North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0
- 362 - Communication, and audio and video equipment
- 36211 - Telephone and data communications equipment
- 362111 - Telephone sets, fax machines, answering machines, and line and switchboard equipment
- 3621111 - Telephones (except mobile phones), answering and fax machines
- 3621112 - Telephone switching, switchboard and line equipment
- 362112 - Data communications equipment
- 3621121 - Local area routers and data communications equipment (including wireless devices)
- 3621122 - Data communications equipment (except local area)
- 362113 - Mobile telephones and other wireless communications equipment
- 3621131 - Smartphones
- 3621132 - Smartwatches
- 3621133 - Mobile telephones (except smartphones) and other wireless communications equipment
- 362114 - Space satellites
- 3621141 - Space satellites
- 36212 - Broadcast, studio, alarm, and signalling equipment
- 362121 - Broadcast and studio communications equipment and, satellite dishes and cable decoders
- 3621211 - Broadcast and studio communications equipment
- 3621212 - Satellite dishes and cable decoders
- 362122 - Alarm and security systems, traffic control equipment and, intercom systems and remote control units
- 3621221 - Alarm and security systems
- 3621222 - Traffic control equipment
- 3621223 - Intercom systems and remote control units
- 36213 - Navigational and guidance instruments
- 362131 - Aeronautical and nautical navigational instruments
- 3621311 - Aeronautical and nautical navigational instruments
- 362132 - Search, detection and guidance systems
- 3621321 - Search, detection and guidance systems
- 36221 - Televisions and other audio and video equipment, and unrecorded media n.e.c.
- 362211 - Audio speakers and public address systems
- 3622111 - Audio speakers
- 3622112 - Public address systems
- 362212 - Televisions and other audio and video equipment
- 3622121 - Automotive audio equipment
- 3622124 - Television receivers
- 3622125 - Other audio and video equipment
- 3622126 - Parts and accessories for audio and video equipment (except printed circuit assemblies)
- 362213 - Unrecorded optical and magnetic media, and media n.e.c.
- 3622131 - Unrecorded optical and magnetic media, and media n.e.c.
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