Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector
- 458 - Clothing, clothing accessories, shoes, jewelry, luggage and leather goods retailersUS
- 4581 - Clothing and clothing accessories retailersUS
- 45811 - Clothing and clothing accessories retailersUS
- 458111 - Men's clothing retailersCAN
- 458112 - Women's clothing retailersCAN
- 458113 - Children's and infants' clothing retailersCAN
- 458114 - Family clothing retailersCAN
- 458115 - Clothing accessories retailersCAN
- 458116 - Fur retailersCAN
- 458119 - All other clothing retailersCAN
- 4582 - Shoe retailersUS
- 45821 - Shoe retailersUS
- 458210 - Shoe retailersUS
- 4583 - Jewellery, luggage and leather goods retailersUS
- 45831 - Jewellery retailersUS
- 458310 - Jewellery retailersUS
- 45832 - Luggage and leather goods retailersUS
- 458320 - Luggage and leather goods retailersUS
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