National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 Version 1.0
- 531 - Occupations in art and culture
- 5310 - Occupations related to museums and art galleries
- 53100 - Registrars, restorers, interpreters and other occupations related to museum and art galleries
- 5311 - Photographers and support occupations in arts and culture
- 53110 - Photographers
- 53111 - Motion pictures, broadcasting, photography and performing arts assistants and operators
- 5312 - Occupations in creative and performing art
- 53120 - Dancers
- 53121 - Actors, comedians and circus performers
- 53122 - Painters, sculptors and other visual artists
- 53123 - Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers
- 53124 - Artisans and craftspersons
- 53125 - Patternmakers - textile, leather and fur products
- Date modified: