Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) 2014 Version 1.2
- 1 - Revenue
- 11 - Taxes
- 114 - Taxes on goods and services
- 1145 - Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities
- 11452 - Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities
- 11452.1 - Liquor gallonage taxes
- 11452.2 - Hunting and fishing licences
- 11452.3 - Liquor licenses
- 11452.4 - Other business licences and permits
- 11452.5 - Taxes on carbon
- 11452.6 - Emission trading permits
- 11452.7 - Agricultural insurance premiums
- 11452.8 - Cannabis licences and permits
- 11452.9 - Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities n.e.c.
- Date modified: