Classification of place of work status
1 - Worked at home (including farms)
This category includes persons whose job is located in the same building as their place of residence, persons who live and work on the same farm, and teleworkers who spend most of their work week working at home.
2 - Worked outside Canada
This category includes persons who work at a location outside Canada. This can include diplomats, Armed Forces personnel and other persons enumerated abroad. This category also includes recent immigrants who may not currently be employed, but whose job of longest duration during the reference period was held outside Canada.
3 - No fixed workplace address
This category includes persons who do not go from home to the same workplace location at the beginning of each shift. Such persons may include building and landscape contractors, travelling salespersons, independent truck drivers, etc.
4 - Worked at the address specified (usual workplace address)
This category includes persons who are not included in the categories described above and who report to the same (usual) workplace location at the beginning of each shift. Respondents are asked to provide the street address, city, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve, province/territory and postal code of their workplace. If the full street address was not known, the name of the building or nearest street intersection could be substituted.
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