List of Components of Consolidated Production Account Revenue from Domestic Production

Classification structure

List of Components of Consolidated Production Account Revenue from Domestic Production - Classification structure
Code Title
1. Sales by business to persons
2. Sales by business to government, current expenditure
3. Sales by government to business
4. Sales by business to government, capital expenditure
5. Sales by business to government, investment in inventories
6. Sales by business to corporate and government business enterprises, investment in fixed capital
7. Sales by business to corporate and government business enterprises, investment in non-farm inventories
8. Sales by business to unincorporated business, investment in fixed capital
9. Sales by business to unincorporated business, investment in farm inventories and grain in commercial channels
10. Sales by business to non-residents
11. Purchases from non-residents
12. Sales by persons to persons of direct labour services
13. Sales by government to government, direct labour services on current account
14. Sales by government to government, direct labour services on capital account
15. Sales by government to government, consumption of capital
16. Statistical discrepancy
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