North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0


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772 - Architectural, engineering and related services

This group comprises architectural services; engineering services; surveying and mapping services; and other services related to architecture and engineering.

77211 - Architectural services

This class comprises architectural services, including the provision of architectural designs, plans and studies; advisory services; construction documents; construction contract administration; landscape architecture services; and urban planning services.

772111 - Architectural services for residential building projects

This subclass comprises architectural services for residential building projects, including the provision of architectural designs, plans and studies; advisory services; construction documents; and construction contract administration.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • architectural services for historical renovations (See 7721131 Historical restoration architectural services)

772112 - Architectural services for non-residential building projects

This subclass comprises architectural services for non-residential building projects, including the provision of architectural designs, plans and studies; advisory services; construction documents; and construction contract administration.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • construction management services (See 6721111 Construction services)

772113 - Historical restoration architectural services

This subclass comprises architectural services that incorporate legal requirements to preserve or restore the historic character of a building.

  • Exclusion(s)

    • construction management services (See 6721111 Construction services)

772114 - Architectural advisory services

This subclass comprises expert-witness services, and provision of advice, studies and reports, on architectural matters.

772115 - Landscape architectural services

This subclass comprises landscape architectural services for the design of the built landscape, including designs, plans and studies; advisory services; construction documents; and construction contract administration.

772116 - Urban planning services

This subclass comprises the provision of urban planning services that articulate public policies related to land use and development; design the urban environment of buildings, parks and infrastructure networks; create plans for land use; and provide a zoning framework within which plans for specific sites can be developed.

772117 - Project site master planning services

This subclass comprises services consisting in developing plans for a construction site showing the proposed location of buildings, roads, parking lots and other features.

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