North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 1997

231 - Prime Contracting

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in constructing complete works, whether buildings or engineering works. Projects undertaken by these establishments typically have several components, varying proportions of which can be subcontracted to trade contractors or done by the establishment's own labour force.

Establishments in this subsector operate under a variety of contractual arrangements, and assume varying degrees of risk. General contractors bid on contracts let by principals; they assume responsibility for successfully completing the structure but not for its sale. Developers build on own account, that is, for sale, or for transfer to a real estate operating establishment of an integrated enterprise. This type of establishment is often known in the trade as an own-account or speculative builder. Construction managers are paid to manage a construction project on a fee-for-service basis.

Prime contractors may operate under standard contractual arrangements between client and builder, or may employ arrangements such as joint venture, design-build and turnkey. In all cases, establishments in this subsector primarily undertake or manage the construction activity, as distinct from doing design work, project financing, building operation or similar activities classified to other sectors.

Establishments primarily engaged in erecting prefabricated buildings on site, and establishments acting as the prime contractor on repair projects involving more than one construction trade, are also included in this subsector.

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 1997 - Classification structure
Code Industry group
2311Land Subdivision and Land Development Land Subdivision and Land Development
2312Building Construction Building Construction
2313Engineering Construction Engineering Construction
2314Construction Management Construction Management
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