North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 1.0

22 - Utilities

This sector comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating electric, gas and water utilities. These establishments generate, transmit, control and distribute electric power; distribute natural gas; treat and distribute water; operate sewer systems and sewage treatment facilities; and provide related services, generally through a permanent infrastructure of lines, pipes and treatment and processing facilities.

221 - Utilities

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating electric, gas and water utilities. These establishments generate, transmit, control and distribute electric power; distribute natural gas; treat and distribute water; operate sewer systems and sewage treatment facilities; and provide related services, generally through a permanent infrastructure of lines, pipes and treatment and processing facilities.

2211 - Electric power generation, transmission and distribution

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in the generation of bulk electric power, transmission from generating facilities to distribution centres, and/or distribution to end users.

2212 - Natural gas distributionUS

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in the distribution of natural or synthetic gas to the ultimate consumers through a system of mains. Gas marketers or brokers, that arrange the sale of natural gas over distribution systems operated by others, are included.

2213 - Water, sewage and other systemsUS

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating water, sewage and related systems.

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