Variant of NAICS 1997 - Labour Force Survey (LFS) Industries
- 415 - Motor Vehicle and Parts Wholesaler-Distributors
- 4151 - Motor Vehicle Wholesaler-Distributors
- 41511 - New and Used Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Wholesaler-Distributors
- 415110 - New and Used Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Wholesaler-Distributors
- 41512 - Truck, Truck Tractor and Bus Wholesaler-Distributors
- 415120 - Truck, Truck Tractor and Bus Wholesaler-Distributors
- 41519 - Recreational and Other Motor Vehicles Wholesaler-Distributors
- 415190 - Recreational and Other Motor Vehicles Wholesaler-Distributors
- 4152 - New Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Wholesaler-Distributors
- 41521 - Tire Wholesaler-Distributors
- 415210 - Tire Wholesaler-Distributors
- 41529 - Other New Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Wholesaler-Distributors
- 415290 - Other New Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Wholesaler-Distributors
- 4153 - Used Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Wholesaler-Distributors
- 41531 - Used Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Wholesaler-Distributors
- 415310 - Used Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Wholesaler-Distributors
- Date modified: