Canadian Government Finance Statistics (CGFS) 2014 Version 1.2
- 1 - Revenue
- 11 - Taxes
- 111 - Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains
- 1111 - Payable by individuals
- 1111.1 - Personal income taxes net of refundable tax credits
- 1111.2 - Personal income tax refundable credits
- 1111.3 - General health insurance premiums
- 1111.9 - Personal income taxes n.e.c.
- 1112 - Payable by corporations and other enterprises
- 1112.1 - Corporation income tax - Gross
- 1112.1.1 - Corporate income taxes net of refundable tax credits
- 1112.1.2 - Corporation income tax refundable credits
- 1112.1.9 - Corporation income tax n.e.c.
- 1112.2 - Taxes on profits of mining and logging
- 1112.2.1 - Taxes on profits of mining
- 1112.2.2 - Taxes on profits of logging
- 1113 - Unallocable
- 1113.1 - Taxes on payments to non-residents
- 1113.9 - Other income taxes n.e.c.
- 112 - Taxes on payroll and workforce
- 113 - Taxes on property
- 1131 - Recurrent taxes on immovable property
- 1131.1 - Real property taxes
- 1131.1.1 - Real property taxes before penalties and rebates
- 1131.1.2 - Real property taxes - Penalties
- 1131.1.3 - Real property taxes - Rebates
- 1131.1.9 - Real property taxes n.e.c.
- 1131.2 - Special assessments
- 1131.3 - Business taxes
- 1131.4 - Payments in lieu of taxes
- 1132 - Recurrent taxes on net wealth
- 1133 - Estate, inheritance, and gift taxes
- 1134 - Taxes on financial and capital transactions
- 1134.1 - Land transfer tax
- 1134.9 - Taxes on financial and capital transactions n.e.c.
- 1135 - Other nonrecurrent taxes on property
- 1135.9 - Other nonrecurent property related taxes n.e.c.
- 1136 - Other recurrent taxes on property
- 114 - Taxes on goods and services
- 1141 - General taxes on goods and services
- 11411 - Value-added taxes
- 11412 - Sales taxes
- 11413 - Turnover and other general taxes on goods and services
- 11413.1 - Turnover and other general taxes on goods and services from cannabis activities
- 11413.9 - Turnover and other general taxes on goods and services n.e.c.
- 11414 - Taxes on financial and capital transactions
- 1142 - Excises
- 1142.1 - Liquor taxes
- 1142.1.1 - Liquor gallonage taxes
- 1142.1.2 - Other liquor taxes
- 1142.2 - Tobacco taxes
- 1142.3 - Gasoline and motive fuel taxes
- 1142.3.1 - Taxes on gasoline and aviation fuels
- 1142.3.2 - Taxes on diesel and railway fuels
- 1142.3.3 - Taxes on other motive fuels and liquefied petroleum gases
- 1142.4 - Cannabis taxes
- 1142.9 - Other excise taxes n.e.c.
- 1143 - Profits of fiscal monopolies
- 1143.1 - Remitted liquor profits
- 1143.2 - Profits on lottery tickets sale
- 1143.3 - Profits on other games of chance
- 1143.4 - Remitted profits from cannabis sales
- 1143.5 - Profits from casinos for other than gaming activities
- 1143.9 - Profits of fiscal monopolies n.e.c.
- 1144 - Taxes on specific services
- 1144.1 - Racetrack betting tax
- 1144.2 - Other amusement taxes
- 1144.2.1 - Casino Win tax
- 1144.2.9 - Other amusement taxes n.e.c
- 1144.3 - Air travellers security charge
- 1144.4 - Taxes on meals and hotels
- 1144.5 - Taxes on insurance premium
- 1144.9 - Other taxes on specific services n.e.c.
- 1145 - Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities
- 11451 - Motor vehicle taxes
- 11451.1 - Personal motor vehicle registration
- 11451.2 - Commercial motor vehicle registration
- 11452 - Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities
- 11452.1 - Liquor gallonage taxes
- 11452.2 - Hunting and fishing licences
- 11452.3 - Liquor licenses
- 11452.4 - Other business licences and permits
- 11452.5 - Taxes on carbon
- 11452.6 - Emission trading permits
- 11452.7 - Agricultural insurance premiums
- 11452.8 - Cannabis licences and permits
- 11452.9 - Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities n.e.c.
- 11453 - Lot levies
- 11453.1 - Lot levies in cash
- 11453.2 - Lot levies in kind
- 1146 - Other taxes on goods and services n.e.c.
- 1146.1 - Freehold mineral tax
- 1146.2 - Freehold gas tax
- 1146.3 - Freehold oil tax
- 1146.9 - Other taxes on goods and services n.e.c.
- 115 - Taxes on international trade and transactions
- 1151 - Customs and other import duties
- 1152 - Taxes on exports
- 1152.1 - Softwood lumber
- 1152.9 - Taxes on exports n.e.c.
- 1153 - Profits of export or import monopolies
- 1154 - Exchange profits
- 1155 - Exchange taxes
- 1156 - Other taxes on international trade and transactions n.e.c.
- 116 - Other taxes
- 1161 - Other taxes - Payable solely by business
- 1162 - Other taxes - Payable by other than business or unidentifiable
- Date modified: