National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.2
- 0 - Management occupations
- 01-05 - Specialized middle management occupations
- 011 - Administrative services managers
- 0111 - Financial managers
- 0112 - Human resources managers
- 0113 - Purchasing managers
- 0114 - Other administrative services managers
- 012 - Managers in financial and business services
- 0121 - Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers
- 0122 - Banking, credit and other investment managers
- 0124 - Advertising, marketing and public relations managers
- 0125 - Other business services managers
- 013 - Managers in communication (except broadcasting)
- 0131 - Telecommunication carriers managers
- 0132 - Postal and courier services managers
- 021 - Managers in engineering, architecture, science and information systems
- 0211 - Engineering managers
- 0212 - Architecture and science managers
- 0213 - Computer and information systems managers
- 031 - Managers in health care
- 0311 - Managers in health care
- 041 - Managers in public administration
- 0411 - Government managers - health and social policy development and program administration
- 0412 - Government managers - economic analysis, policy development and program administration
- 0413 - Government managers - education policy development and program administration
- 0414 - Other managers in public administration
- 042 - Managers in education and social and community services
- 0421 - Administrators - post-secondary education and vocational training
- 0422 - School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education
- 0423 - Managers in social, community and correctional services
- 043 - Managers in public protection services
- 0431 - Commissioned police officers
- 0432 - Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers
- 0433 - Commissioned officers of the Canadian Armed Forces
- 051 - Managers in art, culture, recreation and sport
- 0511 - Library, archive, museum and art gallery managers
- 0512 - Managers - publishing, motion pictures, broadcasting and performing arts
- 0513 - Recreation, sports and fitness program and service directors
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