
Enumerated Value Domains and Lists
Non Enumerated Value Domains

  1. Accused-victim relationship (v 1) (CD Legal)
  2. Activity status (v 1) (CD Legal)
  3. Admissions to community supervision - Federal programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  4. Admissions to community supervision - Provincial programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  5. Admissions to custody - Federal programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  6. Admissions to custody - Provincial programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  7. Adult Custodial and Community Admissions to Federal Programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  8. Adult Custodial and Community Admissions to Provincial and Territorial Programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  9. Adult's status in correctional services (v 1) (CD Legal)
  10. Aggregate probation length ordered (v 1) (CD Legal)
  11. Approved Legal Aid Applications (v 1) (CD Legal)
  12. Arrears Status (v 1) (CD Legal)
  13. Beneficiary of maintenance enforcement program (v 1) (CD Legal)
  14. Change in Arrears Status (v 1) (CD Legal)
  15. Civil Court Activities (v 1) (CD Legal)
  16. Common Offence (v 1) (CD Legal)
  17. Community supervision for adults, federal programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  18. Community supervision for adults, provincial and territorial programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  19. Community supervision for youths, provincial and territorial correctional services (v 1) (CD Legal)
  20. Correctional services, community supervision for adults (v 1) (CD Legal)
  21. Correctional services, community supervision for youths (v 1) (CD Legal)
  22. Correctional services, custody for adults (v 1) (CD Legal)
  23. Correctional services, custody for youths (v 1) (CD Legal)
  24. Court Decisions (v 1) (CD Legal)
  25. Court events (v 1) (CD Legal)
  26. Court Matters (v 1) (CD Legal)
  27. Criminal and Civil Legal Aid Matters (v 1) (CD Legal)
  28. Criminal Code Violations (v 1) (CD Legal)
  29. Custodial supervision for adults, federal programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  30. Custodial supervision for adults, provincial and territorial programs (v 1) (CD Legal)
  31. Custodial supervision for youth, actual-in, provincial and territorial correctional services (v 1) (CD Legal)
  32. Custody length (v 1) (CD Legal)
  33. DELETED - Classification of sentence length ordered (v 1) (CD Legal)
  34. Duty Counsel Services (v 1) (CD Legal)
  35. Elapsed time from initiation to first disposition (v 1) (CD Legal)
  36. Enforcement Actions (v 1) (CD Legal)
  37. Firearms (v 1) (CD Legal)
  38. Fiscal years since case initiation (v 1) (CD Legal)
  39. Gang involvement (v 1) (CD Legal)
  40. Guilty cases, amount of fine (v 1) (CD Legal)
  41. Interjurisdictional support order status (v 1) (CD Legal)
  42. Issue(s) identified over length of family case (v 1) (CD Legal)
  43. Lawyers providing legal aid services (v 1) (CD Legal)
  44. Legal Aid Applications (v 1) (CD Legal)
  45. Legal type (v 1) (CD Legal)
  46. Length of time served in correctional service by youths (v 1) (CD Legal)
  47. Level of civil court (v 1) (CD Legal)
  48. Methods used to commit homicide (v 1) (CD Legal)
  49. Most serious offence (v 1) (CD Legal)
  50. Payment collection rate (v 1) (CD Legal)
  51. Perception of job being done by local police (v 1) (CD Legal)
  52. Police personnel (v 1) (CD Legal)
  53. Police-Reported Hate Crime (v 1) (CD Legal)
  54. Sentence length ordered or served (v 1) (CD Legal)
  55. Sentences, guilty cases (v 1) (CD Legal)
  56. Youth's status in correctional services (v 1) (CD Legal)
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