Classification géographique type (CGT) 2021
3507021 - Leeds and the Thousand Islands
Nom(s) de localité
- Berryton
- Big Hill
- Black Rapids
- Brier Hill
- Cheeseborough
- Darlingside
- Donaldson's Trailer Park
- Dulcemaine
- Ebenezer
- Eden Grove
- Ellisville
- Emery
- Escott
- Fairfax
- Front of Escott
- Front of Leeds and Lansdowne
- Gananoque Junction
- Gray's Beach
- Greenfield
- Grenadier Island
- Grippen Lake
- Halsteads Bay
- Hill Island
- Holland
- Ivy Lea
- Jardine's Big Hill Trailer Park
- Jardine's Trailer Park
- Junetown
- Lansdowne
- LaRue Mills
- Leeds
- Leeds and the Thousand Islands
- Legge
- Long Point
- Lost Bay
- Lyndhurst
- Lyndhurst Estates
- MacNeil Trailer Park
- Maple Grove
- Marble Rock
- Mitchellville
- Narrows
- Oak Leaf
- Outlet
- Pooles Resort
- Quabbin
- Rapid Valley
- Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne
- Rockfield
- Rockport
- Sand Bay
- Sand Bay Corner
- Seeleys Bay
- Selton
- Soperton
- Springfield
- Sweets Corners
- Taylor
- Tilley
- Union
- Warburton
- Washburns Corners
- Waterton
- Willowbank
- Wilstead
- Date de modification :