North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0
- 23 - Construction
- 238 - Specialty trade contractors
- 2381 - Foundation, structure, and building exterior contractors
- 23811 - Poured concrete foundation and structure contractors
- 238110 - Poured concrete foundation and structure contractors
- 23812 - Structural steel and precast concrete contractors
- 238120 - Structural steel and precast concrete contractorsUS
- 23813 - Framing contractorsUS
- 238130 - Framing contractorsUS
- 23814 - Masonry contractorsUS
- 238140 - Masonry contractorsUS
- 23815 - Glass and glazing contractorsUS
- 238150 - Glass and glazing contractorsUS
- 23816 - Roofing contractorsUS
- 238160 - Roofing contractorsUS
- 23817 - Siding contractorsUS
- 238170 - Siding contractorsUS
- 23819 - Other foundation, structure and building exterior contractorsUS
- 238190 - Other foundation, structure and building exterior contractorsUS
- 2382 - Building equipment contractors
- 23821 - Electrical contractors and other wiring installation contractors
- 238210 - Electrical contractors and other wiring installation contractors
- 23822 - Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning contractors
- 238220 - Plumbing, heating and air-conditioning contractorsUS
- 23829 - Other building equipment contractors
- 238291 - Elevator and escalator installation contractorsCAN
- 238299 - All other building equipment contractorsCAN
- 2383 - Building finishing contractors
- 23831 - Drywall and insulation contractors
- 238310 - Drywall and insulation contractorsUS
- 23832 - Painting and wall covering contractors
- 238320 - Painting and wall covering contractors
- 23833 - Flooring contractors
- 238330 - Flooring contractors
- 23834 - Tile and terrazzo contractors
- 238340 - Tile and terrazzo contractors
- 23835 - Finish carpentry contractors
- 238350 - Finish carpentry contractors
- 23839 - Other building finishing contractors
- 238390 - Other building finishing contractors
- 2389 - Other specialty trade contractors
- 23891 - Site preparation contractors
- 238910 - Site preparation contractors
- 23899 - All other specialty trade contractors
- 238990 - All other specialty trade contractorsUS
- Date modified: