Variant of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0 for Primary groupings
10 - Health and related fields
30.37 - Design for human health
This subseries comprises instructional program class 30.3701.
31. - Parks, recreation, leisure, fitness, and kinesiology
This series comprises instructional programs that focus on the principles and practices of managing parks and other recreational and fitness facilities; providing recreational, leisure and fitness services; and the study of human kinesiology and fitness.
51. - Health professions and related programs
This series comprises instructional programs that prepare individuals to practice as licensed professionals and assistants in the health care professions and related clinical sciences and administrative and support services.
60. - Health professions residency/fellowship programs
This series comprises residency and fellowship programs that prepare dentists (DDS, DMD), nurse practitioners, pharmacists (PharmD), physician assistants, and veterinarians (DVM) for certification as practitioners of recognized specialties in their respective professions. These programs are approved and accredited by designated professional associations. Residency or fellowship programs that also result in the completion of an academic degree (e.g., MS, MSc, PhD), should be reported under the appropriate CIP code, rather than in a residency code located in Series 60.
61. - Medical residency/fellowship programs
This series comprises residency and fellowship programs that prepare physicians (MD), osteopathic physicians (DO), and podiatrists (DPM) for certification as practitioners of recognized medical specialties. These programs are approved and accredited by designated professional associations and require from one to seven years to complete, depending on the program. Residency or fellowship programs that also result in the completion of an academic degree (e.g., MS, MSc, PhD), should be reported under one of the clinical sciences codes located in Series 26. Biological and biomedical sciences or in subseries 51.14 Medical clinical sciences/graduate medical studies, rather than in a residency code located in Series 61.
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