Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector
- 312 - Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
- 3121 - Beverage manufacturing
- 31211 - Soft drink and ice manufacturing
- 312110 - Soft drink and ice manufacturingCAN
- 31212 - Breweries
- 312120 - Breweries
- 31213 - Wineries
- 312130 - WineriesUS
- 31214 - Distilleries
- 312140 - DistilleriesUS
- 3122 - Tobacco manufacturing
- 31221 - Tobacco stemming and redrying
- 312210 - Tobacco stemming and redrying
- 31222 - Tobacco product manufacturing
- 312220 - Tobacco product manufacturingCAN
- 3123 - Cannabis product manufacturingCAN
- 31231 - Cannabis product manufacturingCAN
- 312310 - Cannabis product manufacturingCAN
- Date modified: