North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002

3326 - Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing

This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wire products made from purchased wire.

33261 - Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing wire products made from purchased wire.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • drawing iron or steel wire (See 33111 Iron and Steel Mills and Ferro-Alloy Manufacturing)
    • drawing aluminum wire (See 33131 Alumina and Aluminum Production and Processing)
    • drawing copper wire (See 33142 Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding and Alloying)
    • drawing non-ferrous wire, except copper and aluminum (See 33149 Non-Ferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, Extruding and Alloying)
    • manufacturing electrical wire by insulating purchased wire (See 33592 Communication and Energy Wire and Cable Manufacturing)
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