Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) 2014 Version 1.2
- 14 - Other revenue
- 141 - Property income
- 1411 - Interest
- 1412 - Dividends
- 1412.4 - Dividends from natural resources GBEs
- 1412.5 - Dividends from an electricity enterprise
- 1412.9 - Dividends n.e.c.
- 1413 - Withdrawals from income of quasi-corporations
- 1414 - Property income attributed to insurance policyholders
- 1415 - Rent
- 1415.1 - Oil and gas royalties
- 1415.1.1 - New oil royalties
- 1415.1.2 - Old oil royalties
- 1415.1.3 - Heavy oil royalties
- 1415.1.4 - Light and medium 3rd tier royalties
- 1415.1.5 - Heavy third tier royalties
- 1415.1.6 - Oil - synthetic petroleum (mined oil) royalties
- 1415.1.7 - Natural gas - Domestically sold royalties
- 1415.1.8 - Natural gas - Exported royalties
- 1415.1.9 - Oil and gas royalties n.e.c.
- 1415.2 - Forestry royalties
- 1415.2.1 - Forestry royalties collected on crown lands
- 1415.2.2 - Forestry royalties collected on private lands
- 1415.2.9 - Forestry royalties n.e.c.
- 1415.3 - Mineral royalties
- 1415.3.1 - Asbestos - Mineral royalties
- 1415.3.2 - Coal - Mineral royalties
- 1415.3.3 - Potash - Mineral royalties
- 1415.3.9 - Mineral royalties n.e.c.
- 1415.4 - Water power royalties
- 1415.5 - Other natural resource royalties
- 1415.6 - Natural resource exploration fees and licences
- 1415.9 - Rent n.e.c.(including leases of land)
- 1416 - Property income n.e.c.
- 142 - Sales of goods and services
- 1421 - Sales by market establishments (GBEs)
- 1421.1 - Sales of goods and services
- 1421.2 - Rentals revenues
- 1421.3 - Commissions
- 1421.4 - Insurance Industry Revenue
- 1421.4.1 - Annuity Consideration
- 1421.4.2 - Net insurance premiums earned
- 1421.4.3 - Other underwriting revenue
- 1421.5 - Sales by Quasi-corporations
- 1421.9 - Sales by market establishments n.e.c.
- 1422 - Administrative fees
- 1422.1 - Drivers licences
- 1422.2 - Debt guarantee fees received from own business enterprises
- 1422.9 - Administrative fees n.e.c.
- 1423 - Incidental sales by nonmarket establishments (Gov)
- 1423.1 - Sales of goods and services to public sector units
- 1423.1.2 - Sales of goods and services to public sector units
- 1423.2 - Community services
- 1423.2.1 - Water services
- 1423.2.2 - Sewer services
- 1423.2.3 - Waste management services
- 1423.2.4 - Public transit
- 1423.2.9 - Water and sewer services combined
- 1423.3 - Rentals
- 1423.3.1 - Residential rentals
- 1423.3.2 - Non residential rentals
- 1423.3.9 - Rental n.e.c.
- 1423.4 - Tuition and school fees
- 1423.5 - Parking
- 1423.6 - Special care facilities
- 1423.7 - Recreation and culture facilities
- 1423.9 - Incidental sales by nonmarket establishments n.e.c.
- 1424 - Imputed sales of goods and services
- 143 - Fines, penalties, and forfeits
- 143.1 - Business fines and penalties
- 143.9 - Other fines and penalties
- 144 - Voluntary transfers other than grants
- 1441 - Current voluntary transfers other than grants
- 1442 - Capital voluntary transfers other than grants
- 145 - Premiums, fees, and claims related to nonlife insurance and standardized guarantee schemes
- 145.1 - Personal auto insurance premiums
- 145.2 - Commercial auto insurance premiums
- 145.4 - Drug plan premiums
- 145.9 - Miscellaneous and unidentified revenue n.e.c.
- 1451 - Premiums, fees, and current claims
- 14511 - Premiums
- 14511.1 - Personal auto insurance premiums
- 14511.2 - Commercial auto insurance premiums
- 14511.4 - Drug plan premiums
- 14511.9 - Other premiums
- 14512 - Fees for standardized guarantee schemes
- 14513 - Current claims
- 1452 - Capital claims
- 146 - Statement of Operations - Consolidation Statistical Discrepancy
- Date modified: