Statistical Area Classification by Province and Territory - Variant of SGC 2016
13320 - Fredericton
1310026 - Bright
Place name(s)
- Brewer Mills
- Brewers Mill
- Brewers Mills
- Bright
- Cahill
- Central Hainesville
- Crocks Point
- Greenhill
- Greenhill Lake
- Howland Ridge Hill
- Jewetts Mills
- Keswick Ridge
- Lower Hainesville
- Mactaquac
- Mactaquac Heights
- McGinley
- McKeens Corner
- McKinley
- McKinley Ferry
- Middle Hainesville
- Morehouse Corner
- Scotch Settlement
- Sisson Settlement
- Tripp Settlement
- Upper Keswick
- Upper Keswick Ridge
- Veyseys
- Vinegar Hill
- York
- Zealand
- Zealand Station
1310034 - Devon 30
Place name(s)
- Devon 30
1310028 - Douglas
Place name(s)
- Apple Blossom Trailer Park
- Barton
- Birdton
- Boyds Corner
- Burtts Corner
- Cardigan
- Carlisle Road
- Chateau Heights Subdivision
- Clanfield
- Currieburg
- Deersdale
- Dorn Ridge
- Dorn Ridge Road
- Douglas
- Esteys Bridge
- Estey's Bridge
- Fredericksburg
- Fredericton
- Half Moon Cove
- Half Moon Pit
- Hamtown Corner
- Hayne
- Hurlett
- Hurlutt
- Jones Forks
- Keswick
- Kingsley
- Kingsley Road
- Lower Stoneridge
- MacLean Settlement
- McLeod Hill
- Mouth of Keswick
- Napadogan
- North Tay
- Pughs Crossing
- Rockland
- Royal Road
- Royal Road West
- Stone Ridge Settlement
- Stoneridge
- Sugar Island
- Tay Creek
- Tay Mills
- Tay Settlement
- Upper Stoneridge
1310032 - Fredericton
Place name(s)
- Barkers Point
- Cherry Bank
- Devon
- Doak
- Doak Settlement
- Douglas
- Fredericton
- Fredericton--Oromocto
- Garden Creek
- Glasier
- Killarney Road
- Lincoln
- Lower St. Marys
- Marysville
- Marysville Junction
- Morrison
- Nashwaaksis
- North Devon
- Oborne
- Salamanca
- Sandyville
- Silverwood
- South Devon
- Springhill
- St. Mary's 24
- Victoria Mills
- Youngs Crossing
1303004 - Gladstone
Place name(s)
- Gladstone
- Little Lake
- Three Tree Creek
- Tracyville
- Upper Tracy
- Vespra
1310017 - Hanwell
Place name(s)
- Birchwood Subdivision
- Brookdale Subdivision
- Carriage Hill
- Deerwood Subdivision
- Greenwood Trailer Park
- Hanwell
- Hanwell Hamlet
- Kingsclear
- Pinecrest Heights
- Somerset Park
- Starlight Village
- Yoho
1310005 - Harvey
Place name(s)
- Harvey
- Harvey Station
1310018 - Kingsclear
Place name(s)
- Anderson Subdivision
- Central Kingsclear
- French Village
- Island View
- Kelly Creek Subdivision
- Kingsclear
- Longs Creek
- Lower French Village
- Ludford Subdivision
- Mactaquac
- Mazerall Settlement
- Mazerolle Settlement
- New Market
- Newmarket
- Oswald Gray
- Smithfield
- Smithfield Settlement
- Valley View Estates
1310019 - Kingsclear 6
Place name(s)
- Kingsclear 6
1303008 - Lincoln
Place name(s)
- Camp Road
- Crown Subdivision
- Donjoy Estates
- Lincoln
- Lincoln Park Gardens
- Lower Lincoln
- Nevers Road
- Parkside Estates
- Roblyn Village
- Rusagonis
- Rusagonis Station
- Rusagonis-Waasis
- Sunpoke
- Tamarac Trailer Park
- Waasis
- Wilmots
1310004 - Manners Sutton
Place name(s)
- Acton
- Brockway
- Christie Ridge
- Coburn
- Cork
- Frog Lake
- Gass
- Harvey lake Shore
- Harvey Settlement
- Hurley Corner
- Little Settlement
- Lower Brockway
- Manners Sutton
- Middle District
- Patterson Road
- Prince William Station
- Roach
- South Tweedside
- Swans Shore
- Thomaston Corner
- Tweedside
- Upper Brockway
- Upper Mills
- Wilmot
- York Mills
1303016 - Maugerville
Place name(s)
- Barker
- Fredericton
- Maugerville
- Noonan
- Rear Maugerville
- Sunbury
- Upper Maugerville
1310001 - New Maryland
Place name(s)
- Beaver Dam
- Charters Settlement
- Forbes Subdivision
- Howarth Acres
- Nasonworth
- New Maryland
- Rooth
- Rooth Station
1310002 - New Maryland
Place name(s)
- Applewood Acres
- Centennial Heights
- Covered Bridge Valley Estates
- New Maryland
- Peterson's Trailer Court
- Sunrise Estates
- Wildlife Subdivision
1310021 - Queensbury
Place name(s)
- Bear Island
- Burden
- Day Hill
- Granite Hill
- Lower Caverhill
- Lower Line Queensbury
- Lower Queensbury
- McNallys
- McNallys Ferry
- Nackawic
- Queensbury
- Scotch Lake
- Springfield
- Staples Settlement
- Upper Bear Island
- Upper Caverhill
- Upper Hainesville
- Upper Queensbury
- Upper Springfield
- Wiggins Mill
1310031 - Saint Marys
Place name(s)
- Bantalor
- Covered Bridge
- Cross Creek Station
- Durham Bridge
- Evergreen Park
- Glencoe
- Kentville
- Lower Durham
- Lower Durham Road
- Manzer
- McElwain
- Mount Hope
- Nashwaak
- Nashwaak Bridge
- Nashwaak Village
- Nashwaak West
- Penniac
- Pepper Creek
- Pleasant Valley
- Ross
- Saint Marys
- South Portage
- Taymouth
- Upper Durham
- Upper Durham Road
- Upper Penniac
- Wellington
- Zionville
1303005 - Tracy
Place name(s)
- Klondike Settlement
- Tracy
- Date modified: