Variant of the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Canada 2021 Version 1.0 for Alternative primary groupings

26.0907 - Cardiovascular science

This instructional program class comprises any program that focuses on the scientific study of the structure and functioning of the heart, vascular system, and blood in animals and human beings and the disorders and diseases associated with the cardiovascular system. These programs include courses in cardiovascular physiology, blood physiology, vasculature, vascular metabolism, neural control of cardiovascular function, microvascular permeability and membrane transport, cardiac contraction mechanisms, homeostasis, and applications to topics such as arteriosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, vascular remodelling, transplantation, transfusion, and pacemakers and artificial organs.

  • Illustrative example(s)

    • cardiovascular science

    All examples

  • Exclusion(s)

    • cardiopulmonary technology(51.0915)
    • cardiovascular disease - fellowship(61.0804)
    • cardiovascular technician(51.0901)
    • pediatric cardiology - fellowship(61.1906)
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