Standard Classification of Goods (SCG) 2001
- X - Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard; paper and paperboard and articles thereof
- 49 - Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans
- 4902 - Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material
- 490210 - Appearing at least four times a week
- 490210001 - Published only
- 490210002 - Published and printed
- 490210003 - Printed only
- 490290 - Other
- 49029010 - Newspapers
- 490290101 - Community, published only
- 490290102 - National week-end, published only
- 490290103 - Other newspapers, published only
- 490290104 - Community, published and printed
- 490290105 - National week-end, published and printed
- 490290106 - Other newspapers, published and printed
- 490290109 - Other newspapers, printed only
- 4902903 - Journals and periodicals
- 490290301 - Agricultural publications, published only
- 490290302 - Magazines of general circulation, published only
- 490290303 - Trade, technical, professional and financial publications, published only
- 490290304 - Other journals and periodicals, published only
- 490290305 - Agricultural publications, published and printed
- 490290306 - Magazines of general circulation, published and printed
- 490290307 - Trade, technical, professional and financial publications, published and printed
- 490290308 - Other journals and periodicals, published and printed
- 490290309 - Journals and periodicals, printed only
- 49029031 - Business and professional
- 49029039 - Other
- X - Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; recovered (waste and scrap) paper or paperboard; paper and paperboard and articles thereof
- 49 - Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans
- 4902 - Newspapers, journals and periodicals, whether or not illustrated or containing advertising material
- 490210 - Appearing at least four times a week
- 490210001 - Published only
- 490210002 - Published and printed
- 490210003 - Printed only
- 490290 - Other
- 49029010 - Newspapers
- 490290101 - Community, published only
- 490290102 - National week-end, published only
- 490290103 - Other newspapers, published only
- 490290104 - Community, published and printed
- 490290105 - National week-end, published and printed
- 490290106 - Other newspapers, published and printed
- 490290109 - Other newspapers, printed only
- 4902903 - Journals and periodicals
- 490290301 - Agricultural publications, published only
- 490290302 - Magazines of general circulation, published only
- 490290303 - Trade, technical, professional and financial publications, published only
- 490290304 - Other journals and periodicals, published only
- 490290305 - Agricultural publications, published and printed
- 490290306 - Magazines of general circulation, published and printed
- 490290307 - Trade, technical, professional and financial publications, published and printed
- 490290308 - Other journals and periodicals, published and printed
- 490290309 - Journals and periodicals, printed only
- 49029031 - Business and professional
- 49029039 - Other
- Date modified: