Classification of Substance Use Disorders, Total Responses, Lifetime
1. - Alcohol abuse or dependence, life
'Alcohol abuse or dependence, life' includes persons who, at some point in their lifetime, classified as meeting the criteria for alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence is characterized by a recurrent pattern of use where at least three of the following occur in the same 12-month period: increased tolerance, withdrawal, increased consumption, unsuccessful attempts to quit, a lot of time lost recovering or using, reduced activities, and continued drinking despite persistent physical or psychological problems caused or intensified by alcohol. Alcohol abuse is characterized by a recurrent pattern of use where at least one of the following occurs: failure to fulfill major roles at work, school or home, use in physically hazardous situations, recurrent alcohol related problems, or continued use despite social or interpersonal problems caused or intensified by alcohol. By definition, respondents who meet the criteria for alcohol dependence are excluded from meeting the criteria for alcohol abuse. Whether or not the person met the criteria was determined by a modified World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO-CIDI). Mental conditions or problems were identified through a set of questions pertaining to the feelings, the symptoms, severity, the intensity and the impact relative to each of the disorders listed.
2. - Cannabis abuse or dependence, life
'Cannabis abuse or dependence, life' includes persons who, at some point in their lifetime, classified as meeting the criteria for cannabis abuse or cannabis dependence. Cannabis dependence is characterized by a recurrent pattern of use where at least three of the following occur in the same 12-month period: increased tolerance, withdrawal, increased consumption, unsuccessful attempts to quit, a lot of time lost recovering or using, reduced activities, and continued use despite persistent physical or psychological problems caused or intensified by cannabis use. Cannabis abuse is characterized by a recurrent pattern of use where at least one of the following occurs: failure to fulfill major roles at work, school or home, use in physically hazardous situations, recurrent cannabis related problems, or continued use despite social or interpersonal problems caused or intensified by cannabis use. By definition, respondents who meet the criteria for cannabis dependence are excluded from meeting the criteria for cannabis abuse. Whether or not the person met the criteria was determined by a modified World Health Organization Composite International Diagnostic Interview (WHO-CIDI). Mental conditions or problems were identified through a set of questions pertaining to the feelings, the symptoms, severity, the intensity and the impact relative to each of the disorders listed.
3. - Other drug abuse or dependence (excluding cannabis), life
'Other drug abuse or dependence (excluding cannabis), life' includes persons who, at some point in their lifetime, classified as meeting the criteria for other drug abuse or other drug dependence. Other drugs include substances such as club drugs, heroin, solvents, other illicit drugs and nonmedical use of prescription sedatives, analgesics, or stimulants. Other drug dependence (excluding cannabis) is characterized by a recurrent pattern of use where at least three of the following occur in the same 12-month period: increased tolerance, withdrawal, increased consumption, unsuccessful attempts to quit, a lot of time lost recovering or using, reduced activities, and continued use despite persistent physical or psychological problems caused or intensified by drug use. Other drug abuse (excluding cannabis) is characterized by a recurrent pattern of use where at least one of the following occurs: failure to fulfill major roles at work, school or home, use in physically hazardous situations, recurrent cannabis related problems, or continued use despite social or interpersonal problems caused or intensified by drug use. By definition, respondents who meet the criteria for other drug dependence are excluded from meeting the criteria for other drug abuse.
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