Variant of NAICS 2012 - Energy sector
41912 - Wholesale trade agents and brokers
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in buying and/or selling products, owned by others, on a commission basis. These establishments may be known as commission merchants, import agents or brokers, export agents or brokers, manufacturers' agents, purchasing agents, selling agents, and they may deal in any type of product. These establishments usually bring sellers and buyers together or undertake commercial transactions on behalf of a principal, without taking title of the goods bought or sold.
419120 - Wholesale trade agents and brokersUS
This Canadian industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in buying and/or selling products, owned by others, on a commission basis. These establishments may be known as commission merchants, import agents or brokers, export agents or brokers, manufacturers' agents, purchasing agents, selling agents, and they may deal in any type of product. These establishments usually bring sellers and buyers together or undertake commercial transactions on behalf of a principal, without taking title of the goods bought or sold.
Illustrative example(s)
- import-export agents and brokers, wholesale trade
- petroleum brokers, wholesale
- purchasing agents, wholesale trade
- acting as agents and brokers and wholesaling products, owned by others, using the Internet or other electronic means (See 419110 Business-to-business electronic markets)
- shipping agents (See 48851 Freight transportation arrangement)
- trading commodities and commodity futures, which are usually listed on a commodity exchange (See 5231 Securities and commodity contracts intermediation and brokerage)
- buying and selling insurance, on a commission basis (See 524210 Insurance agencies and brokerages)
- buying and selling real estate for others, on a fee or commission basis (See 53121 Offices of real estate agents and brokers)
- wholesaling merchandise on own account, merchant wholesaler-distributors (classified according to the merchandise line or lines sold by the merchant wholesaler-distributor)
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