Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0
- 11. - Computer and information sciences and support services
- 11.01 - Computer and information sciences and support services, general
- 11.0101 - Computer and information sciences, general
- 11.0102 - Artificial intelligence
- 11.0103 - Information technology
- 11.0104 - Informatics
- 11.0105 - Human-centred technology design
- 11.0199 - Computer and information sciences and support services, general, other
- 11.02 - Computer programming
- 11.0201 - Computer programming/programmer, general
- 11.0202 - Computer programming, specific applications
- 11.0203 - Computer programming, vendor/product certification
- 11.0204 - Computer game programming
- 11.0205 - Computer programming, specific platforms
- 11.0299 - Computer programming, other
- 11.03 - Data processing and data processing technology/technician
- 11.0301 - Data processing and data processing technology/technician
- 11.04 - Information science/studies
- 11.0401 - Information science/studies
- 11.05 - Computer systems analysis/analyst
- 11.0501 - Computer systems analysis/analyst
- 11.06 - Data entry/microcomputer applications
- 11.0601 - Data entry/microcomputer applications, general
- 11.0602 - Word processing
- 11.0699 - Data entry/microcomputer applications, other
- 11.07 - Computer science
- 11.0701 - Computer science
- 11.08 - Computer software and media applications
- 11.0801 - Web page, digital/multimedia and information resources design
- 11.0802 - Data modelling/warehousing and database administration
- 11.0803 - Computer graphics
- 11.0804 - Modelling, virtual environments and simulation
- 11.0899 - Computer software and media applications, other
- 11.09 - Computer systems networking and telecommunications
- 11.0901 - Computer systems networking and telecommunications, general
- 11.0902 - Cloud computing
- 11.0999 - Computer systems networking and telecommunications, other
- 11.10 - Computer/information technology administration and management
- 11.1001 - Network and system administration/administrator
- 11.1002 - System, networking and LAN/WAN management/manager
- 11.1003 - Computer and information systems security/auditing/information assurance
- 11.1004 - Web/multimedia management and webmaster
- 11.1005 - Information technology project management
- 11.1006 - Computer support specialist
- 11.1099 - Computer/information technology administration and management, other
- 11.99 - Computer and information sciences and support services, other
- 11.9999 - Computer and information sciences and support services, other
- Date modified: