North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002

311225 - Fat and Oil Refining and BlendingUS

This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing fats and oils by processing crude or partially refined oils, for example to deodorize them; or blending purchased fats and oils. Both edible and inedible products may be produced. Both animal and vegetable fats and oils may be used.

  • Exclusion(s):

    Establishments primarily engaged in:

    • manufacturing corn oil by wet corn milling (See 311221 Wet Corn Milling)
    • manufacturing vegetable fats and oils by crushing oilseeds (See 311224 Oilseed Processing)
    • manufacturing butter (See 311515 Butter, Cheese, and Dry and Condensed Dairy Products Manufacturing)
    • manufacturing lard (See 311614 Rendering and Meat Processing from Carcasses)
    • processing marine fats and oils (See 311710 Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging)
  • Example Activities:

    • Blending purchased fats and oils
    • Cooking oil, made from purchased fats and oils
    • Fats and oils, made from purchased fats and oils
    • Hydrogenating purchased oils
    • Lecithin, made from purchased oils
    • Linseed oil, made from purchased oils
    • Margarine (including imitation), made from purchased fats and oils
    • Margarine-butter blend, made from purchased fats and oils
    • Oils, cooking, made from purchased fats and oils
    • Re-refining purchased fats and oils
    • Shortening, made from purchased fats and oils
    • Tree nut oils (e.g., tung, walnut), made from purchased oils
    • Vegetable cooking and table oils, made from purchased oils
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