North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 3.0
- 71 - Arts, entertainment and recreation
- 711 - Performing arts, spectator sports and related industries
- 7111 - Performing arts companies
- 71111 - Theatre companies and dinner theatres
- 711111 - Theatre (except musical) companiesCAN
- 711112 - Musical theatre and opera companiesCAN
- 71112 - Dance companies
- 711120 - Dance companiesUS
- 71113 - Musical groups and artists
- 711130 - Musical groups and artistsUS
- 71119 - Other performing arts companies
- 711190 - Other performing arts companiesUS
- 7112 - Spectator sports
- 71121 - Spectator sports
- 711213 - Horse race tracksCAN
- 711214 - Other racing facilities and related activitiesCAN
- 711215 - Independent athletes performing before a paying audienceCAN
- 711217 - Sports teams and clubs performing before a paying audienceCAN
- 7113 - Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events
- 71131 - Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events with facilities
- 711311 - Live theatres and other performing arts presenters with facilitiesCAN
- 711319 - Sports stadiums and other presenters with facilitiesCAN
- 71132 - Promoters (presenters) of performing arts, sports and similar events without facilities
- 711321 - Performing arts promoters (presenters) without facilitiesCAN
- 711322 - Festivals without facilitiesCAN
- 711329 - Sports presenters and other presenters without facilitiesCAN
- 7114 - Agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers and other public figures
- 71141 - Agents and managers for artists, athletes, entertainers and other public figures
- 711411 - Agents and managers for artists, entertainers and other public figuresCAN
- 711412 - Sports agents and managersCAN
- 7115 - Independent artists, writers and performers
- 71151 - Independent artists, writers and performers
- 711511 - Independent visual artists and artisansCAN
- 711512 - Independent actors, comedians and performersCAN
- 711513 - Independent writers and authorsCAN
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