North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2022 Version 1.0
- 51 - Information and cultural industries
- 512 - Motion picture and sound recording industries
- 5121 - Motion picture and video industries
- 51211 - Motion picture and video production
- 512110 - Motion picture and video productionUS
- 51212 - Motion picture and video distribution
- 512120 - Motion picture and video distribution
- 51213 - Motion picture and video exhibition
- 512130 - Motion picture and video exhibitionMEX
- 51219 - Post-production and other motion picture and video industries
- 512190 - Post-production and other motion picture and video industriesMEX
- 5122 - Sound recording industries
- 51223 - Music publishers
- 512230 - Music publishersCAN
- 51224 - Sound recording studios
- 512240 - Sound recording studios
- 51225 - Record production and distribution
- 512250 - Record production and distribution
- 51229 - Other sound recording industries
- 512290 - Other sound recording industries
- 513 - Publishing industries
- 5131 - Newspaper, periodical, book and directory publishers
- 51311 - Newspaper publishers
- 513110 - Newspaper publishersUS
- 51312 - Periodical publishers
- 513120 - Periodical publishersUS
- 51313 - Book publishers
- 513130 - Book publishersUS
- 51314 - Directory and mailing list publishers
- 513140 - Directory and mailing list publishersUS
- 51319 - Other publishers
- 513190 - Other publishersCAN
- 5132 - Software publishers
- 51321 - Software publishers
- 513211 - Software publishers (except video game publishers)CAN
- 513212 - Video game publishersCAN
- 516 - Broadcasting and content providers
- 5161 - Radio and television broadcasting stations
- 51611 - Radio broadcasting stations
- 516110 - Radio broadcasting stations
- 51612 - Television broadcasting stations
- 516120 - Television broadcasting stations
- 5162 - Media streaming distribution services and other media networks and content providers
- 51621 - Media streaming distribution services and other media networks and content providers
- 516211 - Pay and specialty televisionCAN
- 516212 - Media streaming distribution servicesCAN
- 516219 - Other media content providersCAN
- 517 - Telecommunications
- 5173 - Wired and wireless telecommunications carriers(except satellite)CAN
- 51731 - Wired and wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite)CAN
- 517310 - Wired and wireless telecommunications carriers (except satellite)CAN
- 5174 - Satellite telecommunications
- 51741 - Satellite telecommunications
- 517410 - Satellite telecommunications
- 5179 - Other telecommunicationsCAN
- 51791 - Other telecommunicationsCAN
- 517911 - Telecommunications resellersCAN
- 517919 - All other telecommunicationsCAN
- 518 - Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services
- 5182 - Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services
- 51821 - Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services
- 518210 - Computing infrastructure providers, data processing, web hosting, and related services
- 519 - Web search portals, libraries, archives, and all other information services
- 5192 - Web search portals, libraries and archives, and all other information services
- 51921 - Libraries and archives
- 519211 - LibrariesCAN
- 519212 - ArchivesCAN
- 51929 - Web search portals and all other information services
- 519290 - Web search portals and all other information services
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