Variant of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0 for Alternative primary groupings

26.0911 - Oncology and cancer biology

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the scientific study of carcinogens; the onset of malignancy in cells, tissues, blood, and organs; the genetics of cancer; the anatomy and physiology of cancer cells; and the study of cancer behaviours and treatments. These programs include courses in gene expression; oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes; viral genes and cancer proliferation; regulation of signal transduction; cancer proteins; hormonal and growth factors in cancer cells; tumour promotion, progression, and metastasis; carcinogen receptors and metabolism; carcinogen ecology; immunological targeting; and studies of genetic, chemical, radiologic and other treatment therapies.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • cancer biology
    • oncology

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • oncology - fellowship(61.0813)
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