North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 2.0


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53 - Real estate and rental and leasing

This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting, leasing or otherwise allowing the use of tangible or intangible assets. Establishments primarily engaged in managing real estate for others; selling, renting and/or buying of real estate for others; and appraising real estate, are also included.

532 - Rental and leasing services

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing tangible goods, such as automobiles, computers, consumer goods, and industrial machinery and equipment, to customers in return for a periodic payment.

The subsector includes two main types of establishments:

* those that are engaged in renting consumer goods and equipment; and
* those that are engaged in leasing machinery and equipment of the kind often used for business operations.

The first type typically operates from a retail-like or store-front facility and maintains inventories of goods that are rented for short periods of time.

The latter type typically does not operate from retail-like locations or maintain inventories, and offers longer-term leases. These establishments work directly with clients by providing or arranging financing to enable them to acquire the use of equipment on a lease basis; or they work with equipment vendors or dealers to support the marketing of equipment to their customers under lease arrangements. Equipment lessors generally structure lease contracts to meet the specialized needs of their clients and use their remarketing expertise to find other users for previously leased equipment. Establishments that provide operating and financial leases are included in this subsector.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • leasing and providing loans to buyers of goods and equipment, or to vendors and dealers to finance their inventories (See 522220 Sales financing)
    • leasing real property (See 531 Real estate)
    • renting or leasing equipment with operators (classified in various subsectors of NAICS depending on the nature of the service provided)

5321 - Automotive equipment rental and leasing

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing vehicles, such as passenger cars, passenger vans, trucks, truck tractors, buses, semi-trailers, utility trailers and recreational vehicles (RVs), without drivers. These establishments generally operate from a retail-like facility; some offer only short-term rental, others only longer-term leases, and some provide both type of services.

53212 - Truck, utility trailer and recreational vehicle (RV) rental and leasing

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing trucks, truck tractors, buses, semi-trailers, utility trailers and recreational vehicles (RVs), without drivers.

532120 - Truck, utility trailer and recreational vehicle (RV) rental and leasingUS

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in renting or leasing trucks, truck tractors, buses, semi-trailers, utility trailers and recreational vehicles (RVs), without drivers.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • bus rental, without driver
    • motor home rental
    • rental of travel, camping, or recreational trailers
    • tractor rental (truck), without drivers
    • truck rental (except industrial), without drivers

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • leasing and providing loans to buyers of goods and equipment, or to vendors and dealers to finance their inventories (See 522220 Sales financing)
    • renting or leasing industrial trucks, such as forklifts, materials handling equipment, farm tractors and other industrial equipment (See 532490 Other commercial and industrial machinery and equipment rental and leasing)
    • renting or leasing mobile home sites (See 531190 Lessors of other real estate property)
    • renting recreational goods, such as pleasure boats, canoes, motorcycles, mopeds or bicycles (See 532280 All other consumer goods rental)
    • retailing vehicles commonly referred to as RVs through sales or lease arrangements (See 441210 Recreational vehicle dealers)
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