Variant of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0 for Alternative primary groupings
- 06 - Physical and life sciences and technologies
- 40. - Physical sciences
- 40.06 - Geological and Earth sciences/geosciences
40.0605 - Hydrology and water resources science
This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the scientific study of the occurrence, circulation, distribution, chemical and physical properties, and environmental interaction of surface and subsurface waters, including groundwater. These programs include courses in geophysics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, chemical physics, geomorphology, mathematical modelling, hydrologic analysis, continental water processes, global water balance, and environmental science.
Illustrative example(s)
- hydrogeology
- hydrology
- water resources science
- hydrogeology and environmental science(30.4101)
- hydrological engineering(14.0802)
- marine resources management(03.0205)
- ocean engineering(14.2401)
- water purification(15.0506)
- water resources engineering(14.0805)
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