Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector
- Non E - Industries not included in the energy sector
- 31-33e - Manufacturing, non E
- 339 - Miscellaneous manufacturing
- 3399 - Other miscellaneous manufacturing
- 33991 - Jewellery and silverware manufacturing
- 339910 - Jewellery and silverware manufacturingUS
- 33992 - Sporting and athletic goods manufacturing
- 339920 - Sporting and athletic goods manufacturing
- 33993 - Doll, toy and game manufacturing
- 339930 - Doll, toy and game manufacturing
- 33994 - Office supplies (except paper) manufacturing
- 339940 - Office supplies (except paper) manufacturing
- 33995 - Sign manufacturing
- 339950 - Sign manufacturing
- 33999 - All other miscellaneous manufacturing
- 339990 - All other miscellaneous manufacturingCAN
- Date modified: