National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.1


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152 - Supply chain logistics, tracking and scheduling co-ordination occupations

This minor group includes shippers, receivers, storekeepers, partspersons, production logistics co-ordinators, purchasing and inventory control workers, dispatchers and transportation route and crew schedulers. They are employed by utility, manufacturing, construction, forestry and mining companies; retail, wholesale, commercial, industrial, transportation and other establishments; warehouses, repair shops and hospitals; printing and publishing companies; police, fire and other emergency services; taxi, delivery and courier services; and throughout the public and private sectors.

National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2016 Version 1.1 - Classification structure
Code Unit group
1521Shippers and receivers Shippers and receivers
1522Storekeepers and partspersons Storekeepers and partspersons
1523Production logistics co-ordinators Production logistics co-ordinators
1524Purchasing and inventory control workers Purchasing and inventory control workers
1525Dispatchers Dispatchers
1526Transportation route and crew schedulers Transportation route and crew schedulers
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