Archived - Standard Industrial Classification - Companies and Enterprises (SIC-C) 1980
A - Food, Beverage and Tobacco
This industrial sector covers agricultural production; commercial fishing and fish processing; and processing and wholesaling food, beverages and tobacco products. Services related specifically to agriculture or fishing are covered here.
B - Wood and Paper
This industrial sector covers the flow of forest products from tree harvesting to the manufacturing and wholesaling of lumber, wood products and paper products. This sector also covers services related specifically to forestry.
C - Energy
This industrial sector covers the exploitation of energy-related resources and the production and distribution of fuels or energy.
D - Chemicals, Chemical Products and Textiles
This industrial sector covers the manufacturing or wholesaling of plastics, rubber, textiles, chemicals and chemical products. The wholesaling of agricultural chemical products is not covered in this sector but rather in Sector A - Food, Beverage and Tobacco.
E - Metallic Minerals and Metal Products
This industrial sector covers the flow of metallic minerals from the extracting, smelting and refining of ores to the fabricating and wholesaling of semi-finished or finished metal products.
F - Machinery and Equipment (except Electrical)
This industrial sector covers the manufacturing and wholesaling of machinery and equipment (except transportation equipment and electrical machinery). The manufacturing of transportation equipment is covered in Sector G - Transportation Equipment and of electrical machinery in industrial Sector H - Electrical and Electronic Products.
G - Transportation Equipment
This industrial sector covers the manufacturing, wholesaling or retailing of transportation equipment and parts including pneumatic tires.
H - Electrical and Electronic Products
This industrial sector covers the manufacturing and marketing of electrical and electronic products or in providing computer services. Marketing here refers to wholesaling and related service functions.
I - Construction and Related Activities
This industrial sector covers land development, general and special trade contracting, real estate operations and the wholesaling of building materials. General contracting here consists of the undertaking of complete projects which will cover all components varying proportions of which can be either sub-contracted to trade contractors or can be done by the general contractor's own labour force. The mining and manufacturing of non-metallic minerals and mineral products (except glass), the primary use of which is associated with construction activities, are covered here. Services incidental to building operations are also covered here.
J - Transportation Services
This industrial sector covers transportation and related services. Basically all modes of transportation are covered here. The transportation of oil and gas is covered in Subsector 10 - Petroleum and Natural Gas.
K - Communications
This industrial sector covers all communication media and information transmission including: printing and publishing; broadcasting and other telecommunication services; postal and courier services; and services incidental to communication.
L - Finance and Insurance
This industrial sector covers the re-allocation or facilitation of the re-allocation of funds among economic units. Insurance underwriters and agents are included here.
M - General Services to Business
This industrial sector covers the provision of services to business which are not identified with any particular sector. Specialized services closely allied to construction, transportation, etc. are covered in the appropriate sectors. While the services in this sector are used predominantly by businesses, institutions or governments they may also be utilized by individuals.
N - Government Services
This sector consists of groupings of government entities considered equivalent to companies primarily engaged in providing services of a governmental nature. Many government entities engage in activities which are also carried out by non-government companies and, as a consequence government companies are classified in the same industrial category as their non-government counterparts. There are four types of government entities covered in this sector:
(a) entities engaged in activities of a purely governmental nature - national defence, public order and safety, immigration services, foreign affairs and international assistance, and general services which cover government activities (e.g. legislatures; taxation, etc.);
(b) entities which direct, support, control and otherwise administer activities carried on largely, but by no means exclusively, by non-government entities. These activities can be grouped into those which relate to the maintenance and development of human resources and those whose primary concern is with economic development;
(c) all local and regional governments which engage in a wide range of government and non-government activities;
(d) International and Other Extra-Territorial Government Agencies.
O - Education, Health and Social Services
This industrial sector covers institutions, agencies and businesses primarily engaged in providing educational, health and social services.
P - Accommodation, Restaurants and Recreation Services
This industrial sector covers the provision of restaurant and accommodation services associated with living and dining away from home and of recreation and entertainment services through passive or active diversions.
Q - Food Retailing
This industrial sector covers the retailing of food.
R - Consumer Goods and Services
This industrial sector covers the production or distribution of consumer goods and services not elsewhere classified. Food processing, wholesaling or retailing are not covered here. Motor vehicle dealers are covered in 3041 - Motor Vehicle Dealers. Accommodation, restaurants and recreation services are covered in Sector P - Accommodation, Restaurants and Recreation Services.
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