Classification géographique type (CGT) 2021
3507014 - Elizabethtown-Kitley
Nom(s) de localité
- Addison
- Bellamys
- Bellamys Mill
- Bells Crossing
- Bethel
- Blanchards Hill
- Brockville
- Butternut Bay
- Crystal
- Elizabethtown
- Elizabethtown-Kitley
- Eloida
- Fairfield
- Fairfield East
- Fernbank
- Forthton
- Frankville
- Glen Buell
- Greenbush
- Hallecks
- Hawkes
- Heather Heights
- Hillcrest
- Jellyby
- Judgeville
- Kitley
- Leeds and Grenville
- Leeds--Grenville--Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes / Leeds--Grenville--Thousand Islands et Rideau Lakes
- Lehigh's Corner
- Lehighs Corners
- Lillies
- Lyn
- Manhard
- Motts Mills
- New Dublin
- Newbliss
- Redan
- Rocksprings
- Seeley
- Shanes
- Spring Valley
- Tincap
- Toledo
- Woodridge
- Date de modification :