Variant of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2022 Version 1.0 for Energy sector
- 311 - Food manufacturing
- 3111 - Animal food manufacturing
- 31111 - Animal food manufacturing
- 311111 - Dog and cat food manufacturingUS
- 311119 - Other animal food manufacturingUS
- 3112 - Grain and oilseed milling
- 31121 - Flour milling and malt manufacturing
- 311211 - Flour millingUS
- 311214 - Rice milling and malt manufacturingCAN
- 31122 - Starch and vegetable fat and oil manufacturing
- 311221 - Wet corn millingUS
- 311224 - Oilseed processingCAN
- 311225 - Fat and oil refining and blendingUS
- 31123 - Breakfast cereal manufacturing
- 311230 - Breakfast cereal manufacturing
- 3113 - Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing
- 31131 - Sugar manufacturing
- 311310 - Sugar manufacturingCAN
- 31134 - Non-chocolate confectionery manufacturing
- 311340 - Non-chocolate confectionery manufacturing
- 31135 - Chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturing
- 311351 - Chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturing from cacao beansUS
- 311352 - Confectionery manufacturing from purchased chocolateUS
- 3114 - Fruit and vegetable preserving and specialty food manufacturing
- 31141 - Frozen food manufacturing
- 311410 - Frozen food manufacturingCAN
- 31142 - Fruit and vegetable canning, pickling and drying
- 311420 - Fruit and vegetable canning, pickling and dryingCAN
- 3115 - Dairy product manufacturing
- 31151 - Dairy product (except frozen) manufacturing
- 311511 - Fluid milk manufacturingUS
- 311515 - Butter, cheese, and dry and condensed dairy product manufacturingCAN
- 31152 - Ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing
- 311520 - Ice cream and frozen dessert manufacturing
- 3116 - Meat product manufacturing
- 31161 - Animal slaughtering and processing
- 311614 - Rendering and meat processing from carcassesCAN
- 311615 - Poultry slaughtering and processingUS
- 311616 - Beef cattle slaughteringCAN
- 311617 - Hog slaughteringCAN
- 311619 - Other animal slaughteringCAN
- 3117 - Seafood product preparation and packaging
- 31171 - Seafood product preparation and packaging
- 311710 - Seafood product preparation and packaging
- 3118 - Bakeries and tortilla manufacturing
- 31181 - Bread and bakery product manufacturing
- 311811 - Bakeries, manufacture of products for retail saleUS
- 311814 - Commercial bakeries and frozen bakery product manufacturingCAN
- 31182 - Cookie, cracker and pasta manufacturing
- 311821 - Cookie and cracker manufacturingUS
- 311824 - Flour mixes, dough, and pasta manufacturing from purchased flourUS
- 31183 - Tortilla manufacturing
- 311830 - Tortilla manufacturing
- 3119 - Other food manufacturing
- 31191 - Snack food manufacturing
- 311911 - Roasted nut and peanut butter manufacturingUS
- 311919 - Other snack food manufacturingUS
- 31192 - Coffee and tea manufacturing
- 311920 - Coffee and tea manufacturingUS
- 31193 - Flavouring syrup and concentrate manufacturing
- 311930 - Flavouring syrup and concentrate manufacturing
- 31194 - Seasoning and dressing manufacturing
- 311940 - Seasoning and dressing manufacturingMEX
- 31199 - All other food manufacturing
- 311990 - All other food manufacturingCAN
- Date modified: