Variant of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Labour force
- 62 - Health care and social assistance
- 621 - Ambulatory health care services
- 6211 - Offices of physicians
- 62111 - Offices of physicians
- 621110 - Offices of physiciansCAN
- 6212 - Offices of dentists
- 62121 - Offices of dentists
- 621210 - Offices of dentistsUS
- 6213 - Offices of other health practitioners
- 62131 - Offices of chiropractors
- 621310 - Offices of chiropractorsUS
- 62132 - Offices of optometrists
- 621320 - Offices of optometrists
- 62133 - Offices of mental health practitioners (except physicians)
- 621330 - Offices of mental health practitioners (except physicians)US
- 62134 - Offices of physical, occupational, and speech therapists and audiologists
- 621340 - Offices of physical, occupational, and speech therapists and audiologistsUS
- 62139 - Offices of all other health practitioners
- 621390 - Offices of all other health practitionersCAN
- 6214 - Out-patient care centres
- 62141 - Family planning centres
- 621410 - Family planning centresUS
- 62142 - Out-patient mental health and substance use centres
- 621420 - Out-patient mental health and substance use centresUS
- 62149 - Other out-patient care centres
- 621494 - Community health centresCAN
- 621499 - All other out-patient care centresCAN
- 6215 - Medical and diagnostic laboratories
- 62151 - Medical and diagnostic laboratories
- 621510 - Medical and diagnostic laboratoriesCAN
- 6216 - Home health care services
- 62161 - Home health care services
- 621610 - Home health care services
- 6219 - Other ambulatory health care services
- 62191 - Ambulance services
- 621911 - Ambulance (except air ambulance) servicesCAN
- 621912 - Air ambulance servicesCAN
- 62199 - All other ambulatory health care services
- 621990 - All other ambulatory health care servicesCAN
- 622 - Hospitals
- 6221 - General medical and surgical hospitals
- 62211 - General medical and surgical hospitals
- 622111 - General (except paediatric) hospitalsCAN
- 622112 - Paediatric hospitalsCAN
- 6222 - Psychiatric and substance use hospitals
- 62221 - Psychiatric and substance use hospitals
- 622210 - Psychiatric and substance use hospitalsUS
- 6223 - Specialty hospitals (except psychiatric and substance use)
- 62231 - Specialty hospitals (except psychiatric and substance use)
- 622310 - Specialty hospitals (except psychiatric and substance use)US
- 623 - Nursing and residential care facilities
- 6231 - Nursing care facilities
- 62311 - Nursing care facilities
- 623110 - Nursing care facilitiesUS
- 6232 - Residential facilities for persons with an intellectual or developmental disability, a mental health or substance use condition
- 62321 - Residential facilities for persons with a developmental disability
- 623210 - Residential facilities for persons with a developmental disabilityUS
- 62322 - Residential facilities for persons with a mental health or substance use condition
- 623221 - Residential facilities for persons with a mental health or substance use conditionCAN
- 623222 - Homes for persons with a psychiatric disabilityCAN
- 6233 - Community care facilities for the elderly
- 62331 - Community care facilities for the elderly
- 623310 - Community care facilities for the elderlyCAN
- 6239 - Other residential care facilities
- 62399 - Other residential care facilities
- 623991 - Transition homes for victims and survivors of abuse and domestic violenceCAN
- 623992 - Homes for children with a mental health condition or disabilityCAN
- 623993 - Homes for persons with a physical disabilityCAN
- 623999 - All other residential care facilitiesCAN
- 624 - Social assistance
- 6241 - Individual and family services
- 62411 - Child and youth services
- 624110 - Child and youth servicesUS
- 62412 - Services for the elderly and persons with a disability
- 624120 - Services for the elderly and persons with a disabilityUS
- 62419 - Other individual and family services
- 624190 - Other individual and family servicesUS
- 6242 - Community food and housing, and emergency and other relief services
- 62421 - Community food services
- 624210 - Community food servicesUS
- 62422 - Community housing services
- 624220 - Community housing servicesCAN
- 62423 - Emergency and other relief services
- 624230 - Emergency and other relief servicesUS
- 6243 - Vocational rehabilitation services
- 62431 - Vocational rehabilitation services
- 624310 - Vocational rehabilitation servicesUS
- 6244 - Child day-care services
- 62441 - Child day-care services
- 624410 - Child day-care servicesUS
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