden
- 3536041 - Chatham
- 3536042 - Chatham
- 3536048 - Dover
- 3536039 - Dresden
- 3536018 - Erie Beach
- 3536019 - Erieau
- 3536014 - Harwich
- 3536028 - Highgate
- 3536021 - Howard
- 3536029 - Moravian 47
- 3536026 - Orford
- 3536011 - Raleigh
- 3536024 - Ridgetown
- 3536001 - Romney
- 3536038 - Thamesville
- 3536006 - Tilbury East
- 3536008 - Tilbury
- 3536044 - Wallaceburg
- 3536002 - Wheatley
- 3536031 - Zone
- 3538 - Lambton County
- 3538014 - Alvinston
- 3538048 - Arkona
- 3538046 - Bosanquet
- 3538012 - Brooke
- 3538006 - Dawn
- 3538016 - Enniskillen
- 3538009 - Euphemia
- 3538038 - Forest
- 3538052 - Grand Bend
- 3538056 - Kettle Point 44
- 3538023 - Moore
- 3538018 - Oil Springs
- 3538019 - Petrolia
- 3538034 - Plympton
- 3538031 - Point Edward
- 3538025 - Sarnia 45
- 3538030 - Sarnia
- 3538001 - Sombra
- 3538049 - Thedford
- 3538004 - Walpole Island 46
- 3538041 - Warwick
- 3538042 - Watford
- 3538036 - Wyoming
- 3580 - Stratford - Bruce Peninsula
- 3541 - Bruce County
- 3541059 - Albemarle
- 3541054 - Amabel
- 3541049 - Arran
- 3541034 - Brant
- 3541026 - Bruce
- 3541001 - Carrick
- 3541039 - Chesley
- 3541006 - Culross
- 3541062 - Eastnor
- 3541038 - Elderslie
- 3541031 - Greenock
- 3541056 - Hepworth
- 3541019 - Huron
- 3541021 - Kincardine
- 3541022 - Kincardine
- 3541011 - Kinloss
- 3541066 - Lindsay
- 3541064 - Lion's Head
- 3541012 - Lucknow
- 3541002 - Mildmay
- 3541060 - Neyaashiinigmiing
- 3541041 - Paisley
- 3541046 - Port Elgin
- 3541057 - Saugeen 29
- 3541044 - Saugeen
- 3541048 - Southampton
- 3541068 - St. Edmunds
- 3541051 - Tara
- 3541008 - Teeswater
- 3541028 - Tiverton
- 3541036 - Walkerton
- 3541058 - Wiarton
- 3542 - Grey County
- 3542018 - Artemesia
- 3542028 - Bentinck
- 3542034 - Chatsworth
- 3542042 - Collingwood
- 3542054 - Derby
- 3542011 - Dundalk
- 3542026 - Durham
- 3542006 - Egremont
- 3542039 - Euphrasia
- 3542019 - Flesherton
- 3542022 - Glenelg
- 3542029 - Hanover
- 3542036 - Holland
- 3542062 - Keppel
- 3542024 - Markdale
- 3542049 - Meaford
- 3542002 - Neustadt
- 3542001 - Normanby
- 3542014 - Osprey
- 3542059 - Owen Sound
- 3542009 - Proton
- 3542058 - Sarawak
- 3542064 - Shallow Lake
- 3542048 - St. Vincent
- 3542032 - Sullivan
- 3542051 - Sydenham
- 3542046 - Thornbury
- 3540 - Huron County
- 3540064 - Ashfield
- 3540023 - Bayfield
- 3540056 - Blyth
- 3540044 - Brussels
- 3540026 - Clinton
- 3540031 - Colborne
- 3540058 - East Wawanosh
- 3540008 - Exeter
- 3540024 - Goderich
- 3540028 - Goderich
- 3540042 - Grey
- 3540009 - Hay
- 3540011 - Hensall
- 3540046 - Howick
- 3540034 - Hullett
- 3540038 - McKillop
- 3540054 - Morris
- 3540039 - Seaforth
- 3540019 - Stanley
- 3540004 - Stephen
- 3540016 - Tuckersmith
- 3540049 - Turnberry
- 3540001 - Usborne
- 3540061 - West Wawanosh
- 3540051 - Wingham
- 3540012 - Zurich
- 3531 - Perth County
- 3531014 - Blanshard
- 3531009 - Downie
- 3531028 - Ellice
- 3531036 - Elma
- 3531018 - Fullarton
- 3531021 - Hibbert
- 3531042 - Listowel
- 3531024 - Logan
- 3531034 - Milverton
- 3531026 - Mitchell
- 3531032 - Mornington
- 3531006 - North Easthope
- 3531001 - South Easthope
- 3531016 - St. Marys
- 3531011 - Stratford
- 3531041 - Wallace
- 3590 - Northeast
- 3557 - Algoma District
- 3557095 - Algoma, Unorganized, North Part
- 3557094 - Algoma, Unorganized, South East Part
- 3557092 - Algoma, Unorganized, South Part
- 3557038 - Blind River
- 3557021 - Bruce Mines
- 3557029 - Day and Bright Additional
- 3557079 - Dubreuilville
- 3557041 - Elliot Lake
- 3557074 - Garden River 14
- 3557077 - Goulais Bay 15A
- 3557078 - Gros Cap 49
- 3557006 - Hilton Beach
- 3557004 - Hilton
- 3557096 - Hornepayne
- 3557031 - Iron Bridge
- 3557001 - Jocelyn
- 3557016 - Johnson
- 3557011 - Laird
- 3557051 - Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional
- 3557076 - Michipicoten
- 3557082 - Missanabie 62
- 3557073 - Mississagi River 8
- 3557040 - North Shore
- 3557019 - Plummer Additional
- 3557066 - Prince
- 3557075 - Rankin Location 15D
- 3557071 - Sagamok
- 3557061 - Sault Ste. Marie
- 3557072 - Serpent River 7
- 3557039 - Shedden
- 3557008 - St. Joseph
- 3557014 - Tarbutt and Tarbutt Additional
- 3557026 - Thessalon 12
- 3557024 - Thessalon
- 3557028 - Thessalon
- 3557034 - Thompson
- 3557091 - White River
- 3556 - Cochrane District
- 3556033 - Abitibi 70
- 3556014 - Black River-Matheson
- 3556092 - Cochrane, Unorganized, North Part
- 3556098 - Cochrane, Unorganized, South East Part
- 3556091 - Cochrane, Unorganized, South West Part
- 3556039 - Cochrane
- 3556095 - Constance Lake 92
- 3556094 - Factory Island 1
- 3556052 - Fauquier-Strickland
- 3556100 - Flying Post 73
- 3556093 - Fort Albany (Part) 67
- 3556038 - Glackmeyer
- 3556076 - Hearst
- 3556031 - Iroquois Falls
- 3556066 - Kapuskasing
- 3556077 - Mattice-Val Coté
- 3556056 - Moonbeam
- 3556096 - Moose Factory 68
- 3556097 - Moosonee Development Area Board
- 3556104 - New Post 69
- 3556102 - New Post 69A
- 3556073 - Opasatika
- 3556048 - Smooth Rock Falls
- 3556027 - Timmins
- 3556070 - Val Rita-Harty
- 3551 - Manitoulin District
- 3551011 - Assiginack
- 3551031 - Barrie Island
- 3551021 - Billings
- 3551028 - Burpee
- 3551004 - Carnarvon
- 3551035 - Cockburn Island 19
- 3551100 - Cockburn Island 19A
- 3551034 - Cockburn Island
- 3551024 - Gordon
- 3551026 - Gore Bay
- 3551016 - Howland
- 3551019 - Little Current
- 3551092 - Manitoulin, Unorganized, Centre Part
- 3551091 - Manitoulin, Unorganized, Mainland
- 3551094 - Manitoulin, Unorganized, West Part
- 3551036 - Rutherford and George Island
- 3551008 - Sandfield
- 3551042 - Sheguiandah 24
- 3551044 - Sheshegwaning 20
- 3551041 - Sucker Creek 23
- 3551001 - Tehkummah
- 3551045 - West Bay 22
- 3551040 - Whitefish River (Part) 4
- 3551043 - Wikwemikong Unceded 26
- 3548 - Nipissing District
- 3548001 - Airy
- 3548072 - Bear Island 1
- 3548027 - Bonfield
- 3548054 - Cache Bay
- 3548058 - Caldwell
- 3548022 - Calvin
- 3548031 - Chisholm
- 3548034 - East Ferris
- 3548062 - Field
- 3548021 - Mattawa
- 3548019 - Mattawan
- 3548073 - Nipissing 10
- 3548094 - Nipissing, Unorganized, North Part
- 3548091 - Nipissing, Unorganized, South Part
- 3548044 - North Bay
- 3548013 - Papineau-Cameron
- 3548051 - Springer
- 3548052 - Sturgeon Falls
- 3548069 - Temagami
- 3549 - Parry Sound District
- 3549019 - Armour
- 3549022 - Burk's Falls
- 3549036 - Carling
- 3549042 - Chapman
- 3549009 - Christie
- 3549077 - Dokis 9
- 3549006 - Foley
- 3549076 - French River 13
- 3549039 - Hagerman
- 3549075 - Henvey Inlet 2
- 3549001 - Humphrey
- 3549051 - Joly
- 3549018 - Kearney
- 3549054 - Machar
- 3549044 - Magnetawan
- 3549078 - Magnetewan 1
- 3549031 - McDougall
- 3549028 - McKellar
- 3549012 - McMurrich
- 3549079 - Naiscoutaing 17A
- 3549071 - Nipissing
- 3549066 - North Himsworth
- 3549073 - Parry Island First Nation
- 3549096 - Parry Sound, Unorganized, Centre Part
- 3549095 - Parry Sound, Unorganized, North East Part
- 3549032 - Parry Sound
- 3549014 - Perry
- 3549064 - Powassan
- 3549002 - Rosseau
- 3549024 - Ryerson
- 3549072 - Shawanaga 17
- 3549059 - South Himsworth
- 3549056 - South River
- 3549046 - Strong
- 3549048 - Sundridge
- 3549005 - The Archipelago
- 3549061 - Trout Creek
- 3552 - Sudbury District
- 3552028 - Baldwin
- 3552004 - Casimir, Jennings and Appleby
- 3552053 - Chapleau 74A
- 3552058 - Chapleau 75
- 3552092 - Chapleau
- 3552001 - Cosby, Mason and Martland
- 3552054 - Duck Lake 76B
- 3552026 - Espanola
- 3552012 - Hagar
- 3552021 - Massey
- 3552052 - Mattagami 71
- 3552055 - Mountbatten 76A
- 3552031 - Nairn
- 3552008 - Ratter and Dunnet
- 3552093 - Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part
- 3552091 - Sudbury, Unorganized, South Part
- 3552020 - The Spanish River
- 3552098 - Wahnapitei 11
- 3552024 - Webbwood
- 3552051 - Whitefish Lake 6
- 3552017 - Whitefish River (Part) 4
- 3553 - Sudbury Regional Municipality
- 3553035 - Capreol
- 3553001 - Nickel Centre
- 3553019 - Onaping Falls
- 3553024 - Rayside-Balfour
- 3553007 - Sudbury
- 3553028 - Valley East
- 3553012 - Walden
- 3554 - Timiskaming District
- 3554036 - Armstrong
- 3554032 - Brethour
- 3554029 - Casey
- 3554054 - Chamberlain
- 3554048 - Charlton
- 3554008 - Cobalt
- 3554001 - Coleman
- 3554046 - Dack
- 3554016 - Dymond
- 3554052 - Englehart
- 3554049 - Evanturel
- 3554066 - Gauthier
- 3554012 - Haileybury
- 3554026 - Harley
- 3554014 - Harris
- 3554034 - Hilliard
- 3554021 - Hudson
- 3554042 - James
- 3554024 - Kerns
- 3554068 - Kirkland Lake
- 3554062 - Larder Lake
- 3554006 - Latchford
- 3554057 - Matachewan 72
- 3554056 - Matachewan
- 3554058 - McGarry
- 3554018 - New Liskeard
- 3554038 - Thornloe
- 3554091 - Timiskaming, Unorganized, East Part
- 3554094 - Timiskaming, Unorganized, West Part
- 3595 - Northwest
- 3560 - Kenora District
- 3560051 - Attawapiskat 91A
- 3560028 - Barclay
- 3560095 - Bearskin Lake
- 3560075 - Big Trout Lake
- 3560054 - Cat Lake 63C
- 3560070 - Deer Lake
- 3560026 - Dryden
- 3560024 - Eagle Lake 27
- 3560032 - Ear Falls
- 3560058 - English River 21
- 3560050 - Fort Albany (Part) 67
- 3560053 - Fort Hope 64
- 3560078 - Fort Severn 89
- 3560044 - Golden
- 3560001 - Ignace
- 3560061 - Islington 29
- 3560014 - Jaffray and Melick
- 3560096 - Kasabonika Lake
- 3560012 - Keewatin
- 3560104 - Kee-Way-Win
- 3560066 - Kenora 38B
- 3560090 - Kenora, Unorganized
- 3560016 - Kenora
- 3560098 - Kingfisher 1
- 3560056 - Lac Seul 28
- 3560062 - Lake Of The Woods 31G
- 3560065 - Lake Of The Woods 37
- 3560081 - Lansdowne House
- 3560100 - Long Dog Lake
- 3560102 - MacDowell Lake
- 3560021 - Machin
- 3560052 - Marten Falls 65
- 3560097 - Muskrat Dam Lake
- 3560080 - North Spirit Lake
- 3560060 - Northwest Angle 33B
- 3560055 - Osnaburgh 63B
- 3560091 - Peawanuck
- 3560049 - Pickle Lake
- 3560077 - Pikangikum 14
- 3560067 - Poplar Hill
- 3560069 - Rat Portage 38A
- 3560041 - Red Lake
- 3560063 - Sabaskong Bay 35D
- 3560076 - Sachigo Lake 1
- 3560087 - Sachigo Lake 2
- 3560071 - Sandy Lake 88
- 3560068 - Shoal Lake (Part) 39A
- 3560082 - Shoal Lake (Part) 40
- 3560064 - Shoal Lake 34B 2
- 3560034 - Sioux Lookout
- 3560008 - Sioux Narrows
- 3560046 - Slate Falls
- 3560086 - Summer Beaver
- 3560089 - The Dalles 38C
- 3560084 - Wabauskang 21
- 3560057 - Wabigoon Lake 27
- 3560074 - Wapekeka 1
- 3560088 - Wapekeka 2
- 3560059 - Weagamow Lake 87
- 3560079 - Webequie
- 3560004 - Whitefish Bay 32A
- 3560005 - Whitefish Bay 33A
- 3560083 - Whitefish Bay 34A
- 3560085 - Wunnumin 1
- 3560072 - Wunnumin 2
- 3559 - Rainy River District
- 3559062 - Agency 1
- 3559011 - Alberton
- 3559001 - Atikokan
- 3559041 - Atwood
- 3559051 - Big Grassy River 35G
- 3559052 - Big Island Mainland 93
- 3559039 - Blue
- 3559024 - Chapple
- 3559063 - Couchiching 16A
- 3559034 - Dilke
- 3559019 - Emo
- 3559012 - Fort Frances
- 3559022 - Kingsford
- 3559016 - La Vallee
- 3559092 - Long Sault
- 3559026 - Manitou Rapids 11
- 3559046 - McCrosson and Tovell
- 3559031 - Morley
- 3559049 - Morson
- 3559060 - Neguaguon Lake 25D
- 3559068 - Rainy Lake 17A
- 3559069 - Rainy Lake 17B
- 3559061 - Rainy Lake 18C
- 3559064 - Rainy Lake 26A
- 3559090 - Rainy River, Unorganized
- 3559042 - Rainy River
- 3559053 - Saug-a-Gaw-Sing 1
- 3559066 - Seine River 23A
- 3559065 - Seine River 23B
- 3559036 - Worthington
- 3558 - Thunder Bay District
- 3558076 - Aroland
- 3558078 - Beardmore
- 3558019 - Conmee
- 3558034 - Dorion
- 3558003 - Fort William 52
- 3558074 - Geraldton
- 3558012 - Gillies
- 3558067 - Ginoogaming First Nation
- 3558065 - Gull River 55
- 3558100 - Lac des Milles Lacs 22A1
- 3558064 - Lake Helen 53A
- 3558068 - Long Lake 58
- 3558071 - Longlac
- 3558066 - Manitouwadge
- 3558059 - Marathon
- 3558072 - Nakina
- 3558001 - Neebing
- 3558044 - Nipigon
- 3558016 - O'Connor
- 3558024 - Oliver
- 3558085 - Osnaburgh 63A
- 3558008 - Paipoonge
- 3558063 - Pays Plat 51
- 3558060 - Pic Mobert North
- 3558061 - Pic Mobert South
- 3558062 - Pic River 50
- 3558041 - Red Rock
- 3558069 - Rocky Bay 1
- 3558080 - Savant Lake
- 3558051 - Schreiber
- 3558095 - Seine River 22A2
- 3558028 - Shuniah
- 3558054 - Terrace Bay
- 3558090 - Thunder Bay, Unorganized
- 3558004 - Thunder Bay
- 3558097 - Whitesand
- 35 - Ontario
- 3510 - Ottawa
- 3509 - Lanark County
- 3509031 - Almonte
- 3509016 - Bathurst
- 3509024 - Beckwith
- 3509028 - Carleton Place
- 3509044 - Darling
- 3509019 - Drummond
- 3509034 - Lanark
- 3509036 - Lanark
- 3509040 - Lavant, Dalhousie, and North Sherbrooke
- 3509001 - Montague
- 3509011 - North Burgess
- 3509008 - North Elmsley
- 3509046 - Pakenham
- 3509021 - Perth
- 3509029 - Ramsay
- 3509004 - Smiths Falls
- 3509014 - South Sherbrooke
- 3507 - Leeds and Grenville United Counties
- 3507043 - Athens
- 3507006 - Augusta
- 3507039 - Bastard and South Burgess
- 3507015 - Brockville
- 3507002 - Cardinal
- 3507001 - Edwardsburgh
- 3507012 - Elizabethtown
- 3507020 - Front of Escott
- 3507022 - Front of Leeds and Lansdowne
- 3507017 - Front of Yonge
- 3507024 - Gananoque
- 3507058 - Kemptville
- 3507046 - Kitley
- 3507053 - Merrickville
- 3507035 - Newboro
- 3507031 - North Crosby
- 3507056 - Oxford-on-Rideau
- 3507008 - Prescott
- 3507027 - Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne
- 3507041 - Rear of Yonge and Escott
- 3507029 - South Crosby
- 3507049 - South Elmsley
- 3507061 - South Gower
- 3507033 - Westport
- 3507051 - Wolford
- 3506 - Ottawa-Carleton Regional Municipality
- 3506004 - Cumberland
- 3506006 - Gloucester
- 3506027 - Goulbourn
- 3506030 - Kanata
- 3506012 - Nepean
- 3506001 - Osgoode
- 3506014 - Ottawa
- 3506018 - Rideau
- 3506011 - Rockcliffe Park
- 3506009 - Vanier
- 3506042 - West Carleton
- 3502 - Prescott and Russell United Counties
- 3502021 - Alfred
- 3502024 - Alfred
- 3502012 - Caledonia
- 3502042 - Cambridge
- 3502044 - Casselman
- 3502037 - Clarence
- 3502001 - East Hawkesbury
- 3502008 - Hawkesbury
- 3502016 - Longueuil
- 3502018 - L'Orignal
- 3502031 - North Plantagenet
- 3502034 - Plantagenet
- 3502039 - Rockland
- 3502048 - Russell
- 3502026 - South Plantagenet
- 3502027 - St. Isidore
- 3502009 - Vankleek Hill
- 3502006 - West Hawkesbury
- 3501 - Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry United Counties
- 3501007 - Akwesasne (part)
- 3501055 - Alexandria
- 3501006 - Charlottenburgh
- 3501035 - Chesterville
- 3501010 - Cornwall
- 3501012 - Cornwall
- 3501038 - Finch
- 3501041 - Finch
- 3501024 - Iroquois
- 3501048 - Kenyon
- 3501001 - Lancaster
- 3501003 - Lancaster
- 3501053 - Lochiel
- 3501022 - Matilda
- 3501051 - Maxville
- 3501019 - Morrisburg
- 3501027 - Mountain
- 3501015 - Osnabruck
- 3501045 - Roxborough
- 3501017 - Williamsburgh
- 3501031 - Winchester
- 3501033 - Winchester
- 3515 - Kingston - Pembroke
- 3510 - Frontenac County
- 3510042 - Barrie
- 3510029 - Bedford
- 3510046 - Clarendon and Miller
- 3510026 - Hinchinbrooke
- 3510004 - Howe Island
- 3510039 - Kennebec
- 3510009 - Kingston
- 3510011 - Kingston
- 3510018 - Loughborough
- 3510036 - Olden
- 3510032 - Oso
- 3510049 - Palmerston and North and South Canonto
- 3510006 - Pittsburgh
- 3510022 - Portland
- 3510014 - Storrington
- 3510001 - Wolfe Island
- 3512 - Hastings County
- 3512062 - Bancroft
- 3512091 - Bangor, Wicklow and McClure
- 3512008 - Belleville
- 3512071 - Carlow
- 3512044 - Deloro
- 3512002 - Deseronto
- 3512064 - Dungannon
- 3512032 - Elzevir and Grimsthorpe
- 3512058 - Faraday
- 3512014 - Frankford
- 3512078 - Herschel
- 3512028 - Hungerford
- 3512024 - Huntingdon
- 3512051 - Limerick
- 3512036 - Madoc
- 3512038 - Madoc
- 3512041 - Marmora and Lake
- 3512042 - Marmora
- 3512068 - Mayo
- 3512074 - Monteagle
- 3512019 - Rawdon
- 3512011 - Sidney
- 3512018 - Stirling
- 3512006 - Thurlow
- 3512012 - Trenton
- 3512048 - Tudor and Cashel
- 3512031 - Tweed
- 3512004 - Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
- 3512001 - Tyendinaga
- 3512054 - Wollaston
- 3511 - Lennox and Addington County
- 3511014 - Adolphustown
- 3511001 - Amherst Island
- 3511008 - Bath
- 3511024 - Camden East
- 3511038 - Denbigh, Abinger and Ashby
- 3511004 - Ernestown
- 3511034 - Kaladar, Anglesea and Effingham
- 3511021 - Napanee
- 3511026 - Newburgh
- 3511016 - North Fredericksburgh
- 3511019 - Richmond
- 3511031 - Sheffield
- 3511011 - South Fredericksburgh
- 3513 - Prince Edward County
- 3513028 - Ameliasburgh
- 3513008 - Athol
- 3513012 - Bloomfield
- 3513011 - Hallowell
- 3513022 - Hillier
- 3513001 - North Marysburgh
- 3513016 - Picton
- 3513018 - Sophiasburgh
- 3513004 - South Marysburgh
- 3513024 - Wellington
- 3547 - Renfrew County
- 3547042 - Admaston
- 3547074 - Alice and Fraser
- 3547002 - Arnprior
- 3547006 - Bagot and Blythfield
- 3547028 - Barry's Bay
- 3547059 - Beachburg
- 3547004 - Braeside
- 3547054 - Bromley
- 3547009 - Brougham
- 3547019 - Brudenell and Lyndoch
- 3547094 - Chalk River
- 3547051 - Cobden
- 3547096 - Deep River
- 3547039 - Eganville
- 3547037 - Golden Lake 39
- 3547038 - Grattan
- 3547012 - Griffith and Matawatchan
- 3547031 - Hagarty and Richards
- 3547098 - Head, Clara and Maria
- 3547046 - Horton
- 3547034 - Killaloe
- 3547001 - McNab
- 3547072 - North Algona
- 3547062 - Pembroke
- 3547064 - Pembroke
- 3547078 - Petawawa
- 3547079 - Petawawa
- 3547024 - Radcliffe
- 3547022 - Raglan
- 3547048 - Renfrew
- 3547092 - Rolph, Buchanan, Wylie and McKay
- 3547049 - Ross
- 3547016 - Sebastopol
- 3547026 - Sherwood, Jones and Burns
- 3547036 - South Algona
- 3547066 - Stafford
- 3547058 - Westmeath
- 3547069 - Wilberforce
- 3520 - Muskoka - Kawarthas
- 3546 - Haliburton County
- 3546016 - Anson, Hindon and Minden
- 3546004 - Bicroft
- 3546001 - Cardiff
- 3546024 - Dysart and Others
- 3546009 - Glamorgan
- 3546014 - Lutterworth
- 3546006 - Monmouth
- 3546034 - Sherborne and Others
- 3546012 - Snowdon
- 3546021 - Stanhope
- 3544 - Muskoka District Municipality
- 3544018 - Bracebridge
- 3544065 - Georgian Bay
- 3544002 - Gravenhurst
- 3544042 - Huntsville
- 3544027 - Lake of Bays
- 3544073 - Moose Point 79
- 3544053 - Muskoka Lakes
- 3544071 - Wahta Mohawk Territory
- 3514 - Northumberland County
- 3514027 - Alderville 37
- 3514026 - Alnwick
- 3514006 - Brighton
- 3514008 - Brighton
- 3514036 - Campbellford
- 3514021 - Cobourg
- 3514012 - Colborne
- 3514011 - Cramahe
- 3514016 - Haldimand
- 3514019 - Hamilton
- 3514032 - Hastings
- 3514023 - Hope
- 3514001 - Murray
- 3514029 - Percy
- 3514025 - Port Hope
- 3514034 - Seymour
- 3515 - Peterborough County
- 3515001 - Asphodel
- 3515031 - Belmont and Methuen
- 3515038 - Burleigh and Anstruther
- 3515009 - Cavan
- 3515036 - Chandos
- 3515019 - Curve Lake First Nation 35
- 3515022 - Douro
- 3515026 - Dummer
- 3515016 - Ennismore
- 3515046 - Galway and Cavendish
- 3515042 - Harvey
- 3515032 - Havelock
- 3515008 - Hiawatha First Nation 36
- 3515024 - Lakefield
- 3515010 - Millbrook
- 3515011 - North Monaghan
- 3515004 - Norwood
- 3515006 - Otonabee
- 3515014 - Peterborough
- 3515018 - Smith
- 3515007 - South Monaghan
- 3516 - Victoria County
- 3516034 - Bexley
- 3516028 - Bobcaygeon
- 3516036 - Carden
- 3516039 - Dalton
- 3516016 - Eldon
- 3516001 - Emily
- 3516024 - Fenelon Falls
- 3516021 - Fenelon
- 3516042 - Laxton, Digby and Longford
- 3516009 - Lindsay
- 3516008 - Manvers
- 3516011 - Mariposa
- 3516004 - Omemee
- 3516006 - Ops
- 3516031 - Somerville
- 3516022 - Sturgeon Point
- 3516026 - Verulam
- 3516014 - Woodville
- 3530 - Toronto
- 3518 - Durham Regional Municipality
- 3518005 - Ajax
- 3518039 - Brock
- 3518017 - Clarington
- 3518013 - Oshawa
- 3518001 - Pickering
- 3518022 - Scugog 34
- 3518020 - Scugog
- 3518029 - Uxbridge
- 3518009 - Whitby
- 3524a - Halton Regional Municipality
- 3524015 - Halton Hills
- 3524009 - Milton
- 3524001 - Oakville
- 3521 - Peel Regional Municipality
- 3521010 - Brampton
- 3521024 - Caledon
- 3521005 - Mississauga
- 3520 - Toronto Metropolitan Municipality
- 3520006 - East York
- 3520019 - Etobicoke
- 3520008 - North York
- 3520001 - Scarborough
- 3520004 - Toronto
- 3520014 - York
- 3519 - York Regional Municipality
- 3519046 - Aurora
- 3519054 - East Gwillimbury
- 3519076 - Georgina Island 33
- 3519070 - Georgina
- 3519049 - King
- 3519036 - Markham
- 3519048 - Newmarket
- 3519038 - Richmond Hill
- 3519028 - Vaughan
- 3519044 - Whitchurch-Stouffville
- 3540 - Kitchener - Waterloo - Barrie
- 3522 - Dufferin County
- 3522008 - Amaranth
- 3522001 - East Garafraxa
- 3522010 - East Luther Grand Valley
- 3522019 - Melancthon
- 3522012 - Mono
- 3522016 - Mulmur
- 3522014 - Orangeville
- 3522021 - Shelburne
- 3543 - Simcoe County
- 3543003 - Adjala-Tosorontio
- 3543042 - Barrie
- 3543014 - Bradford West Gwillimbury
- 3543069 - Christian Island 30
- 3543070 - Christian Island 30A
- 3543005 - Clearview
- 3543031 - Collingwood
- 3543021 - Essa
- 3543017 - Innisfil
- 3543074 - Midland
- 3543007 - New Tecumseth
- 3543052 - Orillia
- 3543023 - Oro-Medonte
- 3543072 - Penetanguishene
- 3543050 - Rama First Nation 32
- 3543019 - Ramara
- 3543015 - Severn
- 3543009 - Springwater
- 3543071 - Tay
- 3543068 - Tiny
- 3543064 - Wasaga Beach
- 3530 - Waterloo Regional Municipality
- 3530010 - Cambridge
- 3530013 - Kitchener
- 3530004 - North Dumfries
- 3530016 - Waterloo
- 3530027 - Wellesley
- 3530020 - Wilmot
- 3530035 - Woolwich
- 3523 - Wellington County
- 3523048 - Arthur
- 3523052 - Arthur
- 3523042 - Clifford
- 3523038 - Drayton
- 3523028 - Elora
- 3523011 - Eramosa
- 3523016 - Erin
- 3523018 - Erin
- 3523026 - Fergus
- 3523006 - Guelph
- 3523008 - Guelph
- 3523044 - Harriston
- 3523036 - Maryborough
- 3523041 - Minto
- 3523049 - Mount Forest
- 3523024 - Nichol
- 3523046 - Palmerston
- 3523032 - Peel
- 3523029 - Pilkington
- 3523001 - Puslinch
- 3523021 - West Garafraxa
- 3523054 - West Luther
- 3550 - Hamilton - Niagara Peninsula
- 3529 - Brant County
- 3529004 - Brantford
- 3529006 - Brantford
- 3529011 - Burford
- 3529021 - New Credit (Part) 40A
- 3529009 - Oakland
- 3529001 - Onondaga
- 3529018 - Paris
- 3529020 - Six Nations (Part) 40
- 3529016 - South Dumfries
- 3528 - Haldimand-Norfolk Regional Municipality
- 3528049 - Delhi
- 3528002 - Dunnville
- 3528015 - Haldimand
- 3528033 - Nanticoke
- 3528035 - New Credit (Part) 40A
- 3528054 - Norfolk
- 3528040 - Simcoe
- 3528037 - Six Nations (Part) 40
- 3524b - Halton Regional Municipality
- 3524002 - Burlington
- 3525 - Hamilton-Wentworth Regional Municipality
- 3525014 - Ancaster
- 3525026 - Dundas
- 3525030 - Flamborough
- 3525009 - Glanbrook
- 3525018 - Hamilton
- 3525003 - Stoney Creek
- 3526 - Niagara Regional Municipality
- 3526003 - Fort Erie
- 3526065 - Grimsby
- 3526057 - Lincoln
- 3526043 - Niagara Falls
- 3526047 - Niagara-on-the-Lake
- 3526028 - Pelham
- 3526011 - Port Colborne
- 3526053 - St. Catharines
- 3526037 - Thorold
- 3526014 - Wainfleet
- 3526032 - Welland
- 3526021 - West Lincoln
- 3560 - London
- 3534 - Elgin County
- 3534040 - Aldborough
- 3534011 - Aylmer
- 3534001 - Bayham
- 3534016 - Belmont
- 3534029 - Dunwich
- 3534032 - Dutton
- 3534008 - Malahide
- 3534002 - Port Burwell
- 3534026 - Port Stanley
- 3534014 - South Dorchester
- 3534024 - Southwold
- 3534012 - Springfield
- 3534021 - St. Thomas
- 3534004 - Vienna
- 3534036 - West Lorne
- 3534018 - Yarmouth
- 3539 - Middlesex County
- 3539046 - Adelaide
- 3539044 - Ailsa Craig
- 3539058 - Biddulph
- 3539014 - Caradoc
- 3539017 - Chippewa of the Thames First Nation
- 3539019 - Delaware
- 3539042 - East Williams
- 3539006 - Ekfrid
- 3539008 - Glencoe
- 3539039 - Lobo
- 3539034 - London
- 3539036 - London
- 3539059 - Lucan
- 3539054 - McGillivray
- 3539011 - Metcalfe
- 3539001 - Mosa
- 3539018 - Munsee-Delaware Nation 1
- 3539002 - Newbury
- 3539026 - North Dorchester
- 3539021 - Oneida 41
- 3539052 - Parkhill
- 3539016 - Strathroy
- 3539004 - Wardsville
- 3539031 - West Nissouri
- 3539049 - West Williams
- 3532 - Oxford County
- 3532045 - Blandford-Blenheim
- 3532038 - East Zorra-Tavistock
- 3532018 - Ingersoll
- 3532002 - Norwich
- 3532012 - South-West Oxford
- 3532004 - Tillsonburg
- 3532042 - Woodstock
- 3532027 - Zorra
- 3570 - Windsor - Sarnia
- 3537 - Essex County
- 3537029 - Amherstburg
- 3537031 - Anderdon
- 3537059 - Belle River
- 3537018 - Colchester North
- 3537021 - Colchester South
- 3537054 - Essex
- 3537014 - Gosfield North
- 3537009 - Gosfield South
- 3537022 - Harrow
- 3537011 - Kingsville
- 3537034 - LaSalle
- 3537006 - Leamington
- 3537051 - Maidstone
- 3537026 - Malden
- 3537004 - Mersea
- 3537001 - Pelee
- 3537058 - Rochester
- 3537046 - Sandwich South
- 3537052 - St. Clair Beach
- 3537044 - Tecumseh
- 3537066 - Tilbury North
- 3537062 - Tilbury West
- 3537039 - Windsor
- 3536 - Kent County
- 3536016 - Blenheim
- 3536032 - Bothwell
- 3536036 - Camden
- 3536041 - Chatham
- 3536042 - Chatham
- 3536048 - Dover
- 3536039 - Dresden
- 3536018 - Erie Beach
- 3536019 - Erieau
- 3536014 - Harwich
- 3536028 - Highgate
- 3536021 - Howard
- 3536029 - Moravian 47
- 3536026 - Orford
- 3536011 - Raleigh
- 3536024 - Ridgetown
- 3536001 - Romney
- 3536038 - Thamesville
- 3536006 - Tilbury East
- 3536008 - Tilbury
- 3536044 - Wallaceburg
- 3536002 - Wheatley
- 3536031 - Zone
- 3538 - Lambton County
- 3538014 - Alvinston
- 3538048 - Arkona
- 3538046 - Bosanquet
- 3538012 - Brooke
- 3538006 - Dawn
- 3538016 - Enniskillen
- 3538009 - Euphemia
- 3538038 - Forest
- 3538052 - Grand Bend
- 3538056 - Kettle Point 44
- 3538023 - Moore
- 3538018 - Oil Springs
- 3538019 - Petrolia
- 3538034 - Plympton
- 3538031 - Point Edward
- 3538025 - Sarnia 45
- 3538030 - Sarnia
- 3538001 - Sombra
- 3538049 - Thedford
- 3538004 - Walpole Island 46
- 3538041 - Warwick
- 3538042 - Watford
- 3538036 - Wyoming
- 3580 - Stratford - Bruce Peninsula
- 3541 - Bruce County
- 3541059 - Albemarle
- 3541054 - Amabel
- 3541049 - Arran
- 3541034 - Brant
- 3541026 - Bruce
- 3541001 - Carrick
- 3541039 - Chesley
- 3541006 - Culross
- 3541062 - Eastnor
- 3541038 - Elderslie
- 3541031 - Greenock
- 3541056 - Hepworth
- 3541019 - Huron
- 3541021 - Kincardine
- 3541022 - Kincardine
- 3541011 - Kinloss
- 3541066 - Lindsay
- 3541064 - Lion's Head
- 3541012 - Lucknow
- 3541002 - Mildmay
- 3541060 - Neyaashiinigmiing
- 3541041 - Paisley
- 3541046 - Port Elgin
- 3541057 - Saugeen 29
- 3541044 - Saugeen
- 3541048 - Southampton
- 3541068 - St. Edmunds
- 3541051 - Tara
- 3541008 - Teeswater
- 3541028 - Tiverton
- 3541036 - Walkerton
- 3541058 - Wiarton
- 3542 - Grey County
- 3542018 - Artemesia
- 3542028 - Bentinck
- 3542034 - Chatsworth
- 3542042 - Collingwood
- 3542054 - Derby
- 3542011 - Dundalk
- 3542026 - Durham
- 3542006 - Egremont
- 3542039 - Euphrasia
- 3542019 - Flesherton
- 3542022 - Glenelg
- 3542029 - Hanover
- 3542036 - Holland
- 3542062 - Keppel
- 3542024 - Markdale
- 3542049 - Meaford
- 3542002 - Neustadt
- 3542001 - Normanby
- 3542014 - Osprey
- 3542059 - Owen Sound
- 3542009 - Proton
- 3542058 - Sarawak
- 3542064 - Shallow Lake
- 3542048 - St. Vincent
- 3542032 - Sullivan
- 3542051 - Sydenham
- 3542046 - Thornbury
- 3540 - Huron County
- 3540064 - Ashfield
- 3540023 - Bayfield
- 3540056 - Blyth
- 3540044 - Brussels
- 3540026 - Clinton
- 3540031 - Colborne
- 3540058 - East Wawanosh
- 3540008 - Exeter
- 3540024 - Goderich
- 3540028 - Goderich
- 3540042 - Grey
- 3540009 - Hay
- 3540011 - Hensall
- 3540046 - Howick
- 3540034 - Hullett
- 3540038 - McKillop
- 3540054 - Morris
- 3540039 - Seaforth
- 3540019 - Stanley
- 3540004 - Stephen
- 3540016 - Tuckersmith
- 3540049 - Turnberry
- 3540001 - Usborne
- 3540061 - West Wawanosh
- 3540051 - Wingham
- 3540012 - Zurich
- 3531 - Perth County
- 3531014 - Blanshard
- 3531009 - Downie
- 3531028 - Ellice
- 3531036 - Elma
- 3531018 - Fullarton
- 3531021 - Hibbert
- 3531042 - Listowel
- 3531024 - Logan
- 3531034 - Milverton
- 3531026 - Mitchell
- 3531032 - Mornington
- 3531006 - North Easthope
- 3531001 - South Easthope
- 3531016 - St. Marys
- 3531011 - Stratford
- 3531041 - Wallace
- 3590 - Northeast
- 3557 - Algoma District
- 3557095 - Algoma, Unorganized, North Part
- 3557094 - Algoma, Unorganized, South East Part
- 3557092 - Algoma, Unorganized, South Part
- 3557038 - Blind River
- 3557021 - Bruce Mines
- 3557029 - Day and Bright Additional
- 3557079 - Dubreuilville
- 3557041 - Elliot Lake
- 3557074 - Garden River 14
- 3557077 - Goulais Bay 15A
- 3557078 - Gros Cap 49
- 3557006 - Hilton Beach
- 3557004 - Hilton
- 3557096 - Hornepayne
- 3557031 - Iron Bridge
- 3557001 - Jocelyn
- 3557016 - Johnson
- 3557011 - Laird
- 3557051 - Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional
- 3557076 - Michipicoten
- 3557082 - Missanabie 62
- 3557073 - Mississagi River 8
- 3557040 - North Shore
- 3557019 - Plummer Additional
- 3557066 - Prince
- 3557075 - Rankin Location 15D
- 3557071 - Sagamok
- 3557061 - Sault Ste. Marie
- 3557072 - Serpent River 7
- 3557039 - Shedden
- 3557008 - St. Joseph
- 3557014 - Tarbutt and Tarbutt Additional
- 3557026 - Thessalon 12
- 3557024 - Thessalon
- 3557028 - Thessalon
- 3557034 - Thompson
- 3557091 - White River
- 3556 - Cochrane District
- 3556033 - Abitibi 70
- 3556014 - Black River-Matheson
- 3556092 - Cochrane, Unorganized, North Part
- 3556098 - Cochrane, Unorganized, South East Part
- 3556091 - Cochrane, Unorganized, South West Part
- 3556039 - Cochrane
- 3556095 - Constance Lake 92
- 3556094 - Factory Island 1
- 3556052 - Fauquier-Strickland
- 3556100 - Flying Post 73
- 3556093 - Fort Albany (Part) 67
- 3556038 - Glackmeyer
- 3556076 - Hearst
- 3556031 - Iroquois Falls
- 3556066 - Kapuskasing
- 3556077 - Mattice-Val Coté
- 3556056 - Moonbeam
- 3556096 - Moose Factory 68
- 3556097 - Moosonee Development Area Board
- 3556104 - New Post 69
- 3556102 - New Post 69A
- 3556073 - Opasatika
- 3556048 - Smooth Rock Falls
- 3556027 - Timmins
- 3556070 - Val Rita-Harty
- 3551 - Manitoulin District
- 3551011 - Assiginack
- 3551031 - Barrie Island
- 3551021 - Billings
- 3551028 - Burpee
- 3551004 - Carnarvon
- 3551035 - Cockburn Island 19
- 3551100 - Cockburn Island 19A
- 3551034 - Cockburn Island
- 3551024 - Gordon
- 3551026 - Gore Bay
- 3551016 - Howland
- 3551019 - Little Current
- 3551092 - Manitoulin, Unorganized, Centre Part
- 3551091 - Manitoulin, Unorganized, Mainland
- 3551094 - Manitoulin, Unorganized, West Part
- 3551036 - Rutherford and George Island
- 3551008 - Sandfield
- 3551042 - Sheguiandah 24
- 3551044 - Sheshegwaning 20
- 3551041 - Sucker Creek 23
- 3551001 - Tehkummah
- 3551045 - West Bay 22
- 3551040 - Whitefish River (Part) 4
- 3551043 - Wikwemikong Unceded 26
- 3548 - Nipissing District
- 3548001 - Airy
- 3548072 - Bear Island 1
- 3548027 - Bonfield
- 3548054 - Cache Bay
- 3548058 - Caldwell
- 3548022 - Calvin
- 3548031 - Chisholm
- 3548034 - East Ferris
- 3548062 - Field
- 3548021 - Mattawa
- 3548019 - Mattawan
- 3548073 - Nipissing 10
- 3548094 - Nipissing, Unorganized, North Part
- 3548091 - Nipissing, Unorganized, South Part
- 3548044 - North Bay
- 3548013 - Papineau-Cameron
- 3548051 - Springer
- 3548052 - Sturgeon Falls
- 3548069 - Temagami
- 3549 - Parry Sound District
- 3549019 - Armour
- 3549022 - Burk's Falls
- 3549036 - Carling
- 3549042 - Chapman
- 3549009 - Christie
- 3549077 - Dokis 9
- 3549006 - Foley
- 3549076 - French River 13
- 3549039 - Hagerman
- 3549075 - Henvey Inlet 2
- 3549001 - Humphrey
- 3549051 - Joly
- 3549018 - Kearney
- 3549054 - Machar
- 3549044 - Magnetawan
- 3549078 - Magnetewan 1
- 3549031 - McDougall
- 3549028 - McKellar
- 3549012 - McMurrich
- 3549079 - Naiscoutaing 17A
- 3549071 - Nipissing
- 3549066 - North Himsworth
- 3549073 - Parry Island First Nation
- 3549096 - Parry Sound, Unorganized, Centre Part
- 3549095 - Parry Sound, Unorganized, North East Part
- 3549032 - Parry Sound
- 3549014 - Perry
- 3549064 - Powassan
- 3549002 - Rosseau
- 3549024 - Ryerson
- 3549072 - Shawanaga 17
- 3549059 - South Himsworth
- 3549056 - South River
- 3549046 - Strong
- 3549048 - Sundridge
- 3549005 - The Archipelago
- 3549061 - Trout Creek
- 3552 - Sudbury District
- 3552028 - Baldwin
- 3552004 - Casimir, Jennings and Appleby
- 3552053 - Chapleau 74A
- 3552058 - Chapleau 75
- 3552092 - Chapleau
- 3552001 - Cosby, Mason and Martland
- 3552054 - Duck Lake 76B
- 3552026 - Espanola
- 3552012 - Hagar
- 3552021 - Massey
- 3552052 - Mattagami 71
- 3552055 - Mountbatten 76A
- 3552031 - Nairn
- 3552008 - Ratter and Dunnet
- 3552093 - Sudbury, Unorganized, North Part
- 3552091 - Sudbury, Unorganized, South Part
- 3552020 - The Spanish River
- 3552098 - Wahnapitei 11
- 3552024 - Webbwood
- 3552051 - Whitefish Lake 6
- 3552017 - Whitefish River (Part) 4
- 3553 - Sudbury Regional Municipality
- 3553035 - Capreol
- 3553001 - Nickel Centre
- 3553019 - Onaping Falls
- 3553024 - Rayside-Balfour
- 3553007 - Sudbury
- 3553028 - Valley East
- 3553012 - Walden
- 3554 - Timiskaming District
- 3554036 - Armstrong
- 3554032 - Brethour
- 3554029 - Casey
- 3554054 - Chamberlain
- 3554048 - Charlton
- 3554008 - Cobalt
- 3554001 - Coleman
- 3554046 - Dack
- 3554016 - Dymond
- 3554052 - Englehart
- 3554049 - Evanturel
- 3554066 - Gauthier
- 3554012 - Haileybury
- 3554026 - Harley
- 3554014 - Harris
- 3554034 - Hilliard
- 3554021 - Hudson
- 3554042 - James
- 3554024 - Kerns
- 3554068 - Kirkland Lake
- 3554062 - Larder Lake
- 3554006 - Latchford
- 3554057 - Matachewan 72
- 3554056 - Matachewan
- 3554058 - McGarry
- 3554018 - New Liskeard
- 3554038 - Thornloe
- 3554091 - Timiskaming, Unorganized, East Part
- 3554094 - Timiskaming, Unorganized, West Part
- 3595 - Northwest
- 3560 - Kenora District
- 3560051 - Attawapiskat 91A
- 3560028 - Barclay
- 3560095 - Bearskin Lake
- 3560075 - Big Trout Lake
- 3560054 - Cat Lake 63C
- 3560070 - Deer Lake
- 3560026 - Dryden
- 3560024 - Eagle Lake 27
- 3560032 - Ear Falls
- 3560058 - English River 21
- 3560050 - Fort Albany (Part) 67
- 3560053 - Fort Hope 64
- 3560078 - Fort Severn 89
- 3560044 - Golden
- 3560001 - Ignace
- 3560061 - Islington 29
- 3560014 - Jaffray and Melick
- 3560096 - Kasabonika Lake
- 3560012 - Keewatin
- 3560104 - Kee-Way-Win
- 3560066 - Kenora 38B
- 3560090 - Kenora, Unorganized
- 3560016 - Kenora
- 3560098 - Kingfisher 1
- 3560056 - Lac Seul 28
- 3560062 - Lake Of The Woods 31G
- 3560065 - Lake Of The Woods 37
- 3560081 - Lansdowne House
- 3560100 - Long Dog Lake
- 3560102 - MacDowell Lake
- 3560021 - Machin
- 3560052 - Marten Falls 65
- 3560097 - Muskrat Dam Lake
- 3560080 - North Spirit Lake
- 3560060 - Northwest Angle 33B
- 3560055 - Osnaburgh 63B
- 3560091 - Peawanuck
- 3560049 - Pickle Lake
- 3560077 - Pikangikum 14
- 3560067 - Poplar Hill
- 3560069 - Rat Portage 38A
- 3560041 - Red Lake
- 3560063 - Sabaskong Bay 35D
- 3560076 - Sachigo Lake 1
- 3560087 - Sachigo Lake 2
- 3560071 - Sandy Lake 88
- 3560068 - Shoal Lake (Part) 39A
- 3560082 - Shoal Lake (Part) 40
- 3560064 - Shoal Lake 34B 2
- 3560034 - Sioux Lookout
- 3560008 - Sioux Narrows
- 3560046 - Slate Falls
- 3560086 - Summer Beaver
- 3560089 - The Dalles 38C
- 3560084 - Wabauskang 21
- 3560057 - Wabigoon Lake 27
- 3560074 - Wapekeka 1
- 3560088 - Wapekeka 2
- 3560059 - Weagamow Lake 87
- 3560079 - Webequie
- 3560004 - Whitefish Bay 32A
- 3560005 - Whitefish Bay 33A
- 3560083 - Whitefish Bay 34A
- 3560085 - Wunnumin 1
- 3560072 - Wunnumin 2
- 3559 - Rainy River District
- 3559062 - Agency 1
- 3559011 - Alberton
- 3559001 - Atikokan
- 3559041 - Atwood
- 3559051 - Big Grassy River 35G
- 3559052 - Big Island Mainland 93
- 3559039 - Blue
- 3559024 - Chapple
- 3559063 - Couchiching 16A
- 3559034 - Dilke
- 3559019 - Emo
- 3559012 - Fort Frances
- 3559022 - Kingsford
- 3559016 - La Vallee
- 3559092 - Long Sault
- 3559026 - Manitou Rapids 11
- 3559046 - McCrosson and Tovell
- 3559031 - Morley
- 3559049 - Morson
- 3559060 - Neguaguon Lake 25D
- 3559068 - Rainy Lake 17A
- 3559069 - Rainy Lake 17B
- 3559061 - Rainy Lake 18C
- 3559064 - Rainy Lake 26A
- 3559090 - Rainy River, Unorganized
- 3559042 - Rainy River
- 3559053 - Saug-a-Gaw-Sing 1
- 3559066 - Seine River 23A
- 3559065 - Seine River 23B
- 3559036 - Worthington
- 3558 - Thunder Bay District
- 3558076 - Aroland
- 3558078 - Beardmore
- 3558019 - Conmee
- 3558034 - Dorion
- 3558003 - Fort William 52
- 3558074 - Geraldton
- 3558012 - Gillies
- 3558067 - Ginoogaming First Nation
- 3558065 - Gull River 55
- 3558100 - Lac des Milles Lacs 22A1
- 3558064 - Lake Helen 53A
- 3558068 - Long Lake 58
- 3558071 - Longlac
- 3558066 - Manitouwadge
- 3558059 - Marathon
- 3558072 - Nakina
- 3558001 - Neebing
- 3558044 - Nipigon
- 3558016 - O'Connor
- 3558024 - Oliver
- 3558085 - Osnaburgh 63A
- 3558008 - Paipoonge
- 3558063 - Pays Plat 51
- 3558060 - Pic Mobert North
- 3558061 - Pic Mobert South
- 3558062 - Pic River 50
- 3558041 - Red Rock
- 3558069 - Rocky Bay 1
- 3558080 - Savant Lake
- 3558051 - Schreiber
- 3558095 - Seine River 22A2
- 3558028 - Shuniah
- 3558054 - Terrace Bay
- 3558090 - Thunder Bay, Unorganized
- 3558004 - Thunder Bay
- 3558097 - Whitesand
- Date de modification :