Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Establishments (SIC-E) 1980
- H - Communication and Other Utility Industries
- 48 - Communication Industries
- 481 - Telecommunication Broadcasting Industries
- 4811 - Radio Broadcasting Industry
- 4812 - Television Broadcasting Industry
- 4813 - Combined Radio and Television Broadcasting Industry
- 4814 - Cable Television Industry
- 482 - Telecommunication Carriers Industry
- 4821 - Telecommunication Carriers Industry
- 483 - Other Telecommunication Industries
- 4839 - Other Telecommunication Industries
- 484 - Postal and Courier Service Industries
- 4841 - Postal Service Industry
- 4842 - Courier Service Industry
- 49 - Other Utility Industries
- 491 - Electric Power Systems Industry
- 4911 - Electric Power Systems Industry
- 492 - Gas Distribution Systems Industry
- 4921 - Gas Distribution Systems Industry
- 493 - Water Systems Industry
- 4931 - Water Systems Industry
- 499 - Other Utility Industries n.e.c.
- 4999 - Other Utility Industries n.e.c.
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