Variant of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0 for Primary groupings
05 - Business, management and public administration
44. - Public administration and social service professions
This series comprises instructional programs that prepare individuals to analyse, manage, and deliver public programs and services.
44.05 - Public policy analysis
This subseries comprises instructional program classes 44.0501 to 44.0599.
44.0501 - Public policy analysis, general
This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues and decision processes. These programs include courses in the role of economic and political factors in public decision making and policy formulation; microeconomic analysis of policy issues; resource allocation and decision modelling; cost/benefit analysis; statistical methods; and applications to specific public policy topics.
Illustrative example(s)
- public policy
- public policy analysis
- cultural resource management and policy analysis(30.1202)
- education policy studies(44.0502)
- health policy(44.0503)
- international public policy(44.0504)
- natural resource management(03.0201)
- public administration(44.0401)
44.0502 - Education policy analysis
This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues related to education and educational systems at the local, provincial, national, and international levels. These programs include courses in social and cultural issues in education, contemporary educational policies, history of education, economics of education, international and comparative education, education and social change, educational research and evaluation methods, and applications to specific public policy topics.
Illustrative example(s)
- education policy studies
- educational policy
- educational policy analysis
- educational policy studies
- higher education policy(13.0406)
- public policy analysis(44.0501)
44.0503 - Health policy analysis
This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues related to domestic and international health and health care systems. These programs include courses in contemporary health issues and policies, politics and economics of health care delivery, epidemiology, public health, comparative and global health, medical law and ethics, statistical methods, and applications to specific public policy topics.
Illustrative example(s)
- health policy
- health policy analysis
- health care administration(51.0701)
- international public health/international health(51.2210)
- public policy analysis(44.0501)
44.0504 - International public policy analysis
This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy issues related to relationships among nations and among governments and non-governmental entities. These programs include courses in international politics, governance, financial policy, and security affairs; globalization; economic and social policies of developing nations; and applications to specific public policy topics such as labour and employment, immigration, and human rights.
Illustrative example(s)
- international public policy
- international public policy analysis
- international agriculture(01.0701)
- international business(52.1101)
- international development(45.0604)
- international economics(45.0605)
- international finance(52.0806)
- international law (except graduate level)(22.0101)
- international law (graduate level)(22.0209)
- international political economy(45.1004)
- international public health/international health(51.2210)
- international relations(45.0901)
- international studies(30.2001)
- international trade law (graduate level)(22.0210)
- public policy analysis(44.0501)
44.0580 - Cannabis-related public policy analysisCAN
This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the systematic analysis of public policy and health policy issues and decision processes related to cannabis. These programs include courses in cannabis health issues and policies; the role of economic and political factors in cannabis related public decision making and policy formulation; research, evaluation and analysis methods; statistical methods; and applications to specific cannabis policy topics.
Illustrative example(s)
- cannabis health policy
- cannabis health policy analysis
- cannabis policy
- cannabis policy analysis
- cannabis public policy
- cannabis public policy analysis
- cannabis-related health policy analysis
- cannabis-related public health policy
- cannabis-related public policy
- cannabis-related public policy analysis
- cannabis-related public health(51.2280)
- health policy analysis(44.0503)
- public policy analysis(44.0501)
44.0599 - Public policy analysis, other
This instructional program class comprises any program not listed above that relates to Public policy analysis.
Illustrative example(s)
- other public policy analysis
- environmental policy analysis(03.0201)
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